"When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world." George Washington CarverWhat is Social Entrepreneurship?Statement of Faith You can find other "Market with Meaning" but you definitely want to see "Profit with Purpose". I personally "Believe in Kingdom Transformation" because I know there is only ONE "Life for Significant". --- 2010年4月14日 星期三,Beyond Profit <adrienne.villani@intellecap.com> 寫道﹕
寄件人: Beyond Profit <adrienne.villani@intellecap.com> 主題: Radar: The Beyond Profit Newsletter 收件人: incubator.hou@gmail.com 日期: 2010年4月14日,星期三,下午10:08 |  | | | View this email as webpage April 13, 2010 Thanks to ShoreBank, This Week's RADAR Sponsor! For nearly 40 years, ShoreBank has been redefining what's possible for our customers and our communities. In this moment of economic challenge, ShoreBank is offering two FDIC-insured solutions that earn safe, competitive rates for you, and save jobs and homes for families who need it most. To open a ShoreBank Direct Online Savings Account or ShoreBank Community Leadership CD, visit www.sbk.com/sbk2010 or call 1.800.669.7725 and reference promo code SBK2010. Together, let's redefine what's possible. | | Romanticizing Social Entrepreneurship The truth of the matter is that entrepreneurship is hard. It's really hard. Venturing out on your own. No steady stream of income. No way to know that your idea will be the one that works, not the one that fails. No stability. No demarcation between life and work. People constantly questioning your progress. You get the picture. It's hard. Despite this, entrepreneurship, and particularly social entrepreneurship, are in vogue. They are cool. Everyone wants a piece of the action. What is cooler than chasing your dreams and having a social impact? No one is ever going to accuse you of selling out to the machine, of being a slave to the man. Instead, you are going to sit with your MacBook, in your Ray-Bans and Birkenstocks, eating organic dried fruit, and bring affordable drip irrigation to 5 million indian farmers in the next three years. Yep, that is what you are going to accomplish. No sweat. Yet it is increasingly becoming clear to me that this is the western conception of entrepreneurship, the view in the hallways of western universities and western corporations. Romanticized. The holy grail of individuality, of being your own person, of choosing your own path. And this is where the stories are coming from. In the east (yes, India is the east!), there is no such romantic vision of entrepreneurship. No one coming out of business school wants to chance this life of instability. Instead, they want to join the most lucrative graduate scheme - Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, ICICI Bank. Their families will be happy because they will be professionals, something to brag about back home. No way does any Indian mother want to say "My son's an entrepreneur." She wants to say "My son's a banker/doctor/lawyer/engineer." She wants a son who she can marry off. This is the reality. So, are we even having the same conversation? Do we need to be having two conversations? Is one somehow applicable to the other? Or not? Maybe we need to begin the dialogue anew, starting from the different cultural conceptions of entrepreneurship. And only then can we chart the way forward. - Adrienne Villani Photo Credit: RC Designer | Sankalp 2010: On the Radar! Have you registered for Sankalp 2010? If you are even remotely interested in the social enterprise and social investment space in India, then Sankalp 2010 is the place to be. At no other time or place will you find so many people gathered together (about 400 social investors and entrepreneurs) to talk about innovation in social enterprise!v To many, Sankalp 2009 signified that, in India, there was finally a critical mass around the idea of using business to do good. Sankalp 2010 will most definitely build on that. A buzzing confluence of some of the most dedicated and seasoned minds in social business, Sankalp will provide a vital springboard for enterprises looking to establish themselves and scale up. This year's event includes online networking, interactive sessions, enterprise showcase stalls, videos, and of course the Sankalp Awards, which are across sectors, including agriculture, food, and rural business; clean energy; inclusive education; health, water, and sanitation; and technology for development. We hope to see you at Sankalp 2010! We'll be there! Will you? Early bird registrations are now open until April 15 at www.sankalpforum.com! | Beyond Profit Issue 4: Fresh Off The Press We hope you enjoy the new issue of Beyond Profit - fresh off the press! We just completed our first survey of social enterprise in India, and in the new issue we have uncovered some interesting results about legal structures, profitability, and hurdles. What came as a surprise is that the majority of the respondents - nearly 125 entrepreneurs - were middle-aged and 67% of them have an advanced degree! Meanwhile, in our provocative cover story, we ask, What's Wrong with Being Poor? Later, we take you to Dharavi, India's largest slum, and share perspectives on the community's redevelopment. We also explore Indian philanthropy, Thrust Funds, Artisanal Products, Doubters of Scale, and more! | Where You Can Find Us...  April 14-18, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA The Global Engagement Summit (GES) is a five-day training conference for students committed to global change. Delegates will come together to understand the challenges of and opportunities for their engagement; to hone the skills and mindsets that will enable them to better plan, execute, and participate in change-based projects; and to connect with like-minded peers from around the world. We are super excited that Northwestern multi-media journalists will be conducting Beyond Profit "On the Spot" interviews on-site with many of the GES participants. Watch out for them on our blog in April!  April 21-22, Mumbai, India A focused and sharp, boutique event, the Green Investment Congress India is designed to bridge the gap between investors, fund managers, solution providers, project developers, and entrepreneurs to push the industry forward. It will be a true opportunity to network with the best minds in the Green landscape and to push forward growth stories in the sector, in which investment is expected to exceed $226 billion by 2016.  April 26-27, Portland, OR, USA ReVisioning Value 2010: A Conference at the Intersection of Purpose and Profit will bring together leaders from impact investing and social innovation to share how new models for both are increasing the flow of capital to the creation of a more just and sustainable world. Be there to inform and inspire those interested in financing change through social investing, learn how to create new kinds of change organizations, from non-profits to social businesses, and create new tools, formats, and structures for social action.  April 28-30, San Francisco, CA, USA The growth of social enterprise has the potential to be a defining innovation of this century. Don't miss this international forum advocating increased social impact through social enterprise. Join over 500 social entrepreneurs in San Francisco to advocate the wider use of social enterprise approaches - to learn, to grow, and to be inspired. | | |  | Beyond Profit, a new social enterprise magazine, presents the stories, people, and ideas behind social ventures by bringing you first-hand insights and expert commentary. | | | | |  | | You are subscribed as incubator.hou@gmail.com. To unsubscribe please click here.  
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