
轉寄︰ A Successful Entrepreneur Discovers What’s Different About Impact Investing

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寄件人︰ Impact Investing Monthly <notify@csrwire.com>
收件人︰ incubator.hou@gmail.com
傳送日期︰ 2012年06月12日 (週二) 11:00 PM
主題︰ A Successful Entrepreneur Discovers What’s Different About Impact Investing

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What's Different About Impact Investing?

Socap_Malmo_Hampus_JakobssonThe recent SOCAP:Designing the Future event in Malmö, Sweden hosted a 45-minute conversation between Hampus Jakobsson, an entrepreneur who sold his company for $150 million, and two experienced impact investors—Niki Armacost of Arc Finance and Oliver Karius of LGT Venture Philanthropy. From "going solo" or joining a consortium to investing in unfamiliar industries, watch a lively discussion as these 3 explore the thoughts, doubts and questions of a successful entrepreneur who is interested in making impact as an investor. Watch the full video.

Earth Security Initiative: Ecological Limits Create New Risks & Opportunities for Impact Investors

Earth_Security_InitiativeThe concept of ecological limits is a frightening phenomenon for most investors. How can a business plan for a future in which there is more scarcity? Anna Ritz reports on the Earth Security Initiative's attempts to build ecological limits such as land and water scarcity into metrics of risk that can be used to not only help investors make better decisions, but to find genuine long term value. On CSRwire.

Giving is Not Going Away

A look at Acumen Fund's 10 years of experience in the field, Shell Foundation's role in the success of Husk Power Systems and Monitor Group's research on "inclusive businesses" all supported the recent report, From Blueprint To Scale, in showing that philanthropy will play a vital role in developing a market for impact investing. Rik Vyverman of Acumen Fund, Harvey Koh of Monitor Group and Simon Desjardins of Shell Foundation highlight preliminary examples, complexities, and future potential during this 32-minute session at the recent SOCAP:Designing the Future event in Malmö, Sweden. Watch the video here.

Investing in Social Solutions vs. Symptoms

SoCap MalmoAt the recent SoCap conference in Malmö, Per Grankvist was struck by the fact that social entrepreneurs can "make more money talking about what you are about to do, rather than doing it"—one of the signs of a bubble. However, as someone who experienced the dotcom bust first hand, Grankvist found plenty of reasons to believe that we're on the verge of genuinely disruptive change—something that should encourage investors and entrepreneurs everywhere. Read it on CSRwire.

How GIIRS Flavors Impact Investing’s Alphabet Soup of Measurement Tools

"For impact investing to achieve credibility as an asset class, investors need a reliable way to compare investment opportunities and measure the performance of a fund’s portfolio over time."
GIIRS' Flory Wilson details how GIIRS' research and analytics tools can provide inveosors with exactly that ability--paving the way for a sea change in investment strategy. Read it on CSRwire.

News from SOCAP

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