
轉寄︰ The ClearlySo Newsletter - 29th June

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寄件人︰ ClearlySo <jonny.kates@clearlyso.com>
收件人︰ incubator.hou@gmail.com
傳送日期︰ 2012年06月29日 (週五) 9:03 PM
主題︰ The ClearlySo Newsletter - 29th June

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ClearlySo Newsletter | June 29th 2012
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Hello and welcome to another edition of the ClearlySo Newsletter.
We’ve been focused heavily on the health sector in our blogging this week, with articles from Mo Girach and Tom Cropper on health spinouts.
Plus some recent headlines in the sector. Don’t forget: we provide a fortnightly media watch service to our LinkedIn Group Members.
Events, jobs, and the rest; it’s the ClearlySo Newsletter. Have a great weekend!
Jonny Kates
Tea time
Want free business advice from industry and investment experts? Our monthly tea-time drop ins are a great way to network with other social entrepreneurs, pick up a few useful tips and have a nice cuppa whilst you're at it. Our next event is on July 19th before we leap frog August and go straight to September's session.
Contact us if you would like to be featured on our next newsletter.
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Tom Cropper looks at the prickly issue of protecting the NHS and the diversity of those organisations looking to spin out: from community enterprises to profit seeking health companies.
Guest blogger Mo Girach is back by popular demand with an excellent summary of how health services can be spun out into social enterprises.
Continuing the health theme, we’ve rekindled this piece from Rod Schwartz in September last year in which he exposes the ‘elephant in the room’ for the debate around healthcare provision in the UK.
In other news
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This national conference will explore creative solutions within the social entrepreneurship sector for those at a severe disadvantage in the labour market. Social Firms UK is offering ClearlySo’s network access to member rates for the day and residential tickets. Please indicate when registering your details that you are booking a special members rate via ClearlySo.
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Five members of the ClearlySo team are donning their sweatbands and stocking up on Compeed as they prepare to run the British 10k on July 8th. Philippa, Simon, Fed and Stefan are raising money for the Al Hasan eye clinic in Najaf, southern Iraq and Amy is fundraising for Coeliac UK.
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Not strictly a current affairs story, but who doesn’t love an infographic? This one from GOOD explains what a carbon offset is and how you can go about reducing theirs through offsetting schemes. Alternatively, you can always Do The Green thing and walk the walk!
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Does your organisation want to market to our newsletter audience of over six thousand social entrepreneurs? We offer extremely competitive rates for advertising and can also provide design skills to produce a banner for you if you don’t already have marketing materials.
Contact us on 020 7490 9520 or email contact@clearlyso.com to discuss the options available to you.

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