
轉寄︰ Thanksgiving Reflections from John Mulford

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寄件人︰ Regent Center for Entrepreneurship <bhoffman@regent.edu>
收件人︰ Friend <incubator.hou@gmail.com>
傳送日期︰ 2012年12月4日 (週二) 9:14 PM
主題︰ Thanksgiving Reflections from John Mulford

Thank you for your prayer, time, and financial gifts to the Regent Center for Entrepreneurship in 2012. Join the vision for 2013! Donate today. Having trouble viewing this email? View it in your browser.
Dear Friend,

  As I reflect on Thanksgiving, I am warmed with thanks for everyone who has joined with Regent Center for Entrepreneurship in transforming people and nations through business this year.

  Your prayer, time, and financial gifts brought transformation directly to hundreds, and indirectly to thousands of people in more than a dozen nations in Europe, Africa and Asia. 

  Here are a few stories to give you a sense of the personal transformation that results from RCE’s work:

You helped transform Jacques and Hamim who are now transforming the lives of youth in Rwanda through the Dreamteam Football Academy.  The business and life purpose skills they acquired from the Business Development Center (BDC) helped them shape and grow the Football Academy.  Jacques and Hamim teach excellence in football, but more importantly, they train young men in life skills.  They are succeeding on both fronts.  Their U-18 team made the finals of the Edilfitiri Cup. Two of their players have been drafted by the national team.  Tigo (a Rwandan cell phone company) recognized their vision and promise by awarding them first prize in its Social Entrepreneurship competition—a 3-year, $75,000 grant. These are just two of the 150 BDC Rwanda graduates , just over 50% of whom have started or grown a business as a result of the training.
You are helping to transform the nation of India. Based on the success of BDC Rwanda, we licensed the concept to a team of Americans in Bangalore, India.  They just graduated their second cohort of entrepreneurs and are already seeing fruit.  Meet Morné, an entrepreneur in BDC Bangalore’s first cohort and owner of Cape Clean PVT. LTD.  An expert in high ropes work, he has contracts with hotels and IT parks to clean their windows and building exteriors.   His passion is helping young men escape poverty and lead successful lives.  He currently employs 70 and has more work than he can handle.  Already the BDC has benefitted him.  He just hired five people from one member’s church.
God has given us a big vision for 2013.  We plan to:
  • Hire a Kingdom-minded national director for BDC Rwanda to expand the program offerings and test ideas for use in other BDC’s.
  • License up to a dozen new BDC’s in Africa, Asia, South America and the U.S.A.
  • Launch a Franchising Major in Regent University’s MBA program that will prepare graduates to operate a franchise, build a multi-unit organization, or franchise a new concept, both in the U.S. and internationally
  • Share the fruit of past investments, such as the training of entrepreneurs in Ukraine, Bulgaria, Belarus, Moldova, and Bosnia which have developed from the Center we helped launch in Ukraine in 2007
  • Continue to lead movements in Entrepreneurship Education, Kingdom Impact Investing, and Business as Mission.
This dream is too large to accomplish without God’s extravagant provision. When you donate to the Regent Center for Entrepreneurship, transformation happens for entrepreneurs, business leaders, and students around the world.

  God has opened so many doors for RCE that we believe He will also raise up a team of supporters to fund the vision.  We need an army of transformers to extend God’s Kingdom throughout the world.  Please consider joining the Visionaries Circle with a $50 monthly donation or a $600 one-time gift. As a member of the Visionaries Circle, you will be recognized on our website, receive a monthly transformation profile highlighting one of the many people that have been impacted by your gift, and a 15% discount on all trainings offered through the Center for Entrepreneurship.

  We are looking for a core team of 50 leaders who will give $5,000 per year for the next five years.  By committing to this level, you will join our Legacy Circle. As a member of the Legacy Circle, you will receive all the above benefits as well as an invitation for our semi-annual Legacy Days, where you will hear from transformative speakers and enjoy networking with others who share your vision of the world. Additionally, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that your financial gift is bringing Kingdom transformation around the world.

Donate Today
Thanks again for your financial gifts, prayers, and volunteer time this year. God is doing incredible things through us.

  I pray that you will flourish in all aspects of God’s abundance this season and for the years to come.

With much gratitude,

John Mulford
Director, Regent Center for Entrepreneurship

  P.S. If you know anyone who would be interested in our mission and activities, please consider sharing this email with them.

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