Dear Oikocredit friend, Oikocredit looks at more than just the financial bottom line when financing a project partner to reduce poverty. High on the list of importance is our environment. In this edition of the Ezine, we look at three Oikocredit project partners who pride themselves in using eco-friendly methods and helping poor entrepreneurs at the same time. Spread the word about socially responsible investment by forwarding this Ezine to those who may be interested in what Oikocredit does.
In practiceAustralia: The bare necessities It was a light-bulb moment when two Australian entrepreneurs envisaged a for-profit company that could also improve the lives of people living in poverty. Off-grid power company Barefoot Power was born after Harry Andrews and Stuart Craine decided to produce safe, affordable lighting for the poor. The Oikocredit equity partner provides safe and affordable lighting systems to the poor, and encourages small entrepreneurs to sell their products. | |  |
Read more… Philippines: One coconut at a time  | | When Juan Marquez came up with the concept of 1M Agro-Fuel, the aim went beyond traditional business. Not only did the project need to be profitable, it had to be sustainable, create opportunities for local employment and be in tune with the environment. Juan found the solution among the masses of rotting coconuts polluting the waterways of the Philippines. |
Read more… Bolivia: Preserving the environment and the community For the Bolivian company of Guaguazú S.A, the sustainable use of the native Cusi Palm is the key to success. Guaguazú employs mainly indigenous women from the Guarayos region, who work in the gathering and processing of the Cusi nut. The objective of Guaguazú S.A. is to develop a sustainable industry around the fruit of the Cusi Palm in the small regions of Guarayan and Chiquitana in Santa Cruz. |  |
Read more… Latest deals Bulgaria - PERELIK - € 100,000 The credit cooperative of Perelik supports projects of small agricultural producers in the rural areas of Bulgaria. Perelik is situated in the town of Smolyan, in a mountainous region of Centralni Rhodopi. The Oikocredit loan will be distributed among the present 569 cooperative members. About 37% of the cooperative members are women. An additional € 100,000 loan was also approved with funding from the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC); funds which are under management by Oikocredit. Read more on the SDC fund. India - DRISHTEE - € 361, 000 (25,000,000 INR) Drishtee Foundation is a non-profit organisation that engages in rural entrepreneurship development, micro finance, rural health, rural education and establishment of rural retail shops. Drishtee's franchise network serves nearly 6,000 villages in 10 Indian states, with a strong focus on the northern and north-eastern states. Colombia - VIRMAX - € 137, 223 (USD 200,000) Virmax is a private company that exports high quality Colombian coffee and works with 27 small Colombian coffee grower associations from the departments of Huila, Tolima and Cauca. The associations have between 60 and 500 members. As of May this year, the company is buying directly from around 2,000 small coffee growers - of which about 15% are women. Senegal - FCCMS - € 2,000,000 (1,311,914,000 XOF) FCCMS (Federation des Caisses du Credit Mutuel du Senegal) is made up of 86 saving and credit affiliates with almost 290,000 registered members. By providing small loans and other financial services, FCCMS gives clients the opportunity to generate income, help their families and create a more vibrant small-business sector in Senegal. Read more…
Facts and FiguresFacts & Figures - as per 30 SeptemberNew loans* | € 83.9 million | Total projects | 780 | Active countries | 69 | People reached by MFI partners | 17.5 million | *approved loan or equity amount January - September 2009 Read more…
Corporate News- Dutch government subsidy for Central America and the Dominican Republic
- Oikocredit thinks green
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