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寄件人︰ SEE Change Magazine <info@seechangemagazine.com>
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傳送日期︰ 2012年07月4日 (週三) 9:55 PM
主題︰ News from SEE Change Magazine

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SEE Change...As it happens 
July 2012
Dear Houghton,

Summer is the perfect time of year for contemplation and speculation - preferably while lying in the shade sipping a cold beverage. In this edition of our newsletter, we offer items that we hope will inform and entertain you during these long, lazy days of summer.

In This Issue
Summer reading for SEs
SEE Change on the radio
New ebooks
Upcoming events
Writing this piece on the holiday Monday of a long weekend, I'm struck by the fact that the above title may sound like an oxymoron - what social entrepreneur has time for "summer reading"? Check out our list of ten great reads - a favourite from our archives.
In this interview, SEE Change co-founder, Elisa Birnbaum, chats with host Mark Swartz about adventures in running a magazine and the exciting field of social entrepreneurship.
Could a strict definition of social enterprise do more harm than good? And whose interests does the definition best serve in this era of so many business hybrids? Find this and other stories from our June issue on our website.
The Canadian Social Economy Hub has produced three final publications building on the results of a six-year national research program, including one that examines public policy issues surrounding the social economy. All three can be downloaded for free.
Mark your calendar for these upcoming events

Web of Change - Sept. 5-9, Cortes Island, BC

Social Venture Institute - Sept. 12-16, Cortes Island, BC

[Food + Justice = Democracy] - Sept. 24-26, Minneapolis, MN

SOCAP - Oct. 1-4, San Francisco, CA

Social Enterprise World Forum - Oct. 16-18, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

This email was sent to incubator.hou@gmail.com by info@seechangemagazine.com |  
SEE Change Magazine | Downtown | Toronto | M5B 2H1 | Canada

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