"When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world." George Washington CarverWhat is Social Entrepreneurship?Statement of Faith You can find other "Market with Meaning" but you definitely want to see "Profit with Purpose". I personally "Believe in Kingdom Transformation" because I know there is only ONE "Life for Significant". --- 2010年6月9日 星期三,ClearlySo <newsletter@clearlyso.com> 寫道﹕
寄件人: ClearlySo <newsletter@clearlyso.com> 主題: News from ClearlySo 收件人: incubator.hou@gmail.com 日期: 2010年6月9日,星期三,下午10:40 You're receiving this email because you are subscribed to receive social business updates from ClearlySo. You may unsubscribe if you no longer wish to receive our emails. ClearlySo newsletter June 2010 | Keeping you informed about the social business and enterprise sector, and ClearlySo's progress. | Dear Houghton, As summer arrives here's what we've got this week: - Applications are open for our next social investment speed dating event.
- Get up to date on all the latest goings on in the world of social enterprise
- Finally, here's an intriguing conference being planned by one of ClearlySo's members.
Read on and enjoy! Tom and the ClearlySo team P.S. Please forward this to anyone you think would be interested, and help us raise the profile of our member businesses.  |
Social investment speed dating: 8th July
| Here at ClearlySo we're sensitive people. We know there's a World Cup going on, so we've gone to extraordinary lengths to make sure our next social investment speed dating event does not clash with any England game. Yes - we've scheduled it for after the first knock-out round!As usual the format is wonderfully simple. Social businesses have three minutes to pitch their idea to potential investors who then have three minutes to ask any relevent questions. The next event will be held on 8th July, between 6pm and 9pm at the Hub in Kings Cross. Unfortunately space is limited. We only have enough room for 10 social businesses, so book now to avoid disappointment. |
| | Focus on... social innovation
| Can businesses do good but make money at the same time? It's a difficult question, but one conference is looking to provide an answer. Hosted by Wavelength the Business of Social Innovation will seek to highlight the work being done by those corporations looking to combine both their business interests and a desire to generate social good. Attending the event will be representatives from all sorts of organisations including Emmanuel Marchant, CEO of Danone Communications and Mike Barry, head of sustainable business at Marks & Spencer. It promises to be a fascinating event. For more information, check out the Wavelength website. |
Join the conversation
| ClearlySo offers you the chance to get involved. You can join the conversation in any way you see fit. Read our blogs, follow us on Twitter or see all sorts of photos and videos on our Facebook page. Whatever your comments we'd love to hear from you. |
Featured term from the glossary
| Blended Value Proposition The idea that the value generated by any organisation (both for-profit and non-profit) is financial, social and environmental and that these three constituents of value are indivisible from one another. Therefore, when an investor thinks about creating value through investment, they must take all three constituents into account.More glossary terms |
Monthly milestones: Scale versus quality
| There are all sorts of exciting things happening in the world of social enterprise. Here's our pick of the most interesting stories of the last two weeks. This month:- Should the social enterprise sector start forgetting about scale and focusing more on quality?
- Fox Business discovers the idea of business with social meaning in this great video.
- The Financial Times runs through the runners and riders for the Sustainable Bank of the Year Award.
Featured ClearlySo Member
| Here at ClearlySo we're constantly amazed by the work being done by our members, so we thought we'd start shedding light on who they are and what exactly they do. This month we're looking at Ethical Superstore.comAs the name suggests this is an ethical department store. As well as selling lots of high quality ethical and fair trade goods it also works to enhance good causes ranging from local community groups to actions looking to have an impact on a global scale. Like any business, the Ethical Superstore has to cope with the recession. To achieve its goals and emerge as strongly as possible in the recovery it is now looking for finance to the tune of £500 000 to help spur it on into the future. Find out more at our members' profile pages or visit the Ethical Superstore yourself. | 1153 companies now listed on ClearlySo | It's onwards and upwards here at ClearlySo. Membership continues to grow. At the last count we had 1158 members listed on our site and counting. Here are just some of the fantastic benefits all our members can achieve.
- Raise their profile
- Save money on professional services
- Get exposure to new sources of capital
- Meet and learn from other socially-oriented businesses
- Get 10% off our annual social business conference and other selected events.
- Post jobs for free
And it's very easy to join us. Alternatively check out our FAQ page to learn more. Well, that's all for now. Thank you very much for reading and please do come to www.clearlyso.com to explore the world of social business and enterprise!All the best,Tom and the ClearlySo team
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