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主題︰ APOPO's HeroRAT Newsletter - July 2012

Great news on our recent expansion into Angola, new support from Only The Brave Foundation and, our latest scientific publications.
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HeroRAT Newsletter

July 2012

In this issue:
  • APOPO Mine Action starts up in Angola
  • Only the Brave sponsor 50 HeroRATs!
  • Our Growing List of Publications

APOPO Mine Action starts up in Angola

APOPO's TB Detection Center in Tanzania
APOPO has partnered with Norwegian Peoples Aid (NPA) in Angola to provide 40 Mine Detection Rats (MDR) to support their mechanical flails in the Malanje Province. The APOPO MDR will significantly increase productivity of these machines and speed up the release of land back to the local communities.

  The Belgian Government has provided funding for the next three years, and we have recruited an Angolan Project Manager as well as an Operations Coordinator to manage this project. In addition to this APOPO will also recruit and train 10 Angolan female MDR handlers. The 40 MDR for Angola are undergoing final training and testing in Morogoro and it is hoped to move them to Angola by September.

  “This partnership with NPA in Angola is a remarkable opportunity for both organisations to combine their individual strengths to benefit the mine affected communities of a country synonymous with landmines.” TeKimiti Gilbert, Head of APOPO Mine Action.

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Only The Brave Sponsor 50 HeroRATS!
APOPO's Mine Detection Rats and trainers in Mozambique
We are very happy to report that the Only the Brave Foundation has agreed to support 50 Detection Rats for our Mine Action work in Mozambique and also for our Tuberculosis Detection projects in both Mozambique and Tanzania. This is a great boost to APOPO and we are very thankful for this tremendous support. Thank you Only The Brave!

  Only the Brave Foundation was founded in 2008 by Italian fashion entrepreneur and Millennium Development Goals global leader Renzo Rosso. You can find out more about their other charitable work by visiting their website.

If you or your organisation are interested in partnering with APOPO to help train rats to save lives, please get in touch and we would be happy to discuss things further. 

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Our Growing List of Publications
TeKimiti Gilbert, APOPO's Head of Mine Action
From our Research & Development headquarters in Morogoro, Tanzania, we are pleased to have three more additions to our list of scientific publications:

  Ability of Cricetomys rats to detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis and discriminate it from other microorganisms by Mgode, G. et al. (2012). Tuberculosis (Edinb). 2012 Mar;92(2):182-6.

  Mine Detection Rats: Effects of Repeated Extinction on Detection Rates by Mahoney, A. et al. (2012). The Journal of ERW and Mine Action.

  Pouched Rats’ Detection of Tuberculosis in Human Sputum: Comparison to Culturing and Polymerase Chain Reaction by Mahoney, A. et al. (2012). Tuberculosis Research and Treatment, vol. 2012, Article ID 716989, 5 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/716989.

  For those who are interested to read more please see our full list of publications on the APOPO website. 

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