Social Enterprise Coalition activity 
Social Enterprise Coalition hosts a fringe event at the Conservative party conference
The Social Enterprise Coalition enjoyed a very successful party conference season, hosting meetings at all three main party conferences with a number of influential politicians. At the Conservative party conference the Coalition partnered with the think tank Demos to host a public fringe event on “Social Enterprise and the Big Society: Turning Policy into Practice” Keynote speaker Francis Maude MP told the audience that we have reached the end of the era of the Big State and we now need to focus on the Big Society. He emphasised that this agenda is inextricably linked to the decentralisation agenda, and said we need to find existing community leaders and look for ways to support them to be involved. Through the Big Society, the government believes that our economy will be strengthened by an increase in the number of entrepreneurs, greater levels of innovation and a stronger mix of organisations. Mr Maude said that social enterprises provide inspiration for people to do things differently, citing Coalition members Central Surrey Health and Bikeworks as examples before going on to praise the work of the Coalition. Social enterprise was also a key topic for discussion at other fringe meetings and it featured in conference speeches from Mr Maude as well as Jo Pritchard, CEO of the social enterprise Central Surrey Health, who was invited to speak on the main stage at the Conservative party conference.  SEC survey on the impact of cuts to public spending This is a tough time for the social enterprise community - particularly those working in the public sector. While we are hearing anecdotally of cuts to services on a regular basis and how these are affecting our members, we are keen to capture robust data on this subject to make as compelling a case as possible. To do this the Coalition along with our partner organisations are undertaking a quick survey to find out how initial and pending cuts in public spending have affected social enterprises, or are anticipated to do so. We are aiming to use the findings to present to Government a case for strengthening the support and resources available for social enterprises and illustrate the impact this policy is having on the social enterprise sector. We will also use it to help us to establish what we should be doing to help our members and social enterprises if they are adversely affected by these cuts. This is going to be a living documents so please feel free to complete more than once should there be developments to your funding. We greatly appreciate you taking the time to complete the survey given the importance of being able to present a strong case on this subject to government. www.surveymonkey.com/s/KX8V9VJ Should you have any questions please contact lidija.mavra@socialenterprise.org.uk or ceri.jones@socialenterprise.org.uk  News Hundreds of quangos to be abolished or reformed The government has today announced the outcome of its review into the future of quangos revealing that it plans to axe 192 of the public bodies in order to improve accountability and cut costs. A further 118 will be merged. Amongst the sector bodies affected by the move are the Commission for the Compact, the Office for Civil Society Advisory Body and Capacitybuilders. Some quangos that are being abolished, including British Waterways, the Schools Food Trust and Nesta are proposing to reform as charities. To read the story in full visit Third Sector Online. In response to the news Peter Holbrook today said: “A number of quangos could still have a future operating as a social enterprise. The days of being funded solely by the government are over, but organisations can survive and build themselves a sustainable future if they generate some of their income through trading. Quangos should not automatically seek to become charities that rely on donations because their futures will be much less certain in the current economic climate. By seeking to trade, thereby diversifying their income streams, they will have a much safer future as a social enterprise.” To read his response in full visit the Social Enterprise Coalition website.  Events
 The Guardian Social Enterprise Summit 2010: The key to Big Society? 16 November 2010 London Scaling up social enterprises to deliver public services. After a sell-out event last year, the Guardian is proud to announce the launch of the Social Enterprise Summit 2010. The event will focus on how social enterprises can deliver public services, giving practical business advice and examples of best practice from across the country. For more information and to register your place, visit guardian.co.uk/socialenterprise.
 Introduction to Social Enterprise & Legal Structures 25th October 2010 London What is Social Enterprise? How do you become a social entrepreneur? Have you got what it takes? This workshop is for people who are starting to establish a social enterprise and are looking for a clear understanding of the concept. Uday Thakkar, Managing Director of Red Ochre will help participants explore the practicalities of starting a social enterprise, the different legal structures available to social enterprise and the management, governance and funding aspects of each. Cost - £50 Inc VAT For more information visit the Red Ochre website. Places are limited! To book please contact anna@redochre.org.uk. Developing your Sale Skills 6th December 2010 London
Is the idea of selling your products or services a daunting one? Do you feel that you or your team need to improve your sales pitch? Are you unsure about how to communicate the benefits of your product or service?
This is an introductory workshop on understanding sales and developing your selling skills. All social enterprises need to sell either their products or their services. Everyone sells even though they may not know that they are doing it. This interactive workshop will use discussions, case studies and examples to demonstrate how to improve selling techniques, get constructive feedback and feel more confident about selling. Discussions will allow participants to apply learning to their own enterprise and to develop their own skills during the workshop. Cost - £30 Inc VAT For more information visit the Red Ochre website. Places are limited! To book please contact anna@redochre.org.uk.
 Big Society, local solutions 16 November Exeter Do you want more say within your community? This free event from Co-operatives South West is for anyone involved or interested in collective community action. The conference will explore locally owned, locally led initiatives and hear from people who have successfully taken control of their local store, football club or community asset. For more information, please visit the website. To book, contact info@cooperatives-sw.coop saying who you are, your organisation and contact details. Please note there is only space for 80 at this event, so book early to guarantee your place. www.cooperatives-sw.coop South East Coastal Communities Conference; Impact and Innovation 19 November Portsmouth South Coast Moneyline, working with the University of Portsmouth are delivering a one day conference in November to provide an opportunity for national and local social enterprises to discuss key findings from the three-year funded South East Coastal Communities project. The conference will include the presentation of a local report on the economic impact of social enterprises and the potential for collaboration between higher education and social enterprises. Confirmed speakers; Rt. Hon David Willetts MP and Nigel Kershaw OBE, Chief Executive of Big Issue Invest and Chairman of the Big Issue Company. This is a free event but places are limited and must be booked in advance. For more information or to book a place contact Kim Higgs at kim.higgs@scmoneyline.org.uk or 02392 826180. www.scmoneyline.org.uk
 Sheffield Business School events Sheffield Business School is now taking applications for places on its PgCert/PgDip/MSc Social Enterprise and Business Democracy course. This is aimed directly at those working in, or supporting, employee-owned, cooperative and social enterprises. The following events offer potential students the chance to find out more about the courses on offer. Information Evening for the MSc Social Enterprise and Business Democracy course 8th November Sheffield An informal chat with course leaders who can talk about all elements of Sheffield Business School courses and answer questions about studying part-time. Email sbs@shu.ac.uk for more information and to book a place Open Evening for Part-Time Postgraduate Study 25th November Sheffield Talk informally with academic staff and learn more about Sheffield Business School’s part-time and postgraduate courses and research degree programmes E-mail course-info@shu.ac.uk HeadSpace Event - Advancing Social Enterprise Education 7th December Sheffield The Place of Cooperatives and Employee-Owned Business in the Social Enterprise Movement – a lecture by Dr Rory Ridley Duff Email sbs@shu.ac.uk for more information.  Resources  CAN Mezzanine launches great new offer exclusively to social enterprises & charities Rent now, Move in, Pay later: 3 months’ rent free - This offer is for a limited period and expires on 31st December 2010, so if your organisation is looking for space, contact us quickly and arrange a viewing. Call Gary on 020 7250 8047 or visit www.canmezzanine.org.uk/offer
- When arranging a viewing please quote : SEC CAN Member offer (by phone) or select the SEC member offer drop down option on CAN’s web site (on-line enquiry form).
- Offer applies to new customers only, signing a 15 month license agreement before 31st December 2010.
SECURE your place today! BOOK a tour “We want more social enterprises and charities to experience the many benefits that our existing customers enjoy,” says Gary Phillips, head of sales at CAN Mezzanine. “We know it’s a tough time in the sector, and we are confident that organisations can really benefit financially from this offer of move now, pay later. They can also as reap the rewards of living with like-minded social enterprises and charities.” - Recent research of our CAN Mezzanine customers has shown that: 92% network together, 69% socialise together, 61% have collaborated together and 41% are working together, something that is very hard to create in other office environments.
- CAN Mezzanine provides fully serviced office space, exclusively for social enterprises and charities and has over 110 organisations based in its three central London sites.
- CAN Mezzanine offers a unique community environment for organisations to be based in and sizes range from single desk organisations to larger organisations of 20+.
- CAN is a registered charity that operates as a social enterprise and was awarded the Social Enterprise Mark in July 2010.
 The Novas Scarman Box Clever Range of Social Enterprise Learning Tools Novas Scarman East Midlands currently offer a wide range of unique, innovative and interactive social enterprise learning tools which have been specifically designed to demystify the topic of social enterprise and help make learning easy and enjoyable. These hands-on tools are available to support groups, students, community development initiatives and individuals in understanding social enterprise and initiating new initiatives. The key focus is to deliver learning and support the formation of ideas in a simple, enjoyable, yet very informative way. They can be used flexibly with people from a wide range of all ages, cultures, backgrounds and levels of educational attainment and provide a resource for effective engagement and demystifying understanding of social enterprise. The learning tools are particularly designed to clarify and maintain entrepreneur interest and learning in areas of social enterprise decision making, team building, marketing, finance, business planning and social enterprise legal structures. Novas can also offer ‘Training the Trainers’ and OCN accredited ‘Introduction to Social Enterprise’ training if required. Popular learning tools include: The Ingredient Boxes; Spot the Social Enterprise Opportunity Cards, The Boulder Exercise CD, Power Tool Kit Set and Box Clever Enterprise (there is now also a Box Clever Business). For more information please email eastmidlands@novasscarman.org or telephone 0115 9484600. 
Reaching out to carers innovation fund 2010/2011 The Government has announced details of a new fund it hopes will help in the early identification and support of carers. It is targeted at voluntary sector organisations in England who, in addition to their primary work with individuals with particular conditions, illnesses or with particular age groups, are also keen to support carers. Organisations can bid for up to £25,000 in funding with £1million available through the scheme in 2010/11. Visit the Department of Health website to find out more.  Member profile
 Mutuo Mutuo brings together the different wings of the mutual sector to promote a better understanding of mutuals and to encourage mutual approaches to business and public policy. Through Mutuo, consumer co-operatives, building societies, mutual insurers and friendly societies and other mutuals work together to promote their shared interests to the Government, media and other decision makers. www.mutuo.co.uk  Jobs Advertise your social enterprise job here! Advertise and search for jobs on the number one social enterprise job page. Social Enterprise Coalition members get great deals on advertising rates and it's easy to get your job uploaded to allow you to focus on running your business. For more information email James Yabut at james.yabut@socialenterprise.org.uk or visit our job page.  Back to the top |
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