"When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world." George Washington CarverWhat is Social Entrepreneurship?Statement of Faith You can find other "Market with Meaning" but you definitely want to see "Profit with Purpose". I personally "Believe in Kingdom Transformation" because I know there is only ONE "Life for Significant". --- 2010年4月28日 星期三,HeroRATs <herorats@herorat.org> 寫道﹕
寄件人: HeroRATs <herorats@herorat.org> 主題: April HeroRATs newsletter 收件人: incubator.hou@gmail.com 日期: 2010年4月28日,星期三,下午9:57 If you're having trouble viewing this email, you may see it online. |  | Check out the brand new HeroRAT website! Find out more about the work we do, and why we do it The HeroRATs featured in The Economist on YouTube this month! UNICRI's latest Freedom From Fear magazine includes an article on APOPO's landmine detection work 250,000 people viewed the BBC online article about the HeroRATs, which followed the BBC special, Alvin's Guide to Good Business | APRIL 2010 IN THIS MONTH'S NEWSLETTER: Greetings friends, Welcome to the new-look HeroRATs e-newsletter! We hope you’ll enjoy it, and don’t forget to save us to your list of email contacts for future mailings. The month of April kicked off to a great start with International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action and World Rat Day, both taking place simultaneously on Sunday 4 April. Here’s all the latest news in communications from HeroRATs Headquarters… A brand new HeroRAT website The HeroRATs team has been busy launching our brand new website! Check it out at www.herorat.org. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us at herorats@herorat.org. We welcome your suggestions! Coming soon: The new membership section of the website will be up and running shortly! For those of you who have adopted a HeroRAT, you’ll receive login details so you can sign in and check on your chosen rat’s progress, as well as see pics of your rat at work. HeroRATs & Bart Weetjens feature in The Economist This month, The Economist featured a special on the HeroRATs – a montage of images of our heroes in action. The video is part of a series The Economist is producing each month using still images and a commentary soundtrack; April’s edition included APOPO’s HeroRATs. Bart Weetjens tells the story of our history and our work over the beautiful images and graphics. We are grateful to The Economist for sharing our work with their readership and hope it serves to inform people of where we came from, what we’ve accomplished so far, and where we hope to go. APOPO article on landmine detection published in latest edition of UNICRI’s Freedom From Fear Magazine APOPO was published in the latest edition of the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute’s (UNICRI) quarterly magazine, Freedom from Fear. This edition was focused on the environment and is available on UNICRI’s website. It is also distributed electronically to thousands of people. APOPO’s article is focused on training rats for landmine detection. “Although most people view rats as ‘bad animals’ that carry diseases and destroy property, APOPO calls its animals ‘HeroRATs’ for the valuable humanitarian service they perform.” BBC special: thanks for watching, blogging & tweeting! Last month’s BBC special about APOPO, Alvin’s Guide to Good Business, helped to raise awareness about the HeroRATs’ important work in landmine detection and tuberculosis screening. We wanted to send a massive thank you to everyone who watched the special, shared the link, helped by spreading the word to friends or colleagues, made a donation to the cause, or adopted a HeroRAT. Your contribution ensures our HeroRATs can continue to help sniffing out solutions to global problems! Thank you. If you missed out on the special, or know someone who might be interested, you can still view it here. Current and Upcoming Events – Skoll World Forum, World Economic Forum on Africa, Young Global Leaders Summit APOPO founder Bart Weetjens and CEO Christophe Cox headed to Oxford, UK, to represent the HeroRATs at the Skoll World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship from 14 – 16 April. This year’s forum was all about ‘catalysing collaboration for large scale change’. Look out for an update on their participation in next month’s e-newsletter! Also coming up soon (5 – 7 May) is the 20th World Economic Forum on Africa, being held for the first time in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The Forum’s Young Global Leaders Summit will take place simultaneously, bringing together 200 exceptional young leaders from all corners of the globe, committed to shaping the global future. APOPO will be present for both gatherings and looks forward to sharing a bit of Tanzania with the participants. More on both events next month! Friend us on Facebook & follow our rat-tweets Thanks so much for your interest in our work! Warm regards, The HeroRATs team | | | | APOPO-SUA, PO Box 3078, Morogoro, Tanzania HeroRAT is a campaign of APOPO  For more information please see www.herorat.org or contact us at herorats@herorat.org This email was sent to incubator.hou@gmail.com. To ensure that you continue receiving our emails, please add us to your address book or safe list. manage your preferences | opt out using TrueRemove™ Got this as a forward? Sign up to receive our future emails.  EmailNow powered by Emma |
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