
轉寄︰ GIIN Launches Impact Investment Profile Series

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傳送日期︰ 2012年07月10日 (週二) 12:19 AM
主題︰ GIIN Launches Impact Investment Profile Series

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GIIN Launches Impact Investment Profile Series 

Profiles of real impact investments provide details on investors,
investees, investment instrument, deal sourcing, intended
social and environmental impact, and more

Click here to view the profiles

The Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) today published profiles of ten real impact investments, highlighting key details including sector, region, and investment instrument. 
Impact Investment Profiles Landing Page
The profiles are contributed by GIIN Investors' Council members and written from the investors' perspectives. Additional profiles will be regularly added to show more examples of the diversity of the impact investment market. Impact investments are investments made into companies, organizations, and funds with the intention to generate measurable social and environmental impact alongside a financial return. They can be made in both emerging and developed markets, and target a range of returns from below market to market rate, depending upon the circumstances.

The investments profiled on the GIIN website illustrate the many ways that investment capital can generate positive social and environmental impact alongside financial returns. The profiles include information on investee business models and outline why investors found the investment opportunities attractive and what they sought to achieve. Investments currently profiled on the GIIN website are:
  • Accion Frontier Investment Group's investment in Vindhya e-Info-media to generate efficiency in microfinance services provision to reduce costs and benefit clients
  • Calvert Foundation's investment in Craft3 to increase economic opportunity in disadvantaged communities
  • IGNIA Fund's investment in Micel to expand access to basic services for poor and low-income people
  • Leapfrog Investments' investment in AllLife to provide safety nets and springboards to low-income and vulnerable people through access to financial services
  • Lundin Foundation's investment in Rent-to-Own Limited Zambia to enhance livelihoods for agricultural entrepreneurs
  • National Community Investment Fund's investment in Carver Bancorp, Inc. to increase economic opportunity in disadvantaged communities
  • Sarona Asset Management's investment in Agro Capital Management to improve livelihoods for agricultural entrepreneurs
  • SNS Impact Investing's investment in Pro Mujer Bolivia to increase access to financial services for poor women
  • The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's investment in Inigral to enhance post-secondary student retention and degree completion
  • The David and Lucile Packard Foundation's investment in The Nature Conservancy to preserve ecosystems, including land, watershed, and species

The Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing the scale and effectiveness of impact investing. The GIIN builds critical infrastructure and supports activities, education, and research that help accelerate the development of a coherent impact investing industry. The GIIN Investors' Council is an exclusive membership program that serves as a platform for leading, active impact investors to share experiences, learn about emerging sectors, explore opportunities for collaboration, and contribute to industry development.
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