...................................................................................... New Guides for Social Enterprise Business Link have recently published 15 new guides for social enterprises that have been developed in association with Red Ochre. The guides cover everything you need to know about setting up a social enterprise, funding and finance and measuring your social impact. The guides are part of a new business toolkit that will be live early in the New Year. Please click here to read more. Funding & Finance for Social Enterprise  Uday Thakkar, Managing Director of Red Ochre is running four workshops for Business Link. Finance remains a major weakness for most potential and existing social enterprises. Understanding finance and financial management are necessary to demonstrate before attempting to raise funding. This workshop will review finance and financial management and how to use these skills to make funding applications and improve management decisions. The workshop will also look at the different sources of funding available to social entrepreneurs including grant-making trust, government and lottery funding, as well as bank funding, social lenders and other new methods of funding. This workshop has been specifically designed for the social enterprise sector. This event takes place on the following dates: Reserve your place on the following dates: Monday 16 November Wednesday 20 January Tuesday 26 January Thursday 18 February ...................................................................................... Global Entrepreneurship Week - 16th - 22nd November Global Entrepreneurship Week will be held from 16th - 22nd November 2009. It is a worldwide celebration with millions of entrepreneurs revealing their ideas, talents and events. Managing an Ethical Business - 19th November Uday Thakkar, Managing Director of Red Ochre will be running a workshop on 'Managing an Ethical Business' at the British Library Business & IP Centre, for Global Entrepreneurship Week. Price, £10 Global interest in sustainability, green issues and ethical business has been growing for a long time. The current economic crisis is leading even more people to ask whether the only forward is for businesses to become Ethical • What does “Ethical” mean? • What does a budding entrepreneur need to consider before launching a new business? • If you are already in business how do you become more “Ethical”? For more information or to book a place please e-mail anna@redochre.org.uk For more events taking place throughout the week at the British Library please click here. To find out more about the events happening in Global Entrepreneurship week please visit www.lambeth.gov.uk/GEW2009, contact the Business Growth and Enterprise team on 020 7926 2702 or email jkeates@lambeth.gov.uk. Or, of course, contact us at Red Ochre! ...................................................................................... Social Business for Gypsy & Travellers Community - 26th November BTEG and Friends, Families and Travellers (FFT) are working together to raise awareness and promote social business in the Gypsy and Travellers Communities. You will be able to hear from successful social businesses and find out what support is available to set up a social business. Some Guests and other features include... Greg Yates - Clearwater Gypsies Uday Thakkar - Red Ochre Meet other Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Social Business entrepreneurs Ronnie Reeves - Plays traditional Gypsy music Traditional Gypsy wagon on display BOOK ONLINE TODAY! ...................................................................................... Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting Workshop Robert Foster, of Red Ochre will be delivering a half day workshop on monitoring, evaluation and reporting. The session will explore social impact reporting, and proving the efficacy and effectiveness of your orgnsiatino and its activities. The session runs from 10am to 1pm at the Croydon Voluntary Action Resource Centre in West Croydon. Contact Monique Dall’occo at CVA for further details on Monique.Dallocco@cvalive.org.uk or 020-8683-5905. .................................................................... Introduction to Social Enterprise & Legal Structures - 7th December What is Social Enterprise? How do you become a social entrepreneur? Have you got what it takes? If you are starting to establish a Social Enterprise and are looking for a clear understanding of the concept, this workshop is for you. Uday Thakkar, Managing Director of Red Ochre will help you explore the practicalities of starting a social enterprise, and learn about the social entrepreneur's journey with a forward looking prospective. You will acquire an understanding of the different legal structures available to social enterprise and become familiar with the management, governance and funding aspects of each. Time: 10.00 - 16.00 Venue: The British Library Business & IP Centre Price: £50 Inc VAT To book a place please e-mail anna@redochre.org.uk ...................................................................................... Red Ochre Profile Each month we’re going to let you know what one of our Red Ochre team has been up to. This month we feature: Uday Thakkar, Managing Director  Uday averages a 65 hour week – not surprising as he’s in such demand all over the country. Some of his hours have been spent: • Delivering workshops at conferences – eg Footsey 2009 in Doncaster where over 130 people attended his “Social Enterprise Toolkit” and “Governance and Board Development” workshops. • Speaking at conferences – eg Voices4Change on social enterprise and the support available; Charity Finance where, with fellow Red Ochre consultant Martin Cooper spoke on “Transparency”. This is a particular pertinent subject as transparency of expense claims and contracts is increasingly in the national consciousness. • Running Finance and social enterprise workshops – eg a finance workshop for over 40 social entrepreneurs at the Social Enterprise West Midlands’ summer school in Leamington Spa and on social enterprises for local arts groups at the Waterman Centre in Brentford. Uday has also been actively promoting the improvement of financial skills in the sector and ran a number of workshops on financial management and charity accounts for the Directory of Social Change and on “Budgeting” for the Notting Hill Housing Trust. He will be delivering a “Masterclass on Finance for Social Enterprises” for Business Link in London next week. • Consulting – capacity building on the Ready to Grow programme; DTA- funded and Adventure Capital Fund projects - and many more • Writing a Toolkit - working with Business Link in London on the development of a business planning toolkit for social enterprises that should go live by the end of the year. The next few months look equally busy, though he is going to sneak off to the London Jazz Festival when time allows. ...................................................................................... smartResources supported by Red Ochre, a free resource centre for the Third Sector. ...................................................................................... Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/redochreUK ...................................................................................... |  | Other News & Events The Social Investment Business is the largest social investor in the UK. It manages the Futurebuilders Fund, the Communitybuilders Fund, the Modernisation Fund and the Social Enterprise Investment Fund. It brings finance, knowledge and expertise to help third sector organisations thrive – improving infrastructure, increasing capacity, helping them bid for, and win, public service contracts. Foneforsafety - a lifeline for victims of domestic violence The fonesforsafety® project successfully converts used mobile phones into “999 emergency only” specific phone alarms, assigned to those who are affected by domestic violence. Visit their website at www.fonesforsafety.org.uk for more details. Roehampton University offers free courses to help creative industries through recession In a move to help the creative industries in London through the recession, Roehampton University is calling on businesses and individuals to register for its range of free training courses. Roehampton is the only university in the UK offering free courses in this sector. Please click here for more information. The Lambeth Business Travel Network Breakfast Meeting Invite - 12th November The theme for this event will be sustainable driving, they will have presentations from Carbon Heroes about car sharing websites and the Energy Savings Trust on eco-driving. For more information and to register for the event please email travelplans@lambeth.gov.uk or call 020 7926 0686. Business Planning Toolbox - 16th November Anyone can write a business plan, but not many people can write a good one! An effective business plan is one that gets results, whether compiled for internal management use or to raise finance. Click here for more information. Designing Demand: Brand Masterclass - 17th November This workshop will de-mystify branding. Using memorable activities and practical and personal insights. Click here for more information. Find, Pitch & Close: The Art of Securing Investment - 18th November Following the huge success of our seminars around the UK, Doug and the School for Startups team are presenting at The Royal Institution. A must-attend event for any budding entrepreneur, " Find, Pitch & Close: The Art of Securing Investment " is hosted personally by Doug Richard and is a cornerstone of the School for Startups curriculum. Read more... Leading Light - 21st November ‘Leading Light’ is an inspiring one day event that confronts issues of social and general anxiety, low self-esteem and related conditions, with a selection of fun, creative and therapeutic workshops. Please click here for more information. Visit www.leadinglight.org.uk to buy tickets. FREE ‘Enterprising Assets’ workshop - 25th November A workshop on the legal and financial aspects of owning and running a building. For more information please click here. To book please fill out this form and return it to eventbooking@dta.org.uk
Protecting & Profiting From The Intellectual Property In Your Idea - 25 November 09 Whether it's patent, trademark, copyright, registered design or any other form of Intellectual Property, those two small letters "IP" spell out big potential for your future revenues, especially if you are hoping to license your idea to existing market players. Read more... Building an Outstanding Online Brand - 25th November Building an outstanding brand involves commissioning a presence that is properly thought through, from the choice of website address to the profile of clients you seek to attract, and the subsequent online marketing you will engage in. Read more... | |
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