Impact and evaluation – knowing you’ve made a difference
Tuesday 20 March, 10am-1pm
All organisations will likely need to understand and measure their performance and for many that will mean more than profit. How can you measure what matters to you and your people, so that you can improve it? In this workshop we will consider three steps that any individual or organisation can use at any level of expertise to get to the heart of your organisation’s impact. Who should attend? Anyone interested in understanding the work they are doing and their organisations impact. Including founders and CEOs, members of the senior management team with a performance remit, operational staff with a performance remit. By the end of this course, participants will: - gain a better understanding of what impact means for you and your organisation
- leave with a three stage plan to guide your impact work
- run through practical impact exercises and methods
- identify one or two of the most important things for you to measure
- have the options in how to then go out and measure them
- be better able to answer the questions, who do I need to tell, what do I need to tell them and in what form do they need to know it?
Come to this workshop and improve your impact leadership and impact attitude as well as your impact measurement. Date: Tuesday 20th March 2012 Time: 10am – 1pm Venue: The British Library Business & IP Centre Price: £30 Inc VAT
To book your place at this workshop, please contact Claire Leveson. .................................................................................... Free workshop - Social enterprise: the new business model?
Monday 26 March, 10am-12pm
The Whittington Room, City Business Library, London, EC2V 7HH ....................................................................................With capitalism under intense scrutiny, there is a deep felt desire for a new business model. The requirements of fixing social and environmental disparities and yet create wealth has led to global interest in Social Enterprise at government and ground roots level, yet few people can explain what this is and what it stands for. Is Social Enterprise just a passing fad or is it a true alternative model that is inspiring, challenging and exciting the brightest of entrepreneurs and will truly transform the world for the better? Uday Thakkar will explain, entertain and inspire you to become a social entrepreneur. The event is free but you must book in advance by calling 020 7332 1858 or emailing cblevents@cityoflondon.gov.uk For more information on this event and others in the series, please click here . .................................................................................... Free seminar: Spin Outs from the Statutory Sector
Wednesday 29 March, 3.30-5.30 pm (networking to follow) Room 110, Roberts Engineering Building, University College London, Torrington Place, London, WC1E 7JE .................. ..................................................................
........................................................................................................................ A free to attend seminar and networking event to help you understand more about what the Right to Run agenda means for you. This event is aimed at: - anyone exploring the possibility of allowing units within their organisation to become independent service providers;
- those contemplating "Spinning Out" their units from their statutory sector employer; or
- those trying to get a better understanding of mutualism, social enterprise and new service delivery models.
Speakers will include government policy makers, people who have established their own "spin out", legal experts, finance experts and those who have supported the "Spin Out" process. Red Ochre and Capital Enterprise, the seminar organisers, are delivering a 2 day intensive Bootcamp on this topic in May. At this seminar you will be able to learn more about how this will be of benefit to you and your organisation. To register for your FREE ticket, please visit http://www.sete.eventbrite.com .................................................................................... arc – building better business training courses – a BiTC initiative ....................................................................................................
Business in the Community have launched arc: building better business, a Business in the Community initiative which supports social enterprises by providing them with free, expert advice to help them grow. The press release provides further information about the programme and you can also find out more by looking at the arc website and launch video. If you are a social enterprise and would like to apply for arc, please contact Matthew Lill. If you are a business and would like further information about the programme Jennifer Aungst. Red Ochre is one of the delivery partners for the programme and will be delivering workshops on a variety of topics. Organisations are able to vote for the workshops they would most like to be delivered, and suggest additional topics that they would find useful.
............................................................................................................ This Bootcamp will concentrate on helping those seeking to “spin out” of the statutory sector to successfully create mutually owned and / or socially enterprising delivery units. This Bootcamp will be an intensive, two day journey through the process of how to ensure that you make the transition a success. Full price: £235 + VAT Early bird discounted tickets are available. Contact Carly on 020 7649 4598 for your promotional code. ..........................................................................................................................
There has recently been a proliferation of free training and funding initiatives (both grants and investment) aimed at social enterprises. These opportunities include: For other useful resources relating to social enterprise, please click here.
...................................................................................... ..........................................RSA Universities Business Challenge ................................................................................................................................ On 2nd March, the RSA hosted the Universities Business Challenge semi-final. Alongside a simulated trading game challenge, the 8 teams had to choose one of three social enterprise case studies and come up with an appropriate solution to the problems posed. The day was facilitated by a number of RSA fellows who assisted the teams with their deliberations. The social enterprise case studies had been devised by Uday Thakkar, the managing director of Red Ochre, who also led the panel of judges reviewing the presentations and solutions from each of the university teams. It was heartening that all the teams had grasped the nature of social enterprise – the social context within a sustainable endeavour with its on particular problem of taking into account wider social issues, rather than ruthless cost-cutting to achieve the bottom line. The presentations and solutions posited were very interesting. A number of teams scored very highly and the two finalists, the team from CASS business school (the winner) and the team from Imperial (runners-up) had very stiff competition. ................................................................................................................................
Visit by Chinese university students (and academics, NGO staff and a cameraman…) ...............................................................................................................................
 When you spend a week visiting different social enterprises and civil society organisations every day, you really get a sense of the amazing work that is happening out there right now. That’s how we felt after organising and managing another week-long social enterprise visit programme at the end of February. This was for a group of 15 students from China as part of the ‘Young Changemakers - Skills for Social Entrepreneurs’ project, jointly run by the British Council China and the China Youth Development Foundation (CYDF). The group comprised of 15 Chinese university students with a range of academic backgrounds who are running socially entrepreneurial projects. The visit programme was set up to provide opportunities for the students to look at and learn from the valuable experiences of UK social enterprises so that they can improve their skills and strengthen the sustainability of the projects that they’re running. Amongst many other excellent visits, during the week we: - heard from Hackney Community Transport about how to compete with multinational corporations (and win);
- sat in a cinema, theatre, art space and restaurant and heard about the excellent work of Watermans;
- spent a day in Cambridge exchanging views with other student entrepreneurs;
- experienced the magic of a MyBNK financial education workshop
Our big thanks to all of the organisations that took part. We are running visit programmes for an increasing number of organisations at the moment. If you are interested and would like more information, please contact martin@redochre.org.uk .................................................................................... |
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