"When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world." George Washington CarverWhat is Social Entrepreneurship?--- 2009年10月22日 星期四,Social Enterprise <socialenterprise@se-livewire.com> 寫道﹕
寄件人: Social Enterprise <socialenterprise@se-livewire.com> 主題: Show me the money - social entrepreneurs pitch for £20m 收件人: incubator.hou@gmail.com 日期: 2009年10月22日,星期四,下午11:21 click here to see all our lovely images in your browser |
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| Good Deals pitchers bid for £20m
Four social enterprises will next week be pitching for investment totalling almost £20m. more... |
| Bumpy start for Future Jobs Fund The first month of the government's Future Jobs Fund has seen mixed results for social enterprises with bureaucratic delays for some leading to concerns that their reputations will be damaged. more...
| Social enterprise has only 'scratched the surface', says Bland in final weeks The Social Enterprise Coalition (SEC) and the social enterprise movement need to do more to have a greater impact in the UK. more... | |
| Welfare should be in the hands of social enterprises, says think tank Welfare needs to be taken out of the hands of bureaucrats and put into the hands of social enterprises and profit-making companies, according to an independent think tank. more...
| 100th vote triggers social enterprise shopping challenge
He has got 100 people to vote on his idea and now Alex Sobel, general manager of Social Enterprise Yorkshire and Humber, must complete the challenge of spending one month purchasing exclusively from social enterprises. more...
| It's been a packed week at Social Enterprise, so go to www.socialenterpriselive.com for more news including: Guinness offers a stout donation to Irish social entrepreneurs , CDFA’s new chair aims to ‘reshape financial landscape’ , Young social entrepreneurs thrive thanks to uni support and £5m funding for online social entrepreneurs
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| The bottom line...
| The boss of a social enterprise that helps young people find work has warned that current government initiatives will not curb rising youth unemployment. more... |
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| Social Enterprise Livewire is sponsored by Markel, specialist insurance providers to the sector. Markel are a long established insurance underwriter who have provided insurance for both commercial and not-for-profit organisations for a number of years. Our Social Welfare Insurance is particularly suited to social enterprises as each risk is written on its individual merits and our bespoke insurance arrangements are complemented by risk management support services. © Social Enterprise Magazine 2009 Social Enterprise LIVEWIRE is produced by London Fields Publishing on behalf of Social Enterprise. No part of this publication may be produced in any material form (including photocopying it or storing it in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright owner except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 6-10 Kirby Street, London, England, EC1N 8TS. Applications for the copyright owner¹s written permission to reproduce any part of this publication should be addressed to the publisher. The registered office of London Fields Publishing is 15 Clifton Road, London N22 7XN. Company registered in England no. 4219483 |
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