E+Co partners with the BiD Network to launch the Energy Challenge E+Co is supporting an Access to Clean Energy Challenge, a business plan competition for entrepreneurs that deliver access to clean energy in developing countries. Entrepreneurs participating in this challenge have the chance to receive coaching, feedback and support in writing a complete business plan. Business plan finalists will win a trip to the Netherlands to meet investors and business partners, gain access to over 100 investors interested in financing businesses in developing countries, and get expert advice while starting your business. The Access to Clean Energy Challenge is organized by the BiD Network, and supported by FMO. E+Co is the lead investment partner and looks forward to receiving lots of great business plans to consider for financing (in our countries of operation). www.bidnetwork.org/cleanenergy Entrepreneurs in East Africa have the chance to participate in a separate East Africa Access to Clean Energy Challenge, which is supported with EUR 500,000 in investment matching funds by E+Co partner GVEP International, Barclays and Jump Up. These grant funds will be used to attract additional investment into the winning enterprises in East African focus countries. E+Co will be involved in coaching finalist entrepreneurs and in assessing the suitability of their business plans for investment. www.bidnetwork.org/cleanenergyafrica | Application deadline is January 15, 2010.
| | LGT Venture Philanthropy Foundation seeking fellows for its innovative iCats program!The iCats Program was designed by LGT Venture Philanthropy, an E+Co peer in Europe, to bridge the gap between philanthropic organizations/social enterprises in need of professional know-how and resources, and business professionals with the desire to apply their knowledge and experience to benefit the social sector, thus acting as "impact catalysts". Much the same as E+Co provides business development support to clean energy entrepreneurs, iCats fellows will share business know-how with a wide variety of social enterprises. Learn more about the call for fellows here. |
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| E+Co registers carbon offsets with the Gold Standard As the second organization ever to register carbon dioxide offsets from cookstoves, E+Co is pleased to announce that it has successfully registered carbon offsets generated by two cookstove companies in Africa with premium offset certifier, the Gold Standard.Read more about E+Co's carbon and cookstoves on the Next Billion Blog.
| E+Co CEO Christine Eibs Singer speaks at the Clinton Global Initiative Conference
For a third year in a row, E+Co's commitment to clean energy development was recognized at the Clinton Global Initiative Conference (CGI) held September 22-25 in NYC. Unlike past years, however, E+Co CEO Christine Eibs Singer spoke at this year's event. Read more. | My Summer with E+Co Amrita Kumar, a graduate student at the University of Michigan, worked as a summer associate for E+Co in West Africa. I spent this past summer as an E+Co intern working on carbon finance in Mali and Ghana. For close to three months we relentlessly questioned the entrepreneurs, interviewed experts, and talked with employees, industry actors and customers. We poured over the business financials, the processes, revenue models, market data, the technical manufacturing processes and the carbon finance potential of both businesses. The ambiguity of working in West African markets made this assignment frustrating but just as equally rewarding. Read on. | E+Co trains officials in Botswana on behalf of the UNFCCC  Director of E+Co Business Innovation Unit, Kofi Nketsia-Tabiri, traveled from South Africa to Botswana to train public officials on proposal preparation and presentation in Gaborone, Botswana on September 2-3, 2009. The training was created based on the 2006 UNFCCC commissioned guidebook written by E+Co's Phil LaRocco and Maria Salinas. Learn more.
| Access to Energy for the Base of the Pyramid
Ashoka and Hystra profile E+Co in a new report assessing best practices in energy provision in developing countries.Check out the video introduction and report here. | |
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