| Dear Friends, We're excited to announce the launch of our new SVN Weekly and our revised quarterly Networker, which focuses on news about SVN conferences and other events. The SVN Weekly is full of member news, in addition to the newsworthy features and events about socially responsible business, sustainability and impact investing, as shared by our members. The first edition is available here, and you can subscribe to future copies on the right hand panel. We're looking forward to seeing you at our upcoming Fall Conference, to be held October 27-30 in Philadelphia. We have an incredible agenda planned, and are thrilled to have Ben Cohen & Jerry Greenfield among our list of phenomenal speakers. Please see below for more details and a preview of what's in store. Please book your hotel room early, because we expect this conference to sell out. Next week we'll publish an online copy of our 2011 SVN Stakeholder Report: Movers, Shakers and Changemakers, which showcases the impact SVN members are having every day, and how member collaborations are expanding the socially responsible business movement worldwide. In September, we'll launch the SVN Sustainable Product & Services Directory, an excellent resource for businesses and consumers looking to support sustainable businesses. Be sure to visit our website for these and other new additions. Hope to see you at a local SVN gathering soon! Sincerely, Deb Nelson Executive Director, Social Venture Network | | | |  | | ben & jerry joining svn on saturday night!  Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield will be making a joint appearance at SVN’s Fall Conference. You won’t want to miss their plenary - or the delicious, fair-trade ice cream they’ll be bringing. Check out the full conference agenda and register today! meet the 2011 svn innovation award winners We’ll present our 2011 Innovation Award winners Friday night at an awards ceremony hosted by Laura Flanders of The Laura Flanders Show. Don’t miss your chance to meet them in person and learn about how their innovative ventures are supporting women war survivors, African farmers and social entrepreneurs, and Native American and veteran communities in the U.S. reserve your expo table today Want to promote your products and services to the SVN community? Reserve a table at our Product & Services Expo and Reception. Tables are selling quickly and space is limited to 15 tables, so contact Nathan Joblin (415.561.6501 ext. 14) to reserve yours. (Sponsors receive a 50% discount.) Changemakers in Action During this fast-paced session, you’ll learn about new ventures and new members in the network. Limited to 15 lucky members, each will have two minutes to describe their new venture and issue a call to action to the audience on how we might support their exciting new efforts. If you would like to be considered for a spot in Changemakers in Action, please fill out the short application by Friday, October 7th. Join svn partner - Investors' circle - in Philadelphia  Join 150 investors and advisors in supporting great entrepreneurs that are addressing social and environmental issues at Investors' Circle Fall Venture Fair. You can expect to see presentations from 10-15 high impact deals that are seeking investment now plus start a due diligence process right away! SVN members attending for the first time receive $50 off IC's conference registration using code F11SVNFRIEND. Follow us for more news Stay up-to-date on changes to the agenda, learn when new speakers are booked, and find out who’s registered by following #SVNconf on Twitter. | | | give something back & Rhiza labs Who: Give Something Back, an office supply retailer who's business model is to donate a portion of its profits to local charities. Why: Sponsoring SVN's conference is especially important as a way to strengthen and support the sustainable business movement. Look for the Give Something Back logo on the 2011 Fall Conference tote bags.  Who: Rhiza Labs, a data analysis software firm, is sponsoring its fourth consecutive SVN conference. Why: Josh sees great value having brand presence at the conference. "From a business perspective," he says, "many of my clients... and vendors are here. SVN is a very tight community of businesses that are like-minded and it's very easy to do business with them." To view the full list of sponsors, please click here. | | | | |    | Sponsorship Sponsorship opportunities are still available! Show your support for the socially responsible business movement by sponsoring the Fall Conference. See our new, high-visibility opportunities or contact Erin Roach (415.561.6501 ext. 12) to create your own package. product & services Expo & Ice Cream Social - Present your products & services in a festive, intimate environment
- 2-hour period directly before Saturday dinner
- Cocktail hour amenities (cash bar and and Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream) to maximize attendance
- $700 per table (Sponsors receive a 50% discount!)
conference advertising Promote your brand to over 300 business leaders and socially and environmentally conscious consumers. Print ads range from $350 - $1,000; online ads are $1,000. If you’ve advertised with SVN in the past, you’ll get 20% off. Contact Jessica Young (415.561.6501 ext. 13) for more details. Referral Bonus Want to share the SVN experience? Refer a first-time attendee to our Fall Conference and you will save $150 on your own registration fee. LEARN MORE |  |   | Meet the new board members We’re pleased to announce four new additions to our Board of Directors: Shainoor Khoja of Rosha, Josh Knauer of Rhiza, Aaron Lamstein of World Wise, and Bonny Meyer of Meyer Family Enterprises. Learn more about them here. Social venture network Welcomes New Members! Members from the following organizations have recently joined SVN: peer circle update Join a Peer Circle and meet monthly with fellow SVN leaders for the support, learning, and motivational recharge. New Circles forming this fall! Click here for details. Email Aileen Sweeney to sign up. | |  | Join Social Venture Network at all of these events! Add them to your calendar and keep checking our website for new events. Terracycle local gathering September 7, 2011 Trenton, NJ Washington d.c. local gathering September 9, 2011 Washington, DC SVI Hollyhock September 14-18, 2011 Cortez Island, BC Join business leaders and social entrepreneurs for an intensive, interactive inquiry into how to face the day-to-day challenges of running a socially conscious enterprise. Find out more and register here. 2011 SVN Fall Conference October 27-30, 2011 Philadelphia, PA Register 2012 SVN spring conference April 19-22, 2012 Stevenson, WA | |
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