A BIBLICAL VISION FOR SOCIETY JUBILEE CENTRE E-NEWS July 2012 In this E-News: Dear friends This eNews is to give you some highlights of Jubilee Centre’s recent work. If you can make it to Cambridge on Saturday September 22nd then we would love to welcome you to our two half-day conferences on responding to the financial crisis. We hope you enjoy the articles below; please browse through our website to access hundreds of other pages of additional content. We will be back with another eNews at the end of August. With warm Christian greetings from the team, Jonathan, Alan, Guy, Maureen and Sarah | | Jubilee Centre are running two half-day conferences in Cambridge on Saturday 22nd September, 2012, together entitled: 'FORGIVE US OUR DEBTS? Biblical pathways through the financial crisis.' Two major themes will be threaded through the day. One is helping Christians to understand the times and be wise in their own stewardship. The other is to inspire and equip local churches and individual Christians to reach out to people around them – both in the church and outside – who are struggling with debt or are fearful about the future. Read more... | | The Bible and politics: Christian sources of British political thought is Nick Spencer’s latest Cambridge Paper. This paper follows on from Nick’s book Freedom & Order, which argues that it is impossible to understand British politics without reference to the Bible. The paper contends that the Bible has been the single most influential document in British political history. It takes six major political ideas, each with contemporary relevance, and shows how the Bible has shaped our attitude to each, highlighting particular hermeneutical principles critical in explaining this influence. Read more... | | The way we think about our culture's political, economic and social problems is flawed and confused. Society is not made up of distinct elements we can treat in isolation from each other. How we view one idea - the state; property ownership; the economy; the health of our communities; welfare; employment conditions; families; the justice system - affects all the others. They are interlocking concerns and require an integrated approach, whether in our personal lives or in public policy. Read more... | | Friday Five Friday Five is a weekly reflection written to stimulate ‘Relational Thinking’, which is a way of looking at the world biblically. It takes an issue in the news and looks at it through a relational lens; this is wrapped up in a quote, a suggestion for further reading, a practical action and a relevant verse from scripture. To subscribe to Friday Five send an email to fridayfive@jubilee-centre.org and to read previous editions, click here. Vacancy Our friends over at KLICE are looking to recruit an Associate Director. Details are available on the KLICE website. | | Finally, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. (Philippians 4:8, NIV) | You have received this message because you have requested to receive Jubilee Centre news by e-mail. If you no longer wish to receive electronic news about the work of the Jubilee Centre, please email info@jubilee-centre.org with the message “Unsubscribe Jubilee Centre e-news”. If you have been forwarded this message by a friend and wish to subscribe, please do so via our website, at http://www.jubilee-centre.org/mailinglist.php | |
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