Dear friend,
The Drucker Institute at Claremont Graduate University today added a new topic to Drucker Apps, an ongoing conversation about bettering society through effective management and responsible leadership.
This latest addition to Drucker Apps springs off the new law in Arizona that’s aimed at cracking down on illegal immigration.
Taking part in this running dialogue will be Tomás Jiménez, author of Replenished Ethnicity: Mexican Americans, Immigration, and Identity; John Schmitt, co-author of Low Wage Work in the Wealthy World; and a young undocumented woman from Ecuador.
As with every installment of Drucker Apps, this online dialogue is informed by the words of Peter F. Drucker, the father of modern management. In this way, Drucker Apps ties the timeless wisdom of one of the great thinkers and writers of the 20th century to the hottest issues of today, all delivered by the latest in 21st-century technology.
“To prevent immigration pressure is. . .very much like preventing the law of gravity,” Drucker wrote in his 1999 book Management Challenges for the 21st Century.
We invite you to join our Drucker Apps conversation about the issue of immigration. We open things up with this question: Should we focus on trying to prevent the undocumented from living in the U.S.? Or should we concentrate on making sure that everyone who is here, regardless of status, becomes as productive as possible? To participate, please visit: apps.druckerinstitute.com.

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