
轉寄︰ Zipcar releases 'Pay-As-You-Live' Generation report and top stories in Collaborative Consumption

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寄件人︰ Collaborative Consumption <contact@collaborativeconsumption.com>
收件人︰ Houghton <incubator.hou@gmail.com>
傳送日期︰ 2012年10月15日 (週一) 1:09 PM
主題︰ Zipcar releases 'Pay-As-You-Live' Generation report and top stories in Collaborative Consumption

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Collaborative Consumption News
FOR: Houghton
DELIVERED: 15/10/2012

Top six Stories From last week

PAYL report
Last week Zipcar released their 'Pay-As-You-Live' Generation report, exploring the rise of the collaborative economy and our changing consumer behaviours.The spotlight was also on the policy and legislation challenges facing innovators in the peer-to-peer sector, with articles on GigaOm and in SPUR Urbanist magazine. Check out our weekly digest to catch up on these stories - Six Collaborative Consumption Must-Reads

The Collaborative Team
SmarterSF vid
Exploring solutions for how technology makes our cities function better, SF.Citi brought together four of its leading young tech entrepreneurs, including Brian Chesky from Airbnb, to ask their vision for a smarter San Francisco. Check out their thoughts in this video.

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