
轉寄︰ Barefoot Power Impact: Award Winning Growth Throughout Africa

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傳送日期︰ 2012年07月5日 (週四) 10:06 PM
主題︰ Barefoot Power Impact: Award Winning Growth Throughout Africa

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In This Issue
Field Notes: Highlighting Barefoot Power's Progress & Expansion in Africa
Latest News: Barefoot Power Accepts 2012 Ashden Award for Sustainable Enterprise
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July 2012
Dear hou,
Welcome to the Barefoot Power® Impact Quarterly Newsletter.

Barefoot Power has experienced a lot of growth since our last newsletter, getting us closer to reaching over 2 million people with affordable, safe and healthy alternatives to kerosene lanterns.

This quarter has seen Barefoot Power expanded its position in the marketplace with new staff and offices around the world, as well as winning a prestigious Ashden Award 

We have outlined some of the key happenings in this newsletter, but be sure to follow us on facebook and twitter for the most up-to-date information.

Best Regards,
The Barefoot Power Team

Field Notes: Highlighting Barefoot Power's Progress and Expansion in Africa

Introducing our Newest Distributor-Barefoot Power West Africa
Unloading first shipment of BFP products in new office in Accra.
Unloading the first shipment of Barefoot Power Products at our newest office in Accra, Ghana.
The BFP West Africa Team has had a few exciting months setting up our office in Accra, Ghana.  We moved into our new office just in time to receive our first shipment of product and we are ready to get a jump start on selling this stock throughout the West and Central Africa region.  Our product is still pretty new in these markets so it is very exciting to be showing off the benefits of BFP products to new people all of the time.
Success! The first shipment has been unpacked!
Success! First shipment officially unpacked!
 The West Africa Team also participated in their first NGO Workshop in Mali.  Barefoot Power partnered with Peak View Global Trust to hold a workshop on energy poverty in Bamako on June 14th, 2012 for NGOs and MFIs that were interested in incorporating renewable energy into their existing programs.  More than 30 institutions were in attendance and many seemed very excited to start bringing Barefoot Power products to their target populations.

Barefoot Power Rwanda Trains First Group of Entrepreneurs

Barefoot Power Rwanda conducted their first Micro Franchise Entrepreneur (MFE) training 29 May through 1 June 2012 in Rwanda. Neil Frank Yiga and Dirk Kam from the Barefoot Power Uganda team coordinated the event which was attended by all Rwanda staff members as well as 5 Micro Entrepreneurs.

The training started with the history of Barefoot Power and continued with business skills training, solar training and appreciation of Barefoot Power's business philosophy and how to have the best customer reach.

On the final day, the micro entrepreneurs and staff members were given training certificates and their business in a bag during the graduation ceremony, along with many thanks and well wishes from Barefoot Power Rwanda's Managing Director, Georg Heinemann and Dirk Kam from Uganda. 
BFP-RW MFEs June 2012
Barefoot Power Rwanda's First Group of MFE Graduates.
East Africa Continues to Grow Through Deepened Partnerships and New Relationships

Our Tanzania partner,
hosted a solar seminar in Dar es Salaam in May. ARTI energy is responsible for the distribution, sales and servicing of Barefoot Power solar products in Tanzania. The event was held to launch the new line of Generation 2.5 products and to highlight efforts made by ARTI energy and BFP to combat energy poverty in Tanzania. The event was presided by a Technical Training on the Gen 2.5 products and was conducted by Technicians Paul Maina from Smart Solar (K ) Ltd and Andrew Engalu from Barefoot Power Uganda. 

Team of New BFP Technicians from ARTI Energy
Team of new technicians trained at ARTI Energy.
 Visionary Empowerment Programme (VEP) is an NGO whose mission is to provide products, services and skills that empower the community socially and financially for sustainable development.
  VEP encourages and promotes sustainable economic growth among women by identifying, designing and developing strategies towards establishing profitable enterprises. This is done through linking them to micro-finanace institutions, training and energy development projects such as solar lamps, energy saving jikos and biogas system construction). Their aim is to enhance economic gain and better living standards among the rural women in Kenya.

In partnership with Smart Solar (K), the organization has taken up the Barefoot Power range of  solar home lighting systems as part of its solar lighting project that is aimed at encouraging the use of clean energy options and therefore eradicating the use of kerosene for lighting.
Latest News:  Barefoot Power Accepts 2012 Ashden Award for Sustainable Enterprise

 Ashden Logo

On 30 May 2012, Barefoot Power was awarded the Ashden Award for Sustainable Enterprise, the World's leading green energy prize, at a prestigeous ceremony at the Royal Geographic Society in London. 

CEO Rick Hooper, Global Marketing & Program Management Director Joyce DeMucci and Barefoot Power Uganda Sales Manager, Anne Kayiwa accepted the award on behalf of the company.
ashden award acceptance
Dr Kandeh Yumkella with Joyce DeMucci, Anne Kayiwa Kaggwa and Rick Hooper of Barefoot Power. Photo by Ashden
 Please watch the Barefoot Power film, produced by Ashden, filmed in Uganda HERE.

To reach 5 million people by 2013 and 10-15 million people by 2015.
Connect with Barefoot Power
You can find out more about Barefoot Power®  Firefly and PowaPack solar lighting and phone charging products on Barefoot Power website, and via email.

For regular updates from the field and beyond, please connect with us through our various social media:

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This email was sent to incubator.hou@gmail.com by info@barefootpower.com |  
Barefoot Power | Level 9 Avaya House | 123 Epping Road | North Ryde | NSW | 2113 | Australia

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