my buzz & my blog
"When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world." George Washington Carver What is Social Entrepreneurship? Statement of Faith You can find other "Market with Meaning" but you definitely want to see "Profit with Purpose". I personally "Believe in Kingdom Transformation" because I know there is only ONE "Life for Significant". my facebook & my twitter & my linkedin
--- 2010年10月8日 星期五,Beyond Profit <> 寫道﹕
寄件人: Beyond Profit <> 主題: Beyond Profit E-Magazine: Issue 2 收件人: 日期: 2010年10月8日,星期五,下午7:01  | | | Oct 8-21, 2010 / Issue 2 beyond profit e-magazine | | FEATURE For over a billion poor people in the developing world, changing their relationship to the land they live upon could measurably improve their quality of life. In overlooking the role of land and land rights, have we neglected a key element in the fight to bring the poor out of poverty? |  | | ALSO IN THIS ISSUE | Can MFIs leverage their networks and relationships to enter the land rights space? | Peter Rabley, of International Land Systems, says identifying where people live is the first step. | Learn about organizations working to tackle issues related to land rights. | Providing legal land rights can empower women who are often excluded from the system. | Land rights is a complicated issue; further your understanding. | Are privately developed, rehabilitated slum communities really an upgrade? | | | |
About Us: Beyond Profit is the leading social enterprise e-magazine in the developing world offering news and analysis on entrepreneurs, investments, models and development innovation. This e-magazine is brought to you by Intellecap - a social investment advisory firm providing services to the for-profit development sector in areas such as microfinance, water, energy and education. |
Forward email | | | Beyond Profit | 512, Palm Spring, Link Road | Malad (West) | Mumbai | 400064 | India | |
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