Top 10 Social Entrepreneurship Blogs
Whilst writing a comment on a blog about blogs (and whether they are useful social entrepreneurship resources), I listed a few blogs that I find useful as a resource, as places of debate, or for inspiration. And then it occurred to me that it might be useful to share them.
There is a widely-circulated list of the top 50 social entrepreneur blogs here, but only 2 were UK-based (this SSE blog and Rod Schwartz's below). Mine's UK-focused, but includes some relevant international blogs as well. Cue the music, and in no particular order:
1) The Social Business - Rob Greenland's take on the UK scene is arguably the best in our sector, consistently prompting debates and giving real insights
2) Rod Schwartz / ClearlySo's Social Business Blog - One of the most influential reads in the sector, always writing with full honesty, and challenging the norms
3) Beanbags and Bullshit - David Floyd with a real practitioner's take on things; new-ish, but high quality writing and thought thus far
4) Social Enterprise Ambassador blogs - the Social Enterprise Ambassadors are some of the UK's leading social entrepreneurs, and they've been writing posts more regularly; an enlightening and entertaining mix; (Craig Dearden-Phillips blogs in his own right on his Naked Entrepreneur blog too)
5) Social Entrepreneurship on Nathaniel Whittemore writes this and writes it bloody well; consistently interesting, illuminating and with high quality content; US-based, but looking outwards
6) Allison Ogden-Newton's blog - CEO of Social Enterprise London gives it straight in a new, promising blog
7) Social Catalyst - Todd Hannula writes great content; it's a little intermittent at times (hey, it happens to us all), but liking how the new site gives routes into content from previous posts; well worth reading
8) Social Edge blogs - cheating slightly here, but Social Edge hosts a whole load of interesting blogs; have a browse and see what takes your fancy from a US-heavy / international development lot; Forging Ahead and Kiva Chronicles are popular
9) How to Change the World - Guy Kawasaki's blog is very well-known and widely-read; about entrepreneurship rather than social entrepreneurship, there's nevertheless some great stuff here
10) Bubb's Blog - Stephen Bubb, CEO of ACEVO, writes the most talked-about blog in the third sector: entertaining, unashamed and gossipy, it's a good place to get a sense of what's happening in the sector, particularly in the public service delivery / social investment / government space
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