"When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world." George Washington CarverWhat is Social Entrepreneurship?Statement of Faith You can find other "Market with Meaning" but you definitely want to see "Profit with Purpose". I personally "Believe in Kingdom Transformation" because I know there is only ONE "Life for Significant". --- 2010年5月12日 星期三,Beyond Profit <adrienne.villani@intellecap.com> 寫道﹕
寄件人: Beyond Profit <adrienne.villani@intellecap.com> 主題: Radar: The Beyond Profit Newsletter 收件人: incubator.hou@gmail.com 日期: 2010年5月12日,星期三,上午1:52 |  | | | View this email as webpage May 11, 2010 Please Join Us for Our Inaugural Webinar: The Social Enterprise Landscape in India A Deep Dive into the Results of Beyond Profit's First-Ever Social Enterprise Landscape Survey This spring, Beyond Profit launched a large-scale survey of social enterprises and the people who lead them in India. The survey was designed to better understand who these social entrepreneurs are, and learn more about their business structure, financial viability, challenges, and their core values and motivation to work in this rewarding, but often challenging field. Explore the results by tuning into our inaugural webinar on Thursday, May 13 at 10am IST to find out more! It is being held in conjunction with Enterprising.IN. We'll keep the session interactive, with plenty of time for audience participation. | | Is "Employership" the New Sexy? At Sankalp 2010, Lindsay Clinton, Editor of Beyond Profit, moderated a panel entitled "The New Face of Indian Social Enterprise - Activism, "Employership," and Intrapreneurism." Being on her team, I got a sneak peak of what the panel would cover a few days before. I have to admit, I was baffled by this term, "employership." I didn't know if I was stupid for not having heard of it or what. Turns out, she made it up. But, I think it'll stick. By the definition she gave, "employership" is starting an organization for the sole purpose of creating jobs. We've been saying for awhile that we need to make social enterprise sexy. And these days, at least in India, it isn't quite yet sexy to say you want to be a social entrepreneur. But, what if, in a status-based society such as India, you said you wanted to create jobs? What would happen? Would people bite, so to speak? I think the term makes sense. But I would heed everyone to proceed with caution. I don't think that any organization that creates jobs can be termed a social enterprise. In the example cited, Infosys creates 44 jobs a day. But they are serving a different demographic. Not those living on less than US$2 per day. They probably aren't recruiting people who would otherwise be in the unorganized sector or who wouldn't be employable at all. They are still recruiting the educated class of India. What is important to emphasize is that "employership" is about creating jobs for people who wouldn't have one otherwise. And let's face it, with the current demographics, India needs to be creating tons of jobs, every month, week, day, and hour. So back to the sexy quotient - it's very different to tell you friends (and particularly family) that you're about to create 100 jobs rather than just saying "I'm about to start an enterprise that helps the poor." It's tangible. People know what you are doing. So this leads me back to the title, is "employership" the new sexy? - Adrienne Villani | Behind the Numbers: the Social Enterprise Landscape in India With a population over one billion, the challenges that India faces are numerous, and the state is not necessarily prepared or equipped to solve all of these problems. New solutions to bridge the gaps are developing within local communities and are being led by leaders with innovative solutions and big dreams to take their models to the masses. These social entrepreneurs, passionate leaders driven by the urge to create meaningful change, are developing new ways to solve some of these problems. This spring, Beyond Profit launched a large-scale survey of social enterprises and the people who lead them in India. The survey was designed to better understand who these social entrepreneurs are, and learn more about their business structure, financial viability, challenges and their core values and motivation to work in this rewarding, but often challenging field. The results are fascinating. The data reveals the profile of social entrepreneurs in India, the time of life that they decide to take on the role of "changemaker," the path that led them to take the leap into this space, and the challenges they see ahead. And we also explore the way their enterprises are financed, and determine where there are still funding gaps that the right investors may be able to fill. Want the details? Visit our website to buy the survey report TODAY! | Sankalp 2010: Meet the Winners! Today, Cynthia Shanmugalingam writes on CNNGo, about Sankalp 2010, "This crowd was meeting up to change the world, using sharp business sense and professional values." Her words ring true. And the entrepreneurs who participated in the Sankalp Awards are doing the most to embody this world-changing attitude. To get a sense of the work being done, have a look at the Sankalp winners. Take Artin Dynamics, one of the few companies in India working solely in artificial intelligence. Their product, SPARA, curbs the 97% of power loss that is caused by machines left in standby and off-mode while also controlling run-time power loss. Or Shree Kamdhenu Electronics, which has created an end to end solution for milk cooperatives to improve efficiency, transparency, and quality of milk collection. Or Aakruthi Agricultural Associates of India, which promotes agri-knowledge centers that provide information services to the farmers at their doorsteps. For the full list of winners, visit the Sankalp site. | Where You Can Find Us...  May 13-15, London, UK SHINE is an event by social entrepreneurs for social entrepreneurs, and we can't wait to participate! This week in London, everyone in the social entrepreneur community will come together to be part of the sector's growth. Beyond Profit will be previewing some of our major new research on Indian social enterprise in SHINE's International Hour - which is hosted by Ashoka and i-genius, the world community of social entrepreneurs, who will be sharing insights on their members in some 90+ countries. The session is a great opportunity to hear about projects going on around the world and to connect with other social entrepreneurs working internationally. | | |  | Beyond Profit, a new social enterprise magazine, presents the stories, people, and ideas behind social ventures by bringing you first-hand insights and expert commentary. | | | | |  | | You are subscribed as incubator.hou@gmail.com. To unsubscribe please click here.  
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