| IN THIS ISSUE > | RSF listed among top Money Managers Summer Internship Opportunity A New Loan to Revolution Foods B Corporations on PBS Newshour! 5 Scholarships to BALLE Conference RSF Social Finance & Free Columbia Do You Know Who Makes Your Clothes? Upcoming Events | | | WHAT WE VALUE > | "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction." - E.F. Schumacher, Small Is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered | | | | | | March 2012 | Springing forward this week, we are elated to be listed as one of the most Honest, Open & Trustworthy money managers around! And in our effort to build the field of social finance, we are offering a summer internship, 5 scholarships to the BALLE conference, and a full slew of events. Meanwhile, check out several RSF borrowers on PBS Newshour, and the new Fair Trace Tool from Indigenous Designs! | | | RSF listed among top Honest, Open, Trustworthy Money Managers This week on the Huffington Post, RSF Social Finance was named as one of the stand-out firms dedicated to an honest, open, and trustworthy approach to working with money. The article, written by R. Paul Herman, CEO of HIP Investor Inc., listed eight ways money managers can practice this dedication, including truthful credentials, open disclosure, and open-sourced proprietary processes. Another approach, according to R. Paul, is to invite and value clients’ expertise, and for this, RSF’s stakeholder-determined customized interest rate, called “ RSF Prime,” is a shining example. We’re thrilled to be recognized for practicing the co-creative principles which are essential for transforming our economic relationships. The timing of the article is uncanny, as next week in Santa Fe, a group of investors and borrowers will meet for the first quarterly pricing meeting of 2012. To learn more about how to open an investment account with RSF where your money will be put to work in support of high-impact social enterprises, and “your own expertise is invited and valued,” click here or email mark.herrera@rsfsocialfinance.org To read the full post on Huffington Post, click here. New RSF Internship Opportunity! In the spirit of building the field of social finance we are excited to announce a new summer internship opportunity for talented MBA students. Working in conjunction with the Lending Managers and the Senior Manager of Credit and Portfolio Management, the Summer Lending Associate will participate in underwriting new loans, including amendments and extensions of existing loans, and will provide superior customer service to a portfolio of existing borrowers. Click here to learn more or to apply for this opportunity! RSF Makes a New Loan to Revolution Foods RSF Social Finance is excited to announce its second loan to Revolution Foods, the leading social enterprise to bring healthy, wholesome foods to lunch lines across the country. Founded in 2005 by Kristin Richmond and Kirsten Tobey – who thought to address the childhood obesity crisis by delivering healthy, all natural meals and snacks to schoolchildren – the company has since caught the attention of mayors and educators nationwide who are vying to attract the enterprise to their cities.  To read the full post in the RSF Newsroom, please click here. B Corporations & "Companies with a Conscience" on PBS Newshour! Last week, PBS Newshour, featured an eight minute piece on RSF borrower and partner, B Lab. The segment, titled, " Benefit Corporations Aim to Make a Profit –and a Positive Impact," clearly articulates the work of B Corporation, which is to create a new corporate class called benefit corporations—firms that "make money and a positive impact on society." Fellow RSF borrowers and certified B Corporations, Revolution Foods and Icestone were also included in the segment. Seven states have already passed benefit corporation legislation, which not only gives companies "legal cover" to make decisions based on expanded criteria (rather than merely maximizing shareholder profit), but also brings a level of standards to the field of social enterprise which consumers can trust and companies can be proud of. Not to mention, B Corporations constitute a learning community, with networking events and other opportunities for business leaders to learn best practices in caring for employees, environment, and community. It is truly exciting to see this movement garner such attention. B Lab co-founder Bart Houlahan states in the interview, that in light of the financial crisis and as the broader public increasingly questions traditional business, this will be the year for “good business.” For more on the topic of good business and good finance, stay tuned for our upcoming Social Finance newsletter, to be released next month. 5 Scholarships Available to 10th Annual BALLE Conference in Grand Rapids! The Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE) Annual Business Conference brings together hundreds of entrepreneurs and business owners, network leaders, economic developers, local government representatives, and community connectors to explore innovative best practices in growing community health and wealth. Each year, the BALLE conference demonstrates how the new economy is being shaped at the grassroots level in local communities around North America. This year’s conference, Real Prosperity Starts Here, is the 10th annual and is being held May 15-18 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, named “America’s Greenest City” by Fast Company magazine. As home to nationally acclaimed BALLE network and conference cohost, Local First West Michigan, Grand Rapids has put apathy, malaise and economic decline on the ropes.  RSF Social Finance has donated funds to establish the RSF Community Capital Scholarship to cover the registration costs of 5 attendees who are transforming the way the world works with money. This is our third year partnering with BALLE to provide these funds. Watch and listen to last year’s scholarship recipients. Click here to learn more about this amazing scholarship opportunity. Don’t wait – the call for applications closes at 11PM Pacific Time on Saturday March 24, 2012. Do You Know Who Makes Your Clothes? By Jillian McCoy In my work here at RSF, I consciously try to embody our values. One that stands out among these is Trust—ensuring that our work is direct, transparent, and personal, based on long-term relationships. This week I was struck by the outstanding display of this value by RSF community member, Indigenous Designs. Click here to read the full post on the Reimagine Money blog. RSF Social Finance and Free Columbia Our friends at Free Columbia Art, who provided the lovely artwork for our 2011 holiday card, are hosting an innovate "art dispersal" event, and we are excited to share more about this here on the blog. Free Columbia is a Steiner-inspired art organization based in Hillsdale, New York. Laura Summer, who leads Free Columbia, has been an investor in RSF's Social Investment Fund since 1992. Last year she also led RSF staff in a color wheel workshop that was not only fun but also helped us all to better appreciate another sphere of Steiner's influence.  As a new experiment in their ongoing attempts to de-commodify art, Free Columbia is planning an art dispersal event, where, among other things, they will make approximately 100 pieces of visual art by various artists available for dispersal to people who would like to live with them for an unspecified amount of time. To learn more about the event and how to get involved, please take a look at their website: http://www.freecolumbia.org/art-dispersal.php . Upcoming Events March 7 – Summerfield Speakers Corner, Santa Rosa, CA March 8-11 – Natural Products Expo West, Anaheim, CA March 15-17 – Good Food Chicago, Chicago, IL March 22-25 – Play BIG, Sausalito, CA April 11 – Dollars to Deeds, Indianapolis, IN April 19-22 – SVN Annual Member Gathering, Stevenson, WA April 22-24 – Investors’ Circle Spring Venture Fair, San Francisco, CA April 23-25 – GIIN Investors’ Council Meeting, New York, NY April 27 – (B)enefit Corporations – West Coast Forum, San Francisco, CA | |  | You are receiving this email because you showed interest in Play BIG. Unsubscribe incubator.hou@gmail.com from this list. Update your profile Our mailing address is: RSF Social Finance 1002 O'Reilly Avenue San Francisco, CA 94129 Our telephone: 415.561.6161 Copyright (C) 2009 RSF Social Finance All rights reserved. Forward this email to a friend | |
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