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寄件人︰ SEE Change Magazine <info@seechangemagazine.com>
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傳送日期︰ 2012年12月4日 (週二) 10:55 PM
主題︰ News from SEE Change Magazine

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SEE Change...As it happens 
December 2012
Dear Houghton,

It's that time of year again. A time filled with celebratory wishes, half-empty glasses of egg nog, missed opportunities under the mistletoe and good ol' fashioned consumerism. The holiday season also brings with it an annual set of resolutions and renewed goals for the upcoming year. For the average entrepreneur, so intimately tied to his enterprise, it's no surprise that business growth takes on a central focus of that goal-setting exercise. And it's no different for social entrepreneurs.

In the spirit of those resolutions, you'll notice the running theme of our December issue is that nebulous, always challenging issue of impact. Whether figuring out ways to sustain it, demonstrate it, grow or measure it, impact is central to the social entrepreneurial vernacular. And success is unattainable without it.

Wishing you and yours a happy, healthy season filled with good cheer, good friends - and impactful interactions.

Find the entire December Issue of SEE Change Magazine online.

In This Issue
Dear Mr. President
Social enterprise check-up
Holiday giveaway!
1% for the Planet
National Call for Social Finance Concepts

Barack Obama Congratulations on a hard-fought race for your second term as president. With your recent victory, I hope you will use your power - as a legislator, but also a bully pulpit - to broaden your agenda and take on some of our society's most pressing issues. And, you have one thing that no other president has ever had - an army of two generations of social entrepreneurs who are fighting every day to change the landscape of education, health care, and workforce development.

Canada Christmas Canada and its social enterprise sector will be in the spotlight next year when the country hosts the 2013 Social Enterprise World Forum in Calgary, October 2-4. As Canada's first and only publication dedicated to social enterprise and entrepreneurship, we thought we'd give you an overview of what's happening with the movement, and where things are heading.

Holly and Ivy
Send your wish for the sector, along with your name and email address to  editor@seechangemagazine.com for your chance to win a $75 gift certificate for Holly & Ivy Natural and Organic Skincare and Cosmetics.

We'll announce the winner of our random draw and share selected social enterprise wishes in our January newsletter.

This email was sent to incubator.hou@gmail.com by info@seechangemagazine.com |  
SEE Change Magazine | Downtown | Toronto | M5B 2H1 | Canada

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