"When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world." George Washington CarverWhat is Social Entrepreneurship?Statement of Faith You can find other "Market with Meaning" but you definitely want to see "Profit with Purpose". I personally "Believe in Kingdom Transformation" because I know there is only ONE "Life for Significant". --- 2010年4月30日 星期五,Social Ventures Australia <info@socialventures.com.au> 寫道﹕
寄件人: Social Ventures Australia <info@socialventures.com.au> 主題: Social Ventures Australia e-newsletter 收件人: "incubator.hou@gmail.com" <incubator.hou@gmail.com> 日期: 2010年4月30日,星期五,上午9:00 If you are having problems viewing this email, view the | In this ‘Heart of the Matter’ article, former Youth Liaison Officer with Echuca police, Allan Pankhurst, tells the story of the impact that SVA venture partner, the Beacon Foundation, has had on this small rural community on the NSW and Victorian border.Following the introduction of the Beacon program at local high schools in 2002, Allan identified a reduction in the crime rate amongst young people, as well as an overall turnaround effect on youth problems in the region.Read his account of the journey experienced by the community . As part of SVA’s commitment to encourage increased transparency and improved accountability in the social sector, SVA has joined forces with the Centre for Social Impact (CSI) and PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation to increase awareness of Social Return on Investment (SROI) in Australia. This new partnership aims to develop a greater understanding of best practice in impact measurement, improve decision making of philanthropic foundations and individuals, encourage transparency amongst non-profit organisations and social enterprises in reporting their impact and develop an Australian SROI network. In addition to providing training to practitioners and consultants in SROI, it will link emerging SROI practice in Australia into international best practice. Find out more or sign up for regular updates from the . SVA continues to support and invest in sustainable social enterprises with the selection process for identifying suitable social enterprises to support through a number of different projects well under way. ‘Supporting Social Enterprises Project’ funded by the Australian Government’s Jobs Fund initiative is focused on supporting and investing in social enterprises that are creating meaningful employment opportunities for those disadvantaged in the labour market in three local areas - Logan and Ipswich in Queensland, and the western suburbs of Sydney. SVA is also working on the implementation of two projects in Queensland with the support of the Queensland Government. The ‘Youth Enterprises Partnership Project’ will fund the establishment of two social enterprises in Brisbane and Townsville that specifically target young people aged between 15 and 18 who have either recently entered the youth justice system and are at risk of reoffending or are homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless. Meanwhile, the ‘Queensland Inclusive Social Enterprises Project’ will support the development of social enterprises that are focused on employing people who have been long-term unemployed due to mental health issues.The enterprises SVA will work with will receive important support, such as mentoring and networking opportunities, as well as investment. This wrap round support is vital to help these enterprises progress to the next stage in their development. Read more about how SVA supports social enterprise . Member of the SVA Leadership Council Bob Bryan has had an illustrious commercial career as founder of Queensland Gas Company and PanAust Limited. Following the sale of his commercial interests, Bob has turned his energy to philanthropy, establishing the Bryan Foundation as well as the Bryan Research Centre within the University of Queensland.In this ‘Heart of the Matter’ article, Bob reflects on the experiences associated with taking a structured approach to gifting through the establishment of a Private Ancillary Fund (PAF). Read . | | Quick Links: First School for Social Entrepreneurs launches in Melbourne. Get your school involved as School Aid launches the inaugural ‘Kids Helping Kids Awards’. Youngcare responds to community feedback launching a new and much needed counselling and referral helpline service – Youngcare Connect. SVA Consulting provides professional guidance to non-profit organisations and funders Learn about the individuals involved in the governance and advisory structures of SVA. | | | | If you have not already subscribed to this newsletter and wish to do so, please click . If you no longer wish to receive the newsletter from Social Ventures Australia, please click . If you no longer wish to receive any emails from Social Ventures Australia, please click . Your privacy is important to us. Please review our Privacy Policy at: | | 
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