
轉寄︰ Announcing Our E-Waste Challenge Winning Concepts

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傳送日期︰ 2012年09月14日 (週五) 1:17 AM
主題︰ Announcing Our E-Waste Challenge Winning Concepts

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How can we manage e-waste & discarded electronics to safeguard human health and protect our environment?

Check out this challenge's Collaboration Map!
Check our Collaboration Map to see how your efforts informed the Winning Concepts!

Roughly 14 weeks ago, OpenIDEO – along with Brazilian bank Itaú, the US Department of State, and the US Environmental Protection Agency – posed an important, new challenge question to our global community: How can we manage e-waste and discarded electronics to safeguard human health and protect our environment? 

In true OpenIDEO community-style, you wowed us once again with your thoughtful inspirations and creative ideas: from enabling consumers to make smarter purchase choices and flexing the business sector's muscles around product design, to do-it-yourself tools and awareness campaigns to help educate each of us about e-waste.

In our Refinement phase, community members from all backgrounds, experiences and skill sets came together to iterate and update our Top 20 shortlisted concepts. As always, it was inspiring and exciting to see these ideas grow and get stronger through everyone's collective input. 

And while the community joined our Evaluation phase, our challenge team did an evaluation of its own to determine which of our Top 20 were strong enough to become Winning Concepts. We first reviewed the community's evaluation scores, along with your comments and applause, to get a pulse on your reactions to our Top 20. From there, subject-matter experts from our partner organizations shared their thoughts on which ideas offered the most potential, seemed most novel, or suggested opportunities that complimented the work they're already pursuing. Together, we decided on a list of 9 Winning Concepts – and we couldn't be more excited about them!

As always, while we celebrate our winning ideas, we also know that the broader congratulations goes out to every member of our community who joined our challenge. If you weren't already convinced that our ideas are strengthened by our collective collaboration, check out this challenge's Collaboration Map. If you click on one of our winning concepts, you'll see all the touch points – from inspiration and concept builds to Theme connections – that demonstrate how our ideas get better the more we work together.

So with that, head over to our Winning Concepts phase to cheer on our Final 9 and celebrate our collaborative efforts for impact!

The OpenIDEO Team

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