...................................................................................... Upcoming in 2010 for Red Ochre Growing a Successful Social Enterprise - 19th January 2010  | | This must-attend event is for aspiring social/ethical entrepreneurs as well as existing small social/ethical businesses wishing to grow and become more successful and sustainable. The day is hosted by Doug Richard and comprises two main sections, followed by a 1 hour live S4Stv ‘entrepreneurial surgery’. As an attendee you will have the opportunity to interact with Doug and our impressive panel of guest speakers including Uday Thakkar of Red Ochre, Antony Ross of Bridges Ventures, Jonathan Jenkins of UnLtd and Julie Devonshire of ONE. Uday Thakkar, Managing Director of Red Ochre will be doing a joint session with Doug Richards discussing "what type of social entrepreneur are you". Please click here for more information. ...................................................................................... Social Enterprise Workshop - 19th January 2010 Uday Thakkar is running a half day workshop on Social Enterprise at the Imperial College London. Uday ran the same workshop at the beginning of this year, and the students really enjoyed the session. ..................................................................................... | Funding & Finance for Social Enterprise |  | Uday is running three workshops for Business Link in 2010. Finance remains a major weakness for most potential and existing social enterprises. Understanding finance and financial management are necessary to demonstrate before attempting to raise funding. This workshop will review finance and financial management and how to use these skills to make funding applications and improve management decisions. The workshop will also look at the different sources of funding available to social entrepreneurs including grant-making trust, government and lottery funding, as well as bank funding, social lenders and other new methods of funding. This workshop has been specifically designed for the social enterprise sector. This event takes place on the following dates: Reserve your place on the following dates: Wednesday 20 January Tuesday 26 January Thursday 18 February ...................................................................................... Managing an Ethical Business - 3rd February 2010 Global interest in sustainability, green issues and ethical business has been growing for a long time. The current economic crisis is leading even more people to ask whether the only forward is for businesses to become Ethical • What does “Ethical” mean? • What does a budding entrepreneur need to consider before launching a new business? • If you are already in business how do you become more “Ethical”? Uday will look at what Ethical means, examine different business models using case studies and look at practical steps at becoming Ethical. Time: 14.00 - 17.00 Venue: The British Library Business & IP Centre Price: £40 Inc VAT To book a place please e-mail anna@redochre.org.uk .................................................................... City Guides Training Days - 6th February 2010 Penny Daly, Director of Red Ochre will be working with Volunteer Centre, Westminster, in February to train NEETS and unemployed people in the skills of guiding people around London. They will be City Guides helping people at events such as the London Marathon and, ultimately, working at the 1012 Olympics. .................................................................... Ministry of Justice Social Enterprise Conference - 4th March 2010 Promoting understanding social enterprises and raising awareness of opportunities to staff across the criminal justice service. Uday will be running a workshop on BME social enterprises. For more information please click here for the flyer. ......................................................... Introduction to Social Enterprise & Legal Structures - 26th March 2010 What is Social Enterprise? How do you become a social entrepreneur? Have you got what it takes? If you are starting to establish a Social Enterprise and are looking for a clear understanding of the concept, this workshop is for you. Uday Thakkar will help you explore the practicalities of starting a social enterprise, and learn about the social entrepreneur's journey with a forward looking prospective. You will acquire an understanding of the different legal structures available to social enterprise and become familiar with the management, governance and funding aspects of each. Time: 10.00 - 16.00 Venue: The British Library Business & IP Centre Price: £50 Inc VAT To book a place please e-mail anna@redochre.org.uk ...................................................................................... Red Ochre Profile Each month we’re going to let you know what one of our Red Ochre team has been up to. This month we feature: Myself, Anna Turner, Office Co-Ordinator  November was a very busy time for me this year, we had two major events happening one after the other. I am happy to say they were both a success. First of all we held our Red Ochre Annual Partner event. Lots of interesting people came, despite the weather, and enjoyed lively conversations, food and wine AND a relaxing shoulder massage from Dominique Kinara Williams. I was very proud and happy to take part in organising the Aylesbury Arena which is part of the Aylesbury Community Enterprise Project, which took place on the 24th November. All the contestants were such an inspiration on the evening, and it was great to see them win some money and additional 1:1 business support for their businesses. A lot of preparation went into the two events which took up most of my time. I also had to get our November’s newsletter together, update the websites and manage the office! Now the events are over I am still on a high but am concentrating on looking after Uday’s diary, and the office, sending out our Christmas cards. I’m really looking forward to my next big event. I have just completed an Events Management course and I have to hand my assignment in very shortly. Once I have completed it I will be looking forward to Christmas, and the beginning of a new year at Red Ochre. ...................................................................................... smartResources supported by Red Ochre, a free resource centre for the Third Sector. ...................................................................................... Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/redochreUK ...................................................................................... |  | Other News & Events Does your charity or social enterprise need extra business support? CAN Engage matches the skills of corporate executives with the business needs of third sector organisations. The project support is free to third sector organisations but participants must commit to providing feedback and taking part in events with CAN and their corporate partners. For more information please visit www.can-online.org.uk Coin Street Community Builders: supporting a new generation of trusts Consultancy programme manager Coin Street Community Builders is a pioneering social enterprise and development trust which has transformed London South Bank into a great place to live, work & visit. Their consultancy team is now expanding and are seeking a new colleague - please click here for more information. Helping emerging social enterprises deal with commercial challenges: With the support of London Councils, we have applied our knowledge and experience of asset acquisition and management to create a free online toolkit - Blueprints for Enterprise. The toolkit is intended to help social enterprises with specific issues they may face when developing, managing and growing their enterprises. Please click here for more information. Faiths in Action Faiths in Action aims to support faith communities and others to promote understanding, dialogue and develop strong and sustainable partnerships. Faiths in Action is managed by the Community Development Foundation (CDF) on behalf of the Department for Communities and Local Government. They hope to reward grants to organisations and partnerships which will support a wide variety of local activities in a range of community settings. View Scheme. Playback Theatre Training in team building, listening skills and creativity through Playback Theatre. Check out www.playbackschooluk.org or email ukplaybackschool@gmail.com for more information. Studio for Rent Studio/Office space available for friendly and studious individuals or small businesses in London Fields Based in a beautiful renovated 2,500 sq ft print factory. The space is shared by a mix of people working in the creative industries. Current tenants include writers, magazine publishers, graphic designers, web developers and media professionals. Please click here for more information. Social Enterprise Award winners Brighter Future Workshop (BFW), a recycling company that provides training for disabled people, was named Social Enterprise of the Year and won £5,000 at the grand final of the Social Enterprise Awards 2009, held on December 3 at the Royal Institute of British Architects building in London. Please click here for more information. Voice10 - The Social Coalition's Annual Conference Voice10 is the UK's landmark conference for social enterprise. Now in its sixth year, the 2010 event will be hosted in Wales for the first time. For more info please click here. Innovation Action Training - 11 - 12 February 2010 This unique training day offers the chance to learn what it means to be innovative, what holds you back and how to source ideas. Click here for more into. | |
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