
轉寄︰ BAM e.zine Issue 10

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寄件人︰ BAM e.zine <ezine@businessasmission.com>
收件人︰ incubator.hou@gmail.com
傳送日期︰ 2012年06月22日 (週五) 7:16 PM
主題︰ BAM e.zine Issue 10

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Resourcing Connecting Equipping
Business as Mission e.zine
Issue 10 : June 2012

In this issue

Training and Events

training in action
BAM conferences and courses in the USA and Asia
iBAM Impact Conference
3 day intensive introduction to business as mission
September 2012, USA
NEW! Business DTS
5 months to get ready to serve God through business
January - June 2013, Thailand
iBAM Explore & iBAM Prepare
3 and 5 week training courses giving you strong foundations.
February 2013, Thailand

"This event gave me the freedom and encouragement to continue to work out my calling to business and expanded my understanding of the impact of business within the Kingdom of God."
David, iBAM Impact 2011

Featured Resources

BAM Think Tank
A year long project to connect the business as mission movement, take stock and strengthen BAM for the future.
Here are the top 3 'hottest topics' in business as mission as identified by 200 Think Tank members:
1. How do we nurture a broader understanding of what mission through business means? How can we understand better the multiple bottom lines of business and how it can bring a holistic impact to communities and nations?
2. How do we successfully integrate the new mission model of BAM with more traditional mission models and strategies? How do we effectively navigate the transition?
3. How can we practically incubate new business as mission models to see growth in the numbers of new BAM enterprises? How do we fund these businesses?

Building the Kingdom cover

Building the Kingdom through Business

If it's business that shapes the world, then how can we use it to shape the world for good and for God? For extract, see article by Adams and Raithatha (right)  Find out more

Landa Cope video


Landa Cope's 10 minute video interview on God's design for business, what God is doing among business people globally and the need to dig deeper into God's word as we do Kingdom business. Watch Video

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Accelerating a Movement

Looking Back and Looking Forward in Business as Mission

Many of the initiatives we are involved with are about looking forward. We share resources and run events to help people launch out into business as mission. But we also know how important it is to look back. We are standing on the shoulders of those who are gone before. As we learn from what has and hasn't worked in the past, we can go further, faster. That is what the Global Think Tank on Business as Mission is all about, providing a global forum to go deeper into effective business as mission practice, to strengthen business as mission in the future. We want to share more about some of the strategic initiatives we are involved in: the Think Tank, IBAM Impact and the Business Discipleship Training School. 
In this e.zine you can also read the article 'Looking Backwards to Move Forward' by Manoj Raithatha and Bridget Adams from their recent book 'Building the Kingdom Through Business'. Our Lessons from the Edge also has a historical theme as we learn from the example of Jesse Boot.
IBAM Impact 3 day Business as Mission Conference, Charlotte, USA - September 21-23, 2012

IBAM Impact 3 Day Business as Mission Conference

Get beneath the surface of business as mission with some of the leading speakers in the business as mission movement. If you have been exploring the topic of business as mission, but feel you want to go deeper, then IBAM Impact is for you. If you want to know what business as mission looks like in practice, then come along to this unique 3 day event in Charlotte, USA in September. We deliberately limit spaces to provide an intensive, interactive environment. 
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Business DTS: Know God and Make him know in business

Business DTS

The Business Discipleship Training School will help lay solid foundations for a life of service to God in business. This DTS is for you whether you plan to do business in your home community or overseas. Business has the power to do good, to transform communities and nations in Jesus' name. The Business DTS gives you the opportunity to prepare for this kind of service and impact. The DTS is a proven 5 month program that includes 12 weeks of lecture and training; followed by 10 weeks of serving and outreach. The Business DTS will offer the opportunity for a 6 week internship in an Asian business. Know God and make Him known in Business!
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Global Think Tank on Business as Mission

Wrestling with the Big Issues

The Hottest Topics in Business as Mission

The Business as Mission Think Tank is a year-long initiative designed to strengthen the business as mission movement to fulfill it's vital role in God's mission to the world. More than 200 practitioners and thought leaders are connecting together from around the world to grapple with some of the biggest issues in business as mission, ending with the Global Congress on Business as Mission in April 2013. As we learn and share from experiences of the past and build connections and networks for the future, we will invigorate the movement and multiply the impact of business and business people for God's Kingdom. 
We surveyed the 200 Think Tank members so far and asked them the question: ‘What is the hottest topic in the BAM movement today?’ Or in other words, what is the one question they would most like to see answered in business as mission. See the left hand column for the top 3 answers and read more for the complete list of top 10 'hottest' issues or themes.
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Looking Backwards to Move Forward

Building the Kingdom Through Business - Adams & Raithatha

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