......................................................... Global Entrepreneurship Week 15-19 November 2010  Every year The British Library Business & IP Centre supports Global Entrepreneurship Week by running a jam-packed programme of workshops and events. In Global Entrepreneur Week, meet the people that will make a difference to your business. Red Ochre will be running speed networking sessions throughout the week. Please click here for the agenda and how to book. Good Deals Conference 2010 
Good Deals is the UK's largest social investment conference and Uday Thakkar, Managing Director of Red Ochre In conjunction with Cranfield School of Management will be chairing a 'Leadership, Entrepreneurship & Squeezing the Lemon,' a practical session for social business leaders on barriers to business success and how to overcome them. For more information click here. The Department for Communities and Local Government (CLG) is organising a range of activities for Global Entrepreneurship week, Uday Thakkar, Managing Director of Red Ochre will be running a roundtable discussion on 'Thinking of starting your own social enterprise' on Social Enterprise day, Thursday 18 November. The discussion is intended to raise awareness and understanding about social enterprise and how they can constitute an appropriate model for service delivery. ......................................................... Active Citizens Awards 2010  A well-deserved Congratulations to Catherine Msoni and the Divine Rescue team for winning the 2010 Southwark Community Group Active Citizen Award. Divine Rescue support homeless and vulnerable people around Southwark and are doing an impressive amount of ‘quiet work’. Catherine was a participant of the Red Ochre ACE programme and one of the prize winners of the Aylesbury Arena, the ‘Dragons’ Den-type event held last November. She says that it was the support and encouragement she received from Red Ochre that has made all the difference to Divine Rescue’s work. ......................................................... Upcoming Workshops - November to December Funding & Finance for Social Enterprise Finance remains a major weakness for most potential and existing social enterprises. Understanding finance and financial management are necessary to demonstrate before attempting to raise funding. This workshop will review finance and financial management and how to use these skills to make funding applications and improve management decisions. The workshop will also look at the different sources of funding available to social entrepreneurs including grant-making trust, government and lottery funding, as well as bank funding, social lenders and other new methods of funding. This workshop has been specifically designed for the social enterprise sector and takes place on the 16th November and 7th December. To join the facilitator, Uday Thakkar, on any of the above dates please contact the call centre on 0845 6000 787 to book yourself a place. ......................................................... Introduction to Social Enterprise Uday Thakkar will be running two half day workshops in December introducing Council officers to the concepts and practicalities of social enterprise. The workshop will also cover how social enterprise can be used to enhance local service delivery and explore the possibility of social enterprise spin outs to undertake this from statutory bodies such as local authorities. ......................................................... Developing your Sale Skills - Monday 6th December 2010 Is the idea of selling your products or services a daunting one? Do you feel that you or your team need to improve your sales pitch? Are you unsure about how to communicate the benefits of your product or service? This is an introductory workshop on understanding sales and developing your selling skills. All social enterprises need to sell either their products or their services. Everyone sells even though they may not know that they are doing it. Please click here for more information and to book a place. ......................................................... smartResources supported by Red Ochre, a free resource centre for the Third Sector. ......................................................... Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/redochreUK ......................................................... |  | Other News & Events Marketing Intern Needed at Hands Inc. Hands Inc. is a Hackney based social enterprise who inspire and improve health & wellbeing, by offering innovative holistic health solutions. They are looking for a Marketing Intern to help with market research & projects. Please contact Eileen for further information on handsinc@hand sinc.co.uk or 020 3051 8626. Effective Group Facilitation - 15 - 17th November Reos Partners invites you to Effective Group Facilitation, a three-day course which provides an in-depth introduction to the practices of group facilitation. For more information and booking please click here. Bristol Celebrates: Welcoming people of all faiths and none - 21st November Bristol Celebrates is a free festival and everyone is welcome. There will be activities for the whole family including a diverse and exciting range of workshops, discussions and performances. Click here for the flyer. Social Enterprise, a Practical Planning day with a difference! - 25th November Are you a Start-up Social Enterprise in need of practical help to develop a business plan? Singulier is doing a range of Free activities accessible online, during Global Entrepreneurship Week in November. Find SINGULIER on www.gew.org.uk Social Mash Up! On December 2-3, the start-up social entrepreneurship movement will convene at ISB Hyderabad. These two participant-driven days will be packed with connections, inspiration, learning and fun. Click here to register. Faith in the Global Village - Connecting the Local and International in Inter Faith Relationships - 24th November Islington Faiths Forum in partnership with London Metropolitan University. To secure a place please email: Revd. Fiona Weaver: f.weaver@london met.ac.uk or call: 020 7133 2030 | |
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