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寄件人︰ "WeeklyNews@plunkett.co.uk" <WeeklyNews@plunkett.co.uk>
收件人︰ incubator.hou@gmail.com
傳送日期︰ 2012年06月16日 (週六) 2:11 AM
主題︰ Plunkett Weekly News

Dear all,

This week in the Plunkett Weekly News:

-Community Shops Fortnight 2012;

-Plunkett Foundation Annual General Meeting;

-DCLG launches guide for local shopping centres;

-Community woodland consultation;

-Are you an Oxfordshire charity and want to celebrate your volunteers?

-Pastoral or Past-Caring? CCRI Rural Policy conference;

-National Countryside Week 2012 announced;

-Farmers Apprentice launched;

Very best wishes,


Katherine Darling
Media & Communications Officer

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