my buzz & my blog
"When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world." George Washington Carver What is Social Entrepreneurship? Statement of Faith You can find other "Market with Meaning" but you definitely want to see "Profit with Purpose". I personally "Believe in Kingdom Transformation" because I know there is only ONE "Life for Significant". my facebook & my twitter & my linkedin
--- 2010年10月8日 星期五,ClearlySo <> 寫道﹕
寄件人: ClearlySo <> 主題: News from ClearlySo 收件人: 日期: 2010年10月8日,星期五,下午7:01 You're receiving this email because you are subscribed to receive social business updates from ClearlySo. You may unsubscribe if you no longer wish to receive our emails. ClearlySo Newsletter - October | Keeping you informed about the social business and enterprise sector, and ClearlySo's progress. | Dear Houghton, After a couple of weeks concentrating on the conference welcome back to the good old fashioned ClearlySo newsletter. Here's what we have this week.
- Best of the blogs
- Conference countdown
- Social investment speed dating
- Social business spotlight
- Featured term from the glossary
- News roundup
Read on and enjoy!
Tom and the ClearlySo teamP.S. Please forward this to anyone you think would be interested, and help us raise the profile of our member businesses. 
Best of the Blogs |  Photos, quick pitches and the mother of all team building events. Here's what's making noise on our blogs. - The road to nowhere: Rodney Schwartz asks if social enterprise can fix public transport
- The Social Stock Exchange: In his regular piece in Third Sector Rodney Schwartz asks if we really need a social stock exchange
- Building the Big Society: What does the Big Society mean for social enterprise?
- Building a great team: See why ClearlySo staff and team bonding don't always mix
- Photo finish: See social enterprise at is best in our photography competition
| | Conference Countdown
|  We're into the home stretch for our ClearlySo Social Business Conference. With great speakers, the chance to pitch for investment and meet with other social entrepreneurs it's a great opportunity for anyone interested in the social business and enterprise sector. A highlight of the conference will be our quick pitches. These allow entrepreneurs to pitch their business ideas to the conference. The best will go through to the social surgery at the end of the day where they can present their concept to a panel of expert judges. Places are almost full so if you haven't registered yet do so now before it's too late. |
Social Investment Speed Dating |  Back by popular demand is our social investment speed dating. As always the concept is ever so simple. Entrepreneurs get three minutes to pitch one on one to interested investors who in turn get three minutes to ask any questions. It is only the briefest of introductions, but magic can result. We've just heard of another investment from our recent social investment evening run with Coutts. The next social investment speed dating takes place in December. However there is yet more on the horizon. In March we're taking speed dating international as we head for Zurich for our inaugural pan-European speed dating event. Watch this space for more developments. |
Social Business Spotlight | At the last count we had more than 1,600 social businesses on our website. Here's one of them: Charity Bank is the only bank in the country that is also registered as a charity. It provides a safe way for customers to use their savings for charity while also earning a return in the process. Recently it also entered into a merger with Investing for Good in what has been hailed as a prime example of cooperation in the social enterprise sector. For more information, visit its profile on our site. | Featured Term from the Glossary: Microfranchise
| A microfranchise is a business development tool that applies the replication concepts of traditional franchising to small businesses in the developing world. Microfranchises streamline and replicate sound business models, providing a low-cost way to start a business, often with an accompanying training and support package to ensure success. The businesses are designed for microentreprenuers and usually target development issues such as health, sanitation, and energy. |
Social Enterprise - Latest News | Before we go, here's a roundup of the latest news in the social business and enterprise sector. 
That's all for now. Have a great month. In the mean time, do check up on for all the latest developments in the world of social enterprise. Sincerely, Tom Cropper ClearlySo |
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| | ClearlySo | 4th Floor | 20 Old Street | London | EC1V 9AB | United Kingdom |
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