"When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world." George Washington CarverWhat is Social Entrepreneurship?Statement of Faith You can find other "Market with Meaning" but you definitely want to see "Profit with Purpose". I personally "Believe in Kingdom Transformation" because I know there is only ONE "Life for Significant". --- 2010年2月8日 星期一,Red Ochre <Red.Ochre@cmp.ctt-news.org> 寫道﹕
寄件人: Red Ochre <Red.Ochre@cmp.ctt-news.org> 主題: Red Ochre's Award Winning Mentoring Programme! 收件人: "incubator.hou@gmail.com" <incubator.hou@gmail.com> 日期: 2010年2月8日,星期一,下午7:52 Cannot read this email, click here. | |  | www.redochre.org.uk |  |  |  | | Red Ochre's Award Winning Mentoring Programme!  Penny Daly of Red Ochre receiving her award from Cllr Colin Barrow CBE, Leader of Westminster City Council Penny, Red Ochre Director, was part of the 2010 Westminster Volunteering Partnership Award winning team for ‘an innovative programme and a sustainable partnership’. As Penny says, ‘The project turned the concept of mentoring on its head!’ Why? Read on! The partnership was between the Department for Transport and Westminster’s Churchill Gardens Estate. Penny worked with them, and Time & Talents Westminster, to design and deliver a mentoring project for unemployed residents from the Churchill Gardens Estate, Pimlico. Characteristically, a mentor is seen as ‘an accomplished, more experienced person who acts in the role of trusted advisor’. Classically the benefit in the relationship lies with the mentee. In this case, however, the pilot project revealed some fascinating insights. Unlike most mentoring schemes, the mentors benefited as much (if not more) than the mentees. The mentors were a group of DfT fast-track graduates; they were action-orientated, fast-moving and highly qualified young people with relatively little work experience. The mentees generally were older, some had 25 years of work experience, all were unemployed and struggling to find jobs. The purpose of the project was to give them the skills and confidence they needed in writing cv’s, completing application forms and attending interviews. The successful 6 month project resulted in over 50% of the mentees finding paid employment. The remainder have gained in self confidence and seen that progression is possible; they largely remain actively looking for work. And for the mentors? They have gained soft skills they would have taken years to acquire. They have had to communicate and ‘manage’ an older and more experienced person, guide without pushing, support without propping, show patience and humility, listen before leaping into action, be responsible for another’s development – all qualities and skills needed in a leader. They also learnt about life beyond the privileged offices of the Civil Service. They gained all this in a short time and at very little expense to the DfT. So a mentoring programme with a difference – and well deserving of its award! Penny is currently supporting other mentoring programmes – the Capacity Builders Mentoring Programme (Community Alliance), Cardinal Hume Centre, FreshIdeas Events (for business women) and others. Please contact Penny at penny@redochre.org.uk if you would like to know more. | |  | © © Red Ochre 2010 - www.redochre.org.uk 1 London Bridge, Downstream Building London, SE1 9BG | | |
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