| April 2012
Banking With The Poor Network
Secretariat News BWTP Webinar: Housing Finance for the Poor in Asia - Two Perspectives on Best Practices and Promising Trends from the Region 16th May 2012 | 3:00 pm - 4:15 pm SGT
| | The Banking With The Poor Network cordially invites Microfinance practitioners to attend our Housing Finance webinar on 16th May 2012 at 3:00 pm SGT. The webinar will explore the work of two different organizations providing housing assistance to the poor. The two organizations that will be presenting are Habitat for Humanity International and Lanka Financial Services For Underserved Settlements (LFSUS). Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and interact with the speakers following the presentations. Habitat for Humanity International will present trends and best practices in housing microfinance in the Asia-Pacific region and considerations for adding value to the borrower experience.LFSUS will talk about affordable housing finance through making low-income settlers bankable. Click here for more details and registration | |
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Microfinance Industry News
| Microfinance in Sri Lanka - The Future? Microfinance Focus | 02 April 2012A new draft law of Microfinance has been made public. It provides for the establishment of an Authority (MRSA) for the purpose of licensing, regulation and supervision of Microfinance Business among other things. It is said that the new Finance Business Law, which is to be enacted, will prohibit any lending and deposit taking of all kinds, except certain categories already recognized by law, and this is enabling legislation providing for microfinance to continue. Read More.Financial Inclusion: Southern Development Agendas vs Northern Angst CGAP Microfinance Blog | 02 April 2012India is on a Financial Inclusion roll. In the last couple of months alone, the Government has decided on several policy and regulatory changes that have the potential to significantly accelerate financial access to the more than half of Indian households who remain financially excluded. In the meantime, the private sector continues with a range of promising experiments to better understand client needs and provide a broader range of services at lower costs. Read More.The Men who made Microfinance Work Forbes India | 03 April 2012Two different personalities. Two different methods. Two successful companies. Why Chandra Shekhar Ghosh of Bandhan, and Samit Ghosh of Ujjivan are beacons of hope for microfinance companies. It would seem there is nothing common between Chandra Shekhar Ghosh, founder of Bandhan, and Samit Ghosh, founder of Ujjivan—two microfinance institutions (MFI)—other than their second names. Read MoreMicroinsurance Extended to Nepal's Rural Poor Insurance Insight | 18 April 2012 A microinsurance scheme for Nepal's rural poor is to be established next month, according to local paper The Himalayan Times. The executive director of the country's insurance board, Binod Aryal, said that the groundwork for the programme has already been completed and only a few finishing touches are remaining. Read More.Mobile Money Transfer - What does it Mean for Financial Inclusion? Center for Financial Inclusion | 20 April 2012Savings have been seen as the “forgotten half” of microfinance for some time, and now the rapid growth of payment services over mobile phones suggests that these too have been a forgotten half! With some 15 million registered users of mobile money transfer services in Kenya, mobile payment services are meeting a vital need. Read More.
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Lanka ORIX Finance Expands Worker Remittance Solutions
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| Cambodia
VisionFund Cambodia bestowed the Platinum Award 2011 by MIX | | Pakistan | Buksh Foundation Launch Clean Energy Movement in Pakistan | | | | | | | | |
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Asia Network Summit and Asia-Pacific Financial Inclusion Forum 2012 25-28 June 2012 | Shanghai, Peoples Republic of China
| The Banking With The Poor Network in collaboration with China Association of Microfinance, SEEP Network and Citi Foundation, cordially invites Asian Microfinance Network representatives to attend the Asia Network Summit on 28 June 2012 with the Asia-Pacific Financial Inclusion Forum on 25-27 June 2012, as a pre-event at Shanghai National Accounting Institute (SNAI), Republic of China. The Asia-Pacific Financial Inclusion Forum is jointly organized by ADBInstitute, AFDC and APEC Business Advisory Council and is expected to be attended by 60-80 APEC Policy regulators. This forum aims to provide a platform to promote financial literacy, proportionate regulations on financial inclusion, establishment of credit bureaus, consumer protection and facilitating cross-border microfinance.
Addressing the needs of many people living in poverty in the Asia-Pacific region through improved access to finance remains a major challenge. Constraints on public resources have grown in the wake of the Global Financial Crisis. Thus, mobilizing private resources to serve financial needs of low-income households and small enterprises has become ever more important. Stronger, more balanced and more inclusive growth requires efforts to further expand financial access through new channels. It also requires addressing key obstacles that small enterprises face in accessing traditional sources of finance. This Forum was held with three purposes in mind. First, it aimed to provide a venue for policy dialogue on expanding new channels to serve the financial needs of the unbanked. The focus was on how APEC can harness regional public-private cooperation to promote the sustainability and expansion of undertakings using these new channels. Second, it aimed to provide a platform for capacity building to help relevant policy makers and regulators in the region address two key issues for expanding credit to micro-, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs): credit information and legal frameworks for secured lending. Third, it aimed to provide a forum for discussion of broader institutional and economic framework conditions and policies affecting MSMEs. |
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 |  | The Banking With The Poor Network Secretariat c/o The Foundation for Development Cooperation (Singapore) Ltd #04-09, Certis Cisco Centre II 20 Jalan Afifi Singapore 409179 Phone: +65 6438-4112 Email: info@bwtp.org | | |
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This email was sent by Banking With The Poor Network, #04-09 Certis Cisco Centre II, 20 Jalan Afifi, Singapore 409179, Tel No.: +65 6438 4112 to incubator.hou@gmail.com |
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