September 2010NEW STAFF TO INCREASE MEMBER SUPPORT For 18 months we have been trying to find the resources to move up to the next level and provide the resources and support our Partners and Members need and deserve. We also need to grow TBN to increase impact on poverty and to be fully financially self sustainable ourselves. We are very pleased to announce that Harrison Brown has been appointed Operations Manager from 13 September. He will be working for TBN 2 days a week while participating in a one year Christian Leadership programme called FORM. Harrison is a recent Warwick University Economics graduate who has run an IT company for 5 years and was Creative Director for Warwick Economics Summit for 2 years. He will have an important role in developing our web sites into a key tool for resource sharing and interaction; and to use video and social networking to inform and inspire a wider audience. I’m also delighted to say that Faye Williams has kindly offered to work as a volunteer 1.5 days a week for as long as she is available. I have had regular contact with her over many years in her previous role as Programme Director for Common Purpose Coventry and Birmingham. She is a wise and capable person who will be working with me on development issues and opportunities. But there’s a catch… This is being financed from very modest reserves and therefore we need to review in three months. If income from membership is not picking up to cover costs we will have to pull back. The recession has had an impact on many people and in the middle of recruitment one of our biggest corporate members and several others felt they needed to discontinue membership. On the other hand, this week we unexpectedly received a cheque for £750 from a lady who had seen Jerry on Songs of Praise last year, recognising what we are achieving despite our limited resources. So… Action Required! If you are not a Member but recognise how the Network impact’s poverty way above our weight, please join! If you are a Member and you are or wish to be actively involved, please upgrade to Partner, enabling use to offer personal and project support, free business cards, etc. If you are a Partner, thank you for your support. Stick with us, the best is yet to be! Whoever you are, thank you for standing with us and serving the poorest people on the planet. Save £2.50 / month for life! Not unconnected: we will be increasing the Membership minimum donation to £10/month from 1 Jan. However, we will NOT change the rate for all those with standing orders set up before this. So if you are not already paying by standing order and want to save £2.50/month, sign a standing order form by 31 Dec! Click here to download a form or e-mail back to top  OTHER NEWS Khayelitsha Connection Transformational Business Connections (TBC) in Cape Town, part of the growing TBN family, aims to build bridges between the mostly wealthy developed areas and the mostly poor and under-developed. Its first step in this objective, Khayelitsha Connection, has been very successful in giving business people from Khayelitsha and greater Cape Town the opportunity to meet, interact and build relationships. There was a selection of TBC Trustees as speakers to provide a context and inspire conversation between attendees to get to know each other, explore opportunities and make new friends. TBN Gulf to be launched on 24 Sep If you live in the Gulf region and can join a gathering in Dubai on 24 Sep, contact Jerry ASAP. Inspired by the London conference in May, Charlie Donald is doing a great job bringing together business people in the region interested in exploring how their skills and resources could make a difference in the fight against global poverty. Has TBN changed your life? An e-mail to Jerry this week read, “I am over here doing what I am doing because of TBN!”. Has TBN made a difference to you? Please drop us an e-mail at to say how. back to top  EVENTS Members Day: Moor Hall 20 November 2010 The TBN Members’ Day Conference is the highlight of the year and this year we are introducing new features. Our aims are to celebrate what we have achieved, share ideas and resources, make connections within the network and involve you in our strategy development. The day will include: - TBN update, external input and case studies with lessons learned
- Resource Market Place: ‘open mic’ session giving members one minute to offer or ask for resources
- Open Space: present your big idea or gather round the idea that you are most interested in
- Wisdom café: have a role in TBN thinking and strategy through a creative and stimulating externally facilitated process to help to contribute your thinking and experience, listen for patterns, connect ideas and also help you network with fellow members
Sign up now here! Surrey / S.W. London gathering 16 Sep A valuable part of the TBN experience is meeting in local groups. These groups or TBGs approach things in different ways but typically include networking, sharing resources, mutual support and encouragement, checking out local restaurants and doing transformational things together. We are organising a gathering for TBN contacts in Surrey and SW London with a view to forming one or two new groups. We will meet at the Old Bear, Cobham, this Thursday 16 Sep from 7pm, with a meal from 7.30pm and presentation / discussion 8.30 to 9.30pm. Hit reply to contact Jerry now if you can join us or want to be kept informed of group developments in the area. Mobile Technologies for Social Transformation: Launch Event in London on 5 Oct TBN Partner Peter Holt of Nimbus would like to invite you to the launch of JamiiX social exchange, a project that was significantly moved forward by the TBN pro-poor mobile apps workshop last year. Jamiix is a web and mobile based software which enables multiple conversations and the sharing of information. This unique software was developed in the community of Athlone, South Africa, for drug & HIV counselling. It is, however, extremely versatile and can be applied to a wide range of social and development contexts. There will be a discussion of how appropriate use of technology, married with behavioural intervention models, can better reach and support people in need and drive community transformation. The event is on Tuesday 5 October 2010, 3.30 – 6.30pm at the Oasis Centre, London. SE1 7HS. Visit for more information or to register on line. back to top  OPPORTUNITIES Mentoring training in Syria or Manchester Mowgli are currently recruiting mentors for the Mowgli Mentoring Experience: - 17-22 October in Syria
- 26-29 November in Chester
Mowlgi recruit mentors with a minimum 5 years senior level experience either as an entrepreneur or in the corporate sector who are committed to attending the introductory programme plus a minimum 2 hours per month with a matched mentee. Mowgli have a bursary scheme to cover up to 100% of real costs in return for some tangible contribution to Mowgli in kind. Those who are able are invited to make a donation to cover some or all of the real cost. More information at and from Are you interested in Equador? Jerry has been in correspondence with Radnitz Oko in Equador. He writes: “I really need one of your members who is really business minded to come down here, we will take some days to go round the country, see business opportunities available in housing, import business, agro business, private school establishment and financing some minor state run projects. What I need is a business minded partner who I can work in tandem to get funding for [some specific projects with social benefits].” Contact Jerry in the first instance by hitting reply. Kenya 1-6 Nov: bees and business training John and Mary Home, TBN Members with a lifelong experience of bee keeping, will be leading an expo to Kenya in early November. Help deliver the “Setting up a Biblically based business” course at the Redeemed Gospel Church in the Quarry Slum in the Embraska division of Nairobi, which is well known to them. The church runs a school and training workshops in tailoring, soft furnishings and computing. Trainees will include potential trainers, some from 'Bees Abroad’ projects who will go back and help the communities to improve their business skills, as well as those who want to start a business or need help with an existing business. There will be an option to extend the trip for tourist visits or to visit bee keeping projects. Contact for more information. Nigeria January 2011: business training in the Owerri area Come and train potential entrepreneurs and trainers using the ‘Setting up a Biblically based business' course. This will take place in the Owerri area, via a local NGO, who will provide the local organisation and accommodation in a good quality hotel. More information from Jerry at back to top  |
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