"When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world." George Washington CarverWhat is Social Entrepreneurship?Statement of Faith You can find other "Market with Meaning" but you definitely want to see "Profit with Purpose". I personally "Believe in Kingdom Transformation" because I know there is only ONE "Life for Significant". --- 2010年1月5日 星期二,Beyond Profit <adrienne.villani@intellecap.com> 寫道﹕
寄件人: Beyond Profit <adrienne.villani@intellecap.com> 主題: Radar: The Beyond Profit Newsletter 收件人: incubator.hou@gmail.com 日期: 2010年1月5日,星期二,下午7:33 |  | | | | In the Spirit of Partnership and Collaboration Happy New Year from the Beyond Profit Team! We hope you had a wonderful holiday season. This is a time to reflect on the year that has passed and to look forward to what will come, with an emphasis on bettering both your own life and the lives of others. Quite often, I find myself thinking about my favorite part of my job. The work is fascinating. The feeling of being in the right place at the right time is compelling. The intellect and creativity of my coworkers and those by whom I am surrounded in the social enterprise world is stimulating. But what is the most inspiring part? It has to be the spirit of partnership and collaboration within the sector. I think we all feel it. And I think that most of us agree on it. It is palpable. It is in the air.““ These individuals and organizations want to collaborate, not compete. They want to partner. They want to lend each other a helping hand. At Beyond Profit, we hear it all the time. "I am writing this email in the hopes of collaborating." "We'd love to partner with you because it seems that our goals are clearly aligned." "It is so great what you are doing, how can we work together going forward?" These words inspire our work on a daily basis. They make us want to do more. And they make us want to serve.““ | Sankalp Corner: Babajob Babajob.com is a Bangalore-based start up that uses the Internet and mobile technology to connect employers and bottom-of-the-pyramid informal sector workers (i.e. maids, cooks, drivers, etc.). The goal: to create greater market efficiency in the informal sector through a scalable, replicable, and profitable solution. Babajob uses voice and web features such as SMS, automated voice systems, and operator-manned call centers to enable employers and job seekers to find each other. Established in August 2006, Babajob has largely focused on creating an inventory of job seekers through field marketing and delivering matching services to customers. More recently, it has developed content syndication with newspapers and increased its focus on job aggregation and creating partnerships with large telecom companies in the distribution of jobs. View the Babajob video from Sankalp 2009 | Beyond Profit Issue 3: Fresh off the Press We are delighted to bring you the third issue of Beyond Profit, which we are confident will provide new, diverse perspectives. We have great expectations for the year ahead, and we hope that you enjoy our first issue of 2010! Inside, you'll find new models, new ideas, and new insights for change. In our cover story, Blended Value: Weaving Profit into Social Mission through Hybrid Models, we tackle the complex topic of hybrid social enterprise models. Why are they so tricky? It's tough to find the right blend of social and commercial using current legal structures. We also take a look at some emerging philosophies and ideas coming from leaders who spoke at the Opportunity Collaboration in Mexico. Take a look at our Photo Journal for some startling images from visually-impaired photographers. And find out what happened at TED India! And once you've seen the issue, we'd love to hear your opinions. They help us improve. Take a quick feedback survey here or email us at ideas@beyondprofit.com | Where You Can Find Us...  April 26-27, Portland, OR, USA ReVisioning Value 2010: A Conference at the Intersection of Purpose and Profit will bring together leaders from impact investing and social innovation to share how new models for both are increasing the flow of capital to the creation of a more just and sustainable world. Be there to inform and inspire those interested in financing change through social investing, learn how to create new kinds of change organizations, from non-profits to social businesses, and create new tools, formats, and structures for social action.  April 28-30, San Francisco, CA, USA The growth of social enterprise has the potential to be a defining innovation of this century. Don't miss the Social Enterprise World Forum advocating increased social impact through social enterprise. Join over 500 social entrepreneurs in San Francisco to advocate the wider use of social enterprise approaches, to learn, to grow, and to be inspired. | | |  | Beyond Profit, a new social enterprise magazine, presents the stories, people, and ideas behind social ventures by bringing you first-hand insights and expert commentary. | | |  | |  | | You are subscribed as incubator.hou@gmail.com. To unsubscribe please click here.  
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