"When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world." George Washington Carver What is Social Entrepreneurship? Statement of Faith You can find other "Market with Meaning" but you definitely want to see "Profit with Purpose". I personally "Believe in Kingdom Transformation" because I know there is only ONE "Life for Significant". --- 2010年2月2日 星期二,Beyond Profit <adrienne.villani@intellecap.com> 寫道﹕
寄件人: Beyond Profit <adrienne.villani@intellecap.com> 主題: Radar: The Beyond Profit Newsletter 收件人: incubator.hou@gmail.com 日期: 2010年2月2日,星期二,下午10:17 |  | | | | Testing Entrepreneurial Mettle Saying that we love the Unreasonable Institute may be an understatement. We've known them from the beginning. Lindsay, Managing Editor of Beyond Profit, is one of their mentors. So is Pawan, one of the Co-Founders of Intellecap, our parent company. We are a pipeline partner to help them attract some of the world's most high-impact young social entrepeneurs. They were an early advertiser in Issue 2 of Beyond Profit. And finally, Teju Ravilochan, Co-Founder & Connections Extraordinaire of the Unreasonable Institute, contributed a fabulous article entitled "It Takes a Village: Testing the Village Capital Hypothesis" to Issue 3 of Beyond Profit. As you can see, saying that we love them is indeed an understatement.  And so, we'd like to take this opportunity to let you know that thirty-five young entrepreneurs will vie for twenty-five spots in the ten-week Unreasonable Institute, a Boulder-based incubator. These young entrepreneurs hail from 16 countries, and they target issues ranging from the rehabilitation of former child soldiers in Liberia to the use of agricultural waste to produce energy in Bangladesh. The mentor-intensive Institute has developed an unusual way to involve the world in selecting its twenty-five entrepreneurs while admitting them free of charge, testing their entrepreneurial ability, and covering its costs of operations. It's an online platform called the Unreasonable Finalist Marketplace, where the 35 finalists in the Unreasonable Institute's selection process can showcase their ventures. People from around the world then vote with their dollars on the most viable ventures for creating social and environmental impact. The first twenty-five ventures to raise $6,500 on this marketplace are the ones selected to attend the Unreasonable Institute. Why this $6,500? Well, the program costs the Unreasonable Institute $6,500 per entrepreneur. Because $6,500 is not affordable to young entrepreneurs from all geographies, to ensure the programs affordability while recovering costs, the Unreasonable Institute team turned to the idea of "crowd-sourcing" as modeled by Kickstarter. Kickstarter is an online platform for enterprising artists to raise funds for their early-stage projects by soliciting small contributions from hundreds of sponsors - limiting how much a sponsor can give each week. Adopting this model enables the Unreasonable Institute to have its cake and eat it too. "We charge our entrepreneurs $6,500 without allowing them to pay it," says Epstein. "We instead ask them to demonstrate their entrepreneurial ability by galvanizing the financial support of hundreds of people through the Marketplace." We think this is an unbelievable model, truly pathbreaking. In a sector that is constantly searching for the next best thing, this may be it. It equalizes the playing field. It allows young entrepreneurs to demonstrate their entrepreneurial prowess and dedication to their cause. It leverages social media. It is an excercise in both mobilizing the power of your idea and storytelling abilities as well as in galvanizing both your current supporters and those who you haven't yet reached. In a society that is practically obsessed with micro-philanthropy, the potential is limitless. With the low price tag to participate, a low barrier to entry, if you may, it has the potential to attract many people to social enterprise. Get both your grandma and your gardener to give. And after that, they too will have heard of social enterprise. Talk about building the ecosystem. Here's a 1-minute YouTube video that gives you the low-down on the marketplace. - Adrienne Villani | Sankalp Corner: Book Box Travel Another India works in partnership with NGOs, community-based organizations, village communities, and social entrepreneurs in setting up responsible tourism ventures that are owned and managed by village communities. Through capacity building, livelihood generation, and ownership of local stakeholders and through the emphasis they place on green education, TAI generates economic, social, and environmental impact. View the Travel Another India video from Sankalp 2009 | Beyond Profit Issue 3: Fresh off the Press Chid Liberty: The Juggler Chid Liberty is a juggler. In addition to being a finance guru and an entrepreneur, he presides over a four-pronged hybrid social enterprise that does work on two continents - providing fair trade- certified garments to retailers in the US and giving women good jobs in Liberia. Recently, Sustainable Global Sourcing, the for-profit company based in the US, received its first private label order from a major retailer. Beyond Profit asked Liberty about the challenges of keeping everything moving. Visit our blog for the full article. Subscribers, once you've seen the issue, we'd love to hear your opinions. They help us improve. Take a quick feedback survey here or email us at ideas@beyondprofit.com. If you'd like to become part of the growing group we call "subscribers," please click here. And, you can now have new Beyond Profit blog posts delivered directly to your inbox. Visit www.beyondprofit.com to sign up. | Where You Can Find Us... The Social Enterprise Conference at Harvard Business School and Harvard Kennedy School Feb 27-28, Cambridge, Mass, USA "Redefining Service for the 21st Century." Over the last decade, the word "service" has become multi-dimensional, stretching beyond basic volunteering to encompass fields like microfinance and corporate social responsibility, among others. This year's theme highlights the emerging trends in social enterprise that benefit society through the public, private, social, and non-profit means. The Social Enterprise Conference is one of the world's leading forums to engage in dialogue on social enterprise and debate with leaders from across the world. Over time, the Conference has become the arena to explore revolutionary ideas that challenge the prevailing status quo and inspire a call to action.  April 26-27, Portland, OR, USA ReVisioning Value 2010: A Conference at the Intersection of Purpose and Profit will bring together leaders from impact investing and social innovation to share how new models for both are increasing the flow of capital to the creation of a more just and sustainable world. Be there to inform and inspire those interested in financing change through social investing, learn how to create new kinds of change organizations, from non-profits to social businesses, and create new tools, formats, and structures for social action.  April 28-30, San Francisco, CA, USA The growth of social enterprise has the potential to be a defining innovation of this century. Don't miss the Social Enterprise World Forum advocating increased social impact through social enterprise. Join over 500 social entrepreneurs in San Francisco to advocate the wider use of social enterprise approaches, to learn, to grow, and to be inspired. | | |  | Beyond Profit, a new social enterprise magazine, presents the stories, people, and ideas behind social ventures by bringing you first-hand insights and expert commentary. | | | | |  | | You are subscribed as incubator.hou@gmail.com. To unsubscribe please click here. 

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