
FYI: Social enterprises to be paid by results under Tories

"When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world." George Washington Carver

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--- 2009年10月9日 星期五,Social Enterprise <socialenterprise@se-livewire.com> 寫道﹕

寄件人: Social Enterprise <socialenterprise@se-livewire.com>
主題: Social enterprises to be paid by results under Tories
收件人: incubator.hou@gmail.com
日期: 2009年10月9日,星期五,下午6:35

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Social Enterprise Livewire
09 October '09

It's been quiet in the office this week as our reporters headed to Australia and Manchester to bring you the news from the Social Enterprise World Forum and Tory conference.

Tory conference: Social enterprises to be paid by results under Tories

WORLD FORUM: Government-backed social enterprises doomed to fail, says Aboriginal leader

Tory conference: Edinburgh CIC inspired Tory policy

Tory conference: May outlines third sector social services role

WORLD FORUM: Collective buying could put wind in sails of Scots communities

and The bottom line: The sky's the limit for young people - and the Tories agree!

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Tory conference

Tory conference: Social enterprises to be paid by results under Tories

Social enterprises being paid for successfully delivering public services without central or local government intervention would be the 'hallmark' of a Conservative government, Oliver Letwin said.

WORLD FORUM: Government-backed social enterprises doomed to fail, says Aboriginal leader

Social enterprises set up by governments as part of welfare programmes will fail, according to Jason Eades, co-chair of the Victorian Aboriginal Development Group.

Tory conference: Edinburgh CIC inspires Tory policy

The Conservative party this week said it would be learning about how to get young people into employment by following the model of an Edinburgh-based social enterprise.

Tory conference: May outlines third sector social services role

Shadow secretary of state for work and pensions Theresa May believes social enterprises have a part to play in delivering social services through personal budgets.

WORLD FORUM: Collective buying could put wind in sails of Scots communities

There is a 'big opportunity' in Scotland for community enterprise thanks to the growing renewable energy sector.

More top stories on www.socialenterpriselive.com
Read our Social Enterprise World Forum Oz Blog

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The bottom line...

Jack Graham has learned many lessons about how to drive forward social change. These all come together in his latest role with the Learning Launchpad fund at the Young Foundation.

Social Enterprise Livewire is sponsored by Markel, specialist insurance providers to the sector. Markel are a long established insurance underwriter who have provided insurance for both commercial and not-for-profit organisations for a number of years. Our Social Welfare Insurance is particularly suited to social enterprises as each risk is written on its individual merits and our bespoke insurance arrangements are complemented by risk management support services.

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