Social Enterprise Coalition activity  New home for SEC! The Social Enterprise Coalition has moved! We have found a new office space at CAN Mezzanine in East London that not only suits our needs better, but allows us to become part of a social enterprise community. CAN Mezzanine is an award-winning, self sustaining social enterprise providing space, services and products to support the Third Sector. Our new address is: CAN Mezzanine 49 - 51 East Road London N1 6AH E-mail addresses and telephone numbers for all staff members will be staying the same to help us avoid losing touch with any members or supporters! We're looking forward to continuing our work with you from our new location and to welcoming you to Old Street when you next visit SEC. If you have any questions about the move please contact our office manager James Hughesdon at From Future Jobs Fund to the Work Programme As a result of the Government’s May 2010 announcement on efficiency savings, no further bids to the Future Jobs Fund are being accepted. The Future Jobs Fund intended to create up to 111,000 additional jobs by March 2011, mainly for 18–24 year olds who have been out of work for six months. The Department for Work and Pensions have stated that there may be further opportunities to contribute as the Government’s ‘Work Programme’ to tackle unemployment is rolled out. The Social Enterprise Coalition is interested to learn of your experiences of delivering jobs through the Future Jobs Fund scheme. Please let us know your story, particularly: - What has worked best with the Future Jobs Fund?
- What successes have been achieved?
- What has worked less well?
- What proportion of the jobs created through the Future Jobs Fund will be sustained beyond the initial six month period or result in other paid employment? (Please provide further details).
- What lessons can be learned that can inform how social enterprises are positively engaged in future schemes?
Please send your responses to by 25 June. Latest Social Enterprise Business Support Programme newsletter published The latest edition of the Social Enterprise Business Support Programme newsletter is now available. You can view the all previous editions of the mailing at the archive on the Coalition website. To join the mailing list for future editions sign up here. Knowledge Sharing Workshop on Business Support Projects 12 July Birmingham The Social Enterprise Coalition is running a FREE Knowledge Sharing Workshop on business support projects, for the delivery partners of the Capacitybuilders' Social Enterprise Programme. The event will be an opportunity for project managers to meet and network; to share expertise and experiences from the projects so far. It will also be an opportunity to join in conversation on the current challenges facing the social enterprise business support landscape and how these can be planned for and overcome. Peter Holbrook will be speaking at the event on the importance of investment in social enterprise business support and there will be opportunities for focused discussions on specific areas of business support - such as impact assessment; franchising, consortia development, peer-to-peer and networks. The event has been organised by SEC as part of their Capacitybuilders funded National Knowledge Management Programme. For more information please contact the SEC Events team on 0207 793 2525 or 0207 793 2319. News Winners of the first ever RBS SE100 Index announced Last night a special celebration was held at the Garden Museum in London to announce winners of the first RBS SE100 Awards and to launch the RBS SE100 Data Report, which reveals the first year of results from the first ever index tracking the growth of social businesses in the UK. Eleven organisations had been short-listed from 350 social enterprises across the UK for the prestigious titles of Growth Champion, Impact Champion and Trailblazing Newcomer won by Mow & Grow, (pictured receiving their award) FRC Group and Create Fondation CIC respectively. They will share £25,000, 25 days business consultancy and the growth and impact winners will also receive free trips to next year's Social Enterprise World Forum in South Africa. The RBS SE100 Data Report reveals that the top 100 social enterprises in the index grew on average by 78.63 per cent in the year ending March 2010, illustrating tremendous growth in the sector over the past year. Speakers at the event last night included civil society minister Nick Hurd and Peter Holbrook, CEO of the Social Enterprise Coalition. as well as TV entrepreneur Doug Richard and Ian Cowie, CEO, Business and Commercial Banking at RBS. To learn more about the index champions, view the SE100 films or download the RBS SE100 Data Report go to Social enterprises can sign up for the second year of the RBS SE100 Index now at For more information see the news story on the BBC website Marking three incredible years of the Ambassadors Programme The Social Enterprise Ambassadors programme was established in 2007 as a three year programme to drive awareness and encourage more people to start up, work for, buy from and partner with social enterprise. From new initiatives with the Ministry of Justice, Young Enterprise, and O2, to job swaps with MPs and CEOs in the world of finance, the Ambassadors have pioneered a truly unique programme. This summer the programme will complete its remarkable run. The Ambassadors, as well as the individuals and organisations they have reached, will be working together over the next few months to ensure that the achievements, projects and partnerships that have come out of the programme will be carried forward. This will culminate in an event in September, to mark the programme’s completion. The programme will also be carrying out an independent evaluation in order to capture key learnings and evidence of impact. The Ambassadors as individuals and as spokespeople for social enterprise have been on an incredible journey together. They will all continue to be passionate advocates for social enterprise, using their stories to inspire and motivate others to join our movement. If you have met or worked with any of the Ambassadors over the last three years, we would love to hear about your experience. Email with your story. SEL demonstrates recent success with Future Jobs Fund The success of the Future Jobs Fund was demonstrated this week when Gavin Ramsey, a previously unemployed young person from Haringey, was offered a job following his employment under the scheme. Gavin, 24, has spent the last six months working for Four Corners Film, an arts and media social enterprise based in Tower Hamlets. He accessed the Future Jobs Fund through Social Enterprise London, which is running a successful programme providing 500 disadvantaged young people with jobs in London's burgeoning social enterprise movement. The aim of the programme, which is called London's Future 500, is to inspire the next generation of social entrepreneurs. It was announced by the Coalition Government this month that the Future Jobs Fund will not accept any further applications, but that existing programmes, including London's Future 500, will continue as planned. For more on this story visit the Social Enterprise London website Hundreds sign-up for collective action on Greener Together Hundreds of individual co-operative members across the country are signing up each week in support of Greener Together - the co-operative way - a major project which encourages and supports individuals to overcome the barriers of lifestyle change and live in a more sustainable way. Ed Mayo, Secretary General of Co-operatives UK, said: "It is fantastic to see so many co-operatives from all sections of the co-operative movement signing up to the project and individual members pledging to reduce their environmental impact in the three key areas of energy, waste and personal transport. "A total of 44 co-operatives including consumer, worker and housing have already signed up to the project and the numbers are growing!" Co-operatives UK is looking for 50 co-operatives and community owned enterprises across England to take part in the project and will support them all in their quest to become greener and reduce their carbon footprint. Events Inspire Shropshire 2010 - Harnessing the power of social enterprise 18 June Shropshire Shropshire's first ever social enterprise conference, taking place in Craven, will offer a full day programme of workshops, advice surgeries, exhibitors, resources and speakers. The keynote speech will be provided by Peter Holbrook, CEO of the Social Enterprise Coalition. Cost: £30 per delegate Trade stands - £10 per 2m x 2m space for local social enterprises Booking is essential as places are limited. To attend the conference as a delegate or to book a trade stand for your enterprise please complete a booking form available at the South Shropshire Furniture Scheme website. Roundtable series for Third Sector Leaders July London These are increasingly uncertain times for the third sector. With a new-commissioning environment, an untested coalition government and £6bn of public cuts already announced, social enterprises will not be alone in looking for collaboration to help be more successful in more frugal circumstances. Eastside Consulting in partnership with ACEVO will be holding a series of roundtables at the beginning of July for leaders in civil society. This is the first of a number of events they will be hosting to encourage a real ‘how-to' understanding of achieving greater long-term sustainability. See the Eastside Consulting events page for further information or contact Alex Scott Tonge at or on 0207 770 6145 Walking the green talk Often organisations think they aren’t big enough/don’t have enough resources/are too busy doing the day job to cover salaries to think about the green agenda. Forster, a communications consultancy, focused on delivering social and environmental change has experienced first-hand the financial advantages of being green – particularly pertinent in these straightened times - when organisations are looking for ways to gain competitive advantage. As well as saving thousands of pounds, the real business benefits of embedding a culture of sustainability include staff recruitment and retention, improved employee mental and physical well being and increased productivity. In July, Forster is running a breakfast briefing about how to encourage employees to take environmental action – based on a common sense commitment to creating policies, putting them into practice and working beyond mere compliance, in order to bring about tangible benefits. If you would like to attend, please contact Supporters Direct Annual Conference 2010 - Join the Debate 12 - 13 June London Supporters Direct's Annual Conference takes place this weekend offering sessions on football finance and a debate about the future of football with Club Chairmen, campaigners from Supporters' Trusts and political thinkers. On day two delegates will hear from Ed Mayo, CEO of Co-ops UK, and have the opportunity to meet supporters' trust activists from across the movement. To find out more about the event, including how to book, visit the website. London Rebuilding Society: Finance Plus + Free Information sessions and training courses for social entrepreneurs Financing your enterprise 23 June London This session will look at the flows of money in a business, the difference between capital and revenue, and what sources of finance there are to help you. We will then look at what you need to give investors, lenders, and grant-funders, as evidence that your enterprise will be sustainable and profitable. Finance Skills for Business Planning 6 - 27 July This course is aimed at anyone who is setting up or managing an enterprise. It will help you to demonstrate to others, such as potential investors or lenders, your directors or management committee, but above all to yourself, that the business will survive and be profitable, and how the cash will flow. The course is arranged as four half-day sessions. It is free to attend but there is a refundable deposit of £50 to ensure attendance so that places are not wasted. For more information and to register to attend please email, or telephone 020 7682 1666. Resources Third Sector Excellence Awards Social enterprises are being urged to enter the Third Sector Excellence Awards, the annual awards for voluntary and non-profit organisations run by Third Sector. One of the 23 awards is specifically for social enterprises and is designed to reward organisations that have increased their income or become more effective through innovations in their business model. Last year’s winner in this category was Riders for Health, which provides effective transport for health workers in Africa. Judges called it “a star of the global social enterprise movement.” Social enterprises are also eligible for the other awards categories, which include brand development, website, financial management and best employer. Entries should be made online at The deadline is Thursday 17 June. NHS Cross-Regional Strategic Health Authority Social Value Project The 10 Strategic Health Authorrities (SHAs) of England, led by NHS North West, have commissioned work to develop a suite of best practice social value commissioning tools and techniques across the NHS and Social Care. This involves the research, testing and development of a multi-dimensional framework to guide commissioners on ways of releasing maximum social and public value from NHS and related investment. For more information on this project visit the website. HSBC Start-Up Stars Awards The deadline for nominations to the HSBC Start-Up Stars Awards is just days away. If you know a business that deserves national recognition you have until Sunday 13 June to put their name forward. Now in their tenth year, the Awards celebrate the achievements of the best new entrepreneurial talent in the UK including the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. Over the next five months, the judges will sift through the nominations to find the most inspiring young business in each of ten UK regions. Find out how to nominate a start-up business that inspires you. Member profile Website of the Fortnight Social Enterprise London Social Enterprise London has recently unveiled its brand new homepage. The redesign has introduced more social media and video content to the site and draws in news and opinon from across the social enterprise movement. New features include latest social enterprise related Tweets, latest news from Social Enterprise Live and links to some of the key social enterprise blogs - including that of SEC CEO, Peter Holbrook. Visit the website to see what else the redesign has to offer. Jobs Advertise and search for jobs on the number one social enterprise job pages. Social Enterprise Coalition members get great deals on advertising rates and it's easy to get your job uploaded to allow you to focus on running your business. For more information email James at or visit our job pages. Back to the top |
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