Official development assistance has gone down from 70 percent of capital flows in developing nations to its current 13 percent.* Funding for development now mostly comes from the private sector. Enterprises with a social and environmental mission are the ones slowly replacing development aid in providing access to services such as financing, energy, education, health, water, and food supply. Organizations such as ASKI Microfinance, Husk Power Systems, and Third Wave Power are some of the Social Enterprises (SEs) creating impact in the regions they serve by providing accessible financing to micro-entrepreneurs, turning rice husks into electricity, and delivering portable solar power solutions to off-grid rural communities, respectively. These successful SEs have also freed themselves from charitable giving and have scaled-up or are scaling-up thanks to private investments. Scaling-up also goes beyond financing and is attributable to key factors such as: - Knowing your Market
- Knowing your Product, i.e., your unique selling proposition
- Knowing your (Triple) Impact
These factors and other key issues in growing SEs from seed stage to mature, sustainable businesses will be covered at the Impact Forum 2012 on 25 to 26 June in Singapore. Delegates will learn more about inspiring and notable SEs, their stories and thoughts on scaling-up and sector development. The sessions dedicated to the SE space and some of the SEs attending the Forum are found below. SEs will also be given the chance to meet and greet investors at the Impact Forum in an exclusive closed-door showcase. More information on how to participate in the SE showcase is also found below. I hope to see you this June at the Impact Forum! Sincerely, Robert Kraybill Managing Director Impact Investment Exchange Asia (IIX) *source: Hillary Rodham Clinton. Remarks at the Global Impact Economy Forum, 26 April 2012. ________________________________________________________________________________________ The sessions dedicated to Social Enterprise development are below: Measuring success: How to know when you are making an impact. The unique factors and nuances to assessing social and environmental enterprises in Asia. Too few deals? Too little money? Issues in raising capital for SEs. What are the real issues to completing successful fundraising opportunities in Asia. The state of Social Enterprises in Asia. The distinctive make-up of social enterprises in Asia. Scaling models for sustainable social enterprises. In a fast changing region, what have been the factors of success to allow for SEs to flourish and scale its impact? SE Showcase (for accredited investors only). An exclusive meet and greetof SEs with investors that will take place in a closed-door session to showcase the notable impact of selected SEs across Asia. To join the SE Showcase as an SE or investor, please register for free with Impact Partners. Only selected SEs and accredited Investors will be allowed in the SE showcase. Planting the Seeds for Impact. The role of seed funding in scaling social enterprises and their impact across Asia. Achieving Equitable Innovation. What inclusive growth really means. MF: Small loans, Big Impact. Should microfinance go back to basics? Mapping Asia. Exploring the trends and tendencies of Social Enterprises in Asia. SE Showcase (for accredited investors only) To see the full Impact Forum schedule, please click here. Some of the SEs attending and/or presenting at the Impact Forum are: - ASKI Global Limited
- Buksh Foundation
- Husk Power Systems
- KREDIT Microfinance
- Industree
- Stree Shakti
- Third Wave Power
- and many more...
____________________________________________________________________________________ "I am looking forward to join the Impact Forum 2012 to not only share our vision and work on Sustainability, but also to meet, learn, and work together with those who share the same vision and passion." - Deepak Gadhia, Chairman Excellent Renewable Pvt. Ltd. Special Rate for Start-up Social Enterprises  The Impact Forum 2012 is giving a special rate of S$250 to social enterprises who are starting out or scaling-up to show support and appreciation for the social and environmental good that they are creating through innovation. To avail of this special rate please send an email with a short description of your social enterprise to ____________________________________________________________________________ Get Involved Be a Partner The Impact Forum is happy to partner with individuals, groups, or organizations who also believe in Igniting Capital Markets for Social Good. If you would like to sponsor the Forum in any way, cover it as a member of the press or as a media partner, or spread the word to your network as an outreach partner, contact us at Be a Volunteer Be part of the action and assist during the Impact Forum 2012. Interested volunteers are encouraged to register here.  Be an Impact Angel Enhance social and environmental impacts and support a social enterprise to attend the Impact Forum, a half-day Impact Academy workshop, or receive an impact assessment. Contact to know how you can be an Impact Angel. ____________________________________________________________________________ |
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