
轉寄︰ Time running out to claim £25,000 prize fund

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寄件人︰ The SE100 team <help@se100.net>
收件人︰ Houghton <incubator.hou@gmail.com>
傳送日期︰ 2012年09月19日 (週三) 9:00 PM
主題︰ Time running out to claim £25,000 prize fund

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stake your claim to £25,000 in rbs se100!

September is racing away, and we're fast approaching the Sunday 30 September RBS SE100 Index deadline. 
There's still plenty of time to complete your application. Below we lay down three reasons why you really should enter:
1. Help forge a better understanding of the social enterprise sector. We often hear about the great stories of social enterprise; the index's aim is to build the data to find out what's really happening on the ground. Whether you have had a fantastic year of growth or you're just pleased to still be trading, we want to hear from you. All information is held in the strictest confidence, and we can't build an accurate picture without your participation. Help now by taking the survey.
2. You could win a share of £25,000. It's not about the money, money, money. But we do have a tidy sum to give away to three top performers. The most sustainable grower, the social enterprise doing the best job of measuring and demonstrating their impact, and a trailblazing newcomer will share £25,000 of cold, hard cash – along with a host of other top prizes. You've got to be in it win it, so sign up now.
3. Its free and easy to take part. The SE100 application form can seem quite daunting, but our team of researchers are on stand by to make life as easy as possible for you. If you would like a 'stop and save' survey to complete the survey in bitesize chunks, or if they can help in any other way, drop them a line.
Finally, if you completed the SE100 survey in 2010 or 2011, we just need a few details from you to update your profile. Email the team to arrange a call back, and they will quickly add you to the index.
Thanks for taking part and good luck with your application!
The RBS SE100 team

© Social Enterprise Magazine 2010
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