
轉寄︰ Global Consultation September 10-14, 2012

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寄件人︰ Micah Network <events@micahnetwork.org>
收件人︰ Houghton Wan <incubator.hou@gmail.com>
傳送日期︰ 2012年07月5日 (週四) 2:31 AM
主題︰ Global Consultation September 10-14, 2012

Micah Network
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Integral Mission & the Community

Integral Mission and the Community:
local church, local change, global impact
Thun, Switzerland – September 10th to 14th, 2012
Micah Network’s 5th Global Consultation is now only 9 weeks away. We invite you to send through your registration and join us in this challenging and inspiring Consultation as we seek together to explore how we can radically engage with communities and work together to inspire hope and transformation in our nations.
The local church, agent of transformation and an expression of the Gospel in action!
The great variety of human needs in our societies creates a daunting challenge to Christian mission which can only truly be met through greater cooperation and partnership with the community and with one another. In order for us to live out the values of the Kingdom of God in our communities we will need to draw on the gifts, skills and expertise of all of us for the undertaking of integral mission.
This Consultation seeks to explore how we ensure grass root impact, identifying what the catalysts are and working on addressing the barriers and hurdles we face.
Monday 10th September: René Padilla will reflect on what influence integral mission is having at various levels and to challenge us in to considering whether we are agents of transformation.
Tuesday 11th September: CB Samuel unpacks the God of Justice in our morning devotion. The day will be focused around justice and advocacy concerns, priorities, approaches and community engagement.
Wednesday 12th September: Johannes Reimer will talk about the God of Compassion, challenging us on how our own organisations, churches and personal lives reflect this. The day will focus on a variety of missional approaches and explore some of the consequences of living radical and distinct lives within the community.
Thursday 13th September: Rhiannon Lloyd will reflect on the Father heart of God, a God of Love, identifying the need to address the brokenness and hurts that exist in the realities of the tough contexts many live and struggle to survive in.
Friday 14th September: we will have a chance to stand together and seek God’s presence, empowerment and guidance as we confess and seek His Lordship within our lives, our local churches, or organisations, our communities.
For more information see: www.micahnetwork.org/events
Download registration form, complete and send to events@micahnetwork.org
For those requiring Schengen Visas – we encourage you to register as soon as possible so as to ensure adequate time for the visa processing.

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