轉寄︰ 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金呈獻:MaD@社企民間高峰會 | The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust Presents: MaD@Social Enterprise Summit
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寄件人︰ MaD - Make a Difference <auto@mad.asia>
收件人︰ Houghton Wan <incubator.hou@gmail.com>
傳送日期︰ 2012年10月12日 (週五) 4:29 PM
主題︰ 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金呈獻:MaD@社企民間高峰會 | The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust Presents: MaD@Social Enterprise Summit
寄件人︰ MaD - Make a Difference <auto@mad.asia>
收件人︰ Houghton Wan <incubator.hou@gmail.com>
傳送日期︰ 2012年10月12日 (週五) 4:29 PM
主題︰ 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金呈獻:MaD@社企民間高峰會 | The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust Presents: MaD@Social Enterprise Summit
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Please click here for English version. ![]() 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金呈獻: MaD@社企民間高峰會 2050年, 全球60歲以上的長者將達20億, 佔總人口22﹪。 這個新的人口結構將為現時的經濟、福利,以至整個社會體系帶來極大的挑戰。更重要的挑戰是我們能否以正面和創新的思維回應這狀況,把問題變成機會。 MaD @ 社企民間高峰會2012集合以社會創新回應人口老化的社會創業家、學者和願意變革和創新的你,不論年齡、專長、領域,一起探討“Smart Ageing”*。 創意產業。 *"Smart Ageing" 是一個由日本仙台市東北大學新創的詞彙。 主題演講: Smart Ageing之道:日本經驗 講者: 村田裕之教授以社會創新回應人口老化,創辦了多個極成功的社會企業。他將會分享”smart ageing”的概念,講解如何善用跨世代的環境,創造成功企業。 村田裕之教授 日本仙台市東北大學長者國際研究中心(SAIRC)教授 主題演講: 邁向超齡社會的新方向 講座: 給超齡社會的同理心設計 講者: Patricia MOORE 美國亞利桑納州立大學副教授(工業設計) Patricia MOORE被ID雜誌列為 “全球40位最具社會意識的設計師” 之一,她將會分享如何以創意達至smart ageing。 主持: 李欣琪博士 英國倫敦EXHIBIT at Golden Lane Estate 香港知專設計學院/ THEi訪問研究員 李欣琪博士從事設計研究及相關的社會行動,曾策劃多個與人口老化有關的創新計劃。她將分享其研究項目,並帶領參加者進行互動,讓大家以全新視角,迎接人口老化的契機。 備註:如有興趣參與此互動環節,請於報名表上的空格加上剔號。 日期: 2012年12月1日(星期六) 時間: 下午2時至6時 地點: 香港會議展覽中心Hall 5G 費用: 全日制學生$100(只參與此節活動), 持社企民間高峰會通行証者免費 MaD @社企民間高峰會2012: Smart Ageing為MaD(Make a Difference)活動。MaD由香港當代文化中心主辦,是一個亞洲平台,讓年輕人發現個人與社會的多種可能性,以創意為自己以至社會創不同。 過去兩年,MaD在社企民間高峰會中舉辦以年青人為對象的活動。今年,MaD將在高峰會的主舞台與參加者一起推動變革思維及分享創意動力! The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust Presents: MaD@Social Enterprise Summit By 2050, 2 billion people in the world will be over 60, making up 22% of the global population. Supporting this demographic structure with our current economic, welfare and social systems is obviously a big challenge – a bigger, or smarter, challenge is whether we can respond to ageing differently and turn this daunting problem into opportunity. Bringing together inspiring social innovators in ageing-related fields and creative participants from diverse age and backgrounds, MaD @ SES 2012 will be unprecedented – it is a cross-generational dialogue in search of synergies for “smart ageing”*. *"Smart ageing" is a term created by the Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. Keynote Speech: Smart Ageing Way: Japanese Experience Toward the Super Ageing Societies Speaker: Prof Hiroyuki MURATA Smart Ageing International Research Centre, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan Prof Murata, innovator of Japan’s top ageing-related social enterprises, will introduce the concept of “smart ageing” and share how he leverages intergenerational environments for entrepreneurial success. Keynote Speech: Get ready! Explore New Directions Towards Our Super Ageing Societies Speech: Empathic Design for Ageing Societies Speaker: Patricia MOORE Adjunct Professor (Industrial Design), Arizona State University Named by ID magazine as one of “The 40 Most Socially Conscious Designers in the World,” MOORE will share her creative approach to smart ageing. Facilitator: Dr Yanki Lee EXHIBIT at Golden Lane Estate, London, UK Visiting Fellow, Hong Kong Design Institute/ THEi, Hong Kong Dr Yanki LEE, design researcher/activist spearheading innovative engagement and research projects on ageing, will show you how we can look at ageing differently through a sharing on her research and a series of interactive activities. Remarks: If you would like to take part in this interactive session, please tick the specified box on the registration form. Date: 01.12.2012 (Sat) Time: 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM Venue: Hall 5G, HKCEC, Wanchai Admission: FREE for SES pass holder, HKD 100 for full-time students attending this single session MaD @ SES 2012: Smart Ageing is a MaD (Make a Difference) programme. Organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Contemporary Culture, MaD is an Asian platform for young people to rediscover themselves and society, and make good use of creativity for positive personal and social change. Having taken part at SES as a youth track in the past two years, MaD is happy to take center stage and share our changemaking mindset and creative energy with all SES participants.
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