Women Hold Both Sky and Solutions Review of HALF THE SKY: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide by Sheryl WuDunn and Nicholas Kristof Sheryl WuDunn and Nicholas Kristof's book Half the Sky is an absorbing narrative of stories that are rarely heard: a New Jersey teenager is raising awareness about the status of girls in poor countries, an Afghan schoolteacher is leading a learning insurgency, and a former first lady of Somalia's hospital is saving the lives of mothers in Somaliland. These and other vignettes bring to life the struggles and courage of unforgettable women who are, as the book's subtitle suggests, turning oppression into opportunity. Half the Sky begins by outlining the most egregious ways in which human rights are violated: trafficking and slavery, prostitution, rape and honor killings, and maternal mortality. The authors do not flinch from describing experiences that are horrifying testimony to the deeply rooted gender inequality that persists around the globe. >>Continue reading this review New Social Innovation Conversation Sarah Brown: Lessons on Nonprofit Management Sharing lessons about nonprofit management, CEO Sarah Brown uses her own organization, the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, as a jumping-off point in this University podcast. Brown first discusses statistics and issues surrounding teen pregnancy, as well as recent events that have captured media attention. Addressing a group of Stanford MBA students, she then talks about the nuts and bolts of setting up and sustaining a nonprofit venture. Her advice covers areas such as choosing an issue to focus on, establishing a mission and goals, obtaining and sustaining funding, measuring performance, and managing controversy and other challenges. Brown was invited by the Public Management Program to the Center for Social Innovation at Stanford University to talk about nonprofit management. >>Click here to listen The Latest From the SSIR Blog Amy Sample Ward: Social Media Fundraising: Power of Individuals Last month, I presented at the NCVO Foresight seminar: Changing ICT - what does it mean for your charity with a focus on the future of online revenue generation for nonprofit organizations. What's most interesting to me within the nonprofits-in-social-space is the difference between organization-driven and individual-driven fundraising (and other promotion) campaigns. Social media is a space where the individual reigns, relationships are required, and conversations are public. That's not exactly the way business normally goes down offline. And it has real impact on the way organizations fundraise. >>Continue reading this post | Special Book Offer if You Act Now!
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