| | | d.light is looking forward to our new fiscal year with great optimism. With fiscal year 2011-2012 our most successful ever, we are "d.lighted" to announce we've sold well over a million products, transforming over 6 million lives. We are grateful to the entire d.light community for helping us to deliver universal access to clean, safe, reliable, affordable off-grid light and power. | | | | Office Hours: India | | India has more than 88 million households that do not have access to grid power. One of the most important marketplaces for off-grid power and light, India has been home to our regional office in New Delhi since 2007. The last year has seen incredible expansion in the use of d.light's solar-powered lanterns throughout the country, with entire towns—including North India's first "solar village" in Hasanpur—powered by d.light S1s and S10s. In the last several months, d.light has been endorsed by both a number of senior government officials (including the Chief Minister of Jharkhand State Sri Arjun Munda) and won the second round of the prestigious Mahindra Rise Award. | | |  | | | Mediae, and East African rural television production house, will begin to air Shamba Shape Up, featuring d.light products. The show is a "makeover" style series where small farms or shambas—most without electricity—are taught farming techniques (planting, fertilizing, soil testing, for example) as well as general home and business improvements. In the series, d.light educates the household on the benefits of solar (cost savings, increased productivity, improved health and safety) and demonstrates the features of our portable solar lanterns. The series premieres on Citizen TV in Kenya on the 3rd of March. We'll post and publicize shows on our YouTube channel; subscribe here: d.light Youtube Channel. | | | | |  | Partner Spotlight: Global Off-Grid Lighting Association (GOGLA) | | Founded in 2011, the Global Off-Grid Lighting Association (GOGLA) was formed to support the development and implementation of quality standards and testing procedures, identify and remove policy and regulatory barriers, and combat counterfeits while helping to build the off-;grid lighting market. While GOGLA is still in its infancy, d.light is hopeful that this organization—supported by Lighting Africa, the International Finance Corporation, the U.S. Department of Energy and the World Bank—will help deliver more quality products and help build the market for off-grid energy solutions. d.light is actively working to support GOGLA's efforts, with President and Founder Ned Tozun serving as one of seven members of the Board of Trustees. | | d.light Announces 2012 Fellowship Program | d.light will be accepting applications for the 2012 d.light Fellowship Program on March 1 2012. The d.light design Fellowship Program links passionate and talented professionals with one of the world's leading social enterprises bringing light and opportunity to millions. During the ten-month program, fellows will be supervised and mentored by a member of d.light's senior team, and will get hands-on experience in the field and in one of the world's leading social enterprises. If you've been looking for a way to get involved with d.light, this is it! Visit our website to download the application and the full job descriptions. All applications are due March 30 2012. | |  | | |
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