
轉寄︰ TBN News, Updates and Resources

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寄件人︰ "Harrison Brown, TBN" <info@tbnetwork.org>
收件人︰ Houghton Wan <incubator.hou@gmail.com>
傳送日期︰ 2012年07月25日 (週三) 7:43 PM
主題︰ TBN News, Updates and Resources

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Transformational Business Network

July 2012

Hi Houghton
This month's eNews brings you a number of resources on topics such as impact investing, access to nutrition and India's development, along with an opportunity to assist a TBN Partner project.


Potential poultry farm in Somaliland
A group based in Somaliland, led by TBN Partner Tim Parks, have identified an opportunity to help set up a poultry farm for the production of eggs. Plans are already in place including local partner, site, agreement with poultry farm in neighbouring country to supply point of layer hens and feed and agreements with local market to purchase eggs. Prior to moving ahead they would appreciate some specialist advice from someone who has experience in poultry farming. Do you have any connections, contacts or expertise to offer him? If so, join the discussion on LinkedIn or get in touch with us so we can introduce you.


Impact Insights: The Climate of Impact Investing | Nexii
The Climate of Impact Investing
This article on Nexii talks about the critical stage Impact Investing is at, the hurdles that need to be overcome to develop it into a proper mainstream asset class, and the steps we need to take now to get there.
Growing Social Innovation | DASRA
Social Change in India
The incredible growth in India, driven by innovation in technology, finance and industry, has not been inclusive of everyone in society. Many socio-economic issues (health, education, income) persist and nearly half the population is below the poverty line. The scale of the problem is too big for individual social enterprises to tackle alone – what's needed is social innovation that spreads India's rapid growth to those left out. This report looks at how that might happen, and deals with 4 main problems facing social enterprises in India today:
1) Access to blended capital and mentoring support
2) Lack of big data to make better business decisions
3) Shortage of skilled human resources for all sectors
4) High upfront cost of behavioural change in society
Read the report here »
From Blueprint to Scale: The Case for Philanthropy in Impact Investing | Monitor Group
Will capital alone unlock the potential of Impact Investment?
Research by the Acumen Fund and Monitor Group suggests that capital alone is not sufficient to unlock all the potential for growth and change that impact investment can bring to the global poor. Can an argument be made that, due to the challenges faced by those pioneering new models of inclusive businesses, realising the impact in Impact Investment will require more philanthropy, not less? Read the executive summary, or the whole report, here on the Monitor website »
Intellecap report
Human Resource Challenges in Social Enterprises
Social Enterprises — particularly for-profit ones — face numerous challenges, not least of which is getting the right people at the right time. Often this is a major reason why a social enterprise can't scale up and multiply the impact it's having. This Intellecap report looks at current HR practices (hiring, training, promotions, work culture, etc), decodes the problems being faced and aims to develop an understanding of how social enterprises can overcome human resource issues and expand. The report is focussed on India, but would be applicable to many areas of the world. Read the report here »
Access to Food and Improved Nutrition at the BoP: Five business interventions to achieve social impact, financial sustainability and scale | Business Fights Poverty
Report summary: improving food access and affordability for BoP
Improving the availability, accessibility and utilisation of food in the developing world is a complex challenge because the key activities — production, distribution and consumption — are in the hands of private enterprise. This article is a summary of how the private sector is (and has been) able to intervene in the value chain to include those at the Base of the Pyramid (BoP) and increase the availability and affordability of food. Read the summary and download the report here »

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