
轉寄︰ Concepting now open in OpenIDEO's E-Waste Challenge

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傳送日期︰ 2012年07月14日 (週六) 1:14 AM
主題︰ Concepting now open in OpenIDEO's E-Waste Challenge

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How can we manage e-waste & discarded electronics in ways that safeguard human health and protect our environment?

Add your ideas to our Concepting phase
Our E-Waste Challenge has been buzzing, beeping and humming along – with global insights posted in our Inspiration phase that helped us learn about the topic and start thinking about potential solutions. 
Now it's time to dive into our ever-collaborative Concepting phase: what are your ideas to reduce, reuse and recycle our discarded electronics and e-waste?
As always, everyone is welcome to take part in our efforts. Join us to share your ideas, applaud and comment on other community concepts, and get inspired by new and innovative solutions to this pressing global challenge.

Head over to Concepting to get started, and be sure to check out our blog post with tips for using Concepting Themes to guide your ideas. You could also host a challenge brainstorm with friends – because collaboration loves company!

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