"When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world." George Washington CarverWhat is Social Entrepreneurship?Statement of Faith You can find other "Market with Meaning" but you definitely want to see "Profit with Purpose". I personally "Believe in Kingdom Transformation" because I know there is only ONE "Life for Significant". --- 2010年7月8日 星期四,ClearlySo <newsletter@clearlyso.com> 寫道﹕
寄件人: ClearlySo <newsletter@clearlyso.com> 主題: News from ClearlySo 收件人: incubator.hou@gmail.com 日期: 2010年7月8日,星期四,下午3:50 You're receiving this email because you are subscribed to receive social business updates from ClearlySo. You may unsubscribe if you no longer wish to receive our emails. ClearlySo newsletter July 2010 | Keeping you informed about the social business and enterprise sector, and ClearlySo's progress. | Dear Houghton, As the old song goes: the times they are a-changing, and that's the case here at ClearlySo. We have a new office and some brand new team members to boot - exciting times indeed. Here's what we have for you this week: - ClearlySo Social Business Conference
- Best of the blogs
- The big move
- Featured ClearlySo member
- What's been happening in the world of social enterprise?
Read on and enjoy! Tom and the ClearlySo team P.S. Please forward this to anyone you think would be interested, and help us raise the profile of our member businesses.  |
ClearlySo Social Business Conference
| The countdown continues to the Clearlyso Social Business Conference. Held at LSO St Luke's in London Old Street, this brings together a host of investors, entrepreneurs, suppliers and pioneers within the social enterprise sector. It's a chance to network and gain some valuable inspiration from some of the biggest names in the social enterprise sector. This year's theme is: 'Back to basics - getting the fundamentals right'. As usual the event will consist of a number of top notch speakers delivering the very best advice, hints and tips. We have an early bird discount available, so why not visit our site to find out more? |
| | The big move
| They say one of the most stressful experiences in life is moving house and if that's true then we've got off lightly. Barring a few minor glitches, our move from Archway to Old Street passed off without too much drama. This is quickly becoming a hive of social enterprise activity - so it's great to be right in the centre of the action.As well as a new location we also welcome a number of fresh faces here at ClearlySo. No sooner have we lost one excellent intern in the shape of Thomas Deniaud, who wings his way back to France, than we welcome the next generation. So it's a big ClearlySo welcome to Beatrice Schofield and Whitney Mcwade who are just finding their way in the big wonderful world that is ClearlySo. If you're interested in finding out more about the ClearlySo internship program, click here. |
Best of the blogs
| With ClearlySo founder Rodney Schwartz lobbing another hand grenade in the direction of the social enterprise industry it's been another busy week on our blog. Here are some of the highlights:
- Should social enterprises stop lobbying for government funding? Rodney Schwartz argues the time has come for our sector to stand on its own two feet
- Generating lasting social good. How one company is seeking to radically increase the amount of money available for regeneration schemes
- MPs back calls for an ethical stance on pensions
Featured social enterprise
| Delving into the very depths of the alphabetical hinterland we take a closer look at community interescompany Zaytoun. Founded in 2004 the aim of this fantastic organisation is to create a market in the UK for artisan Palestinian produce. In doing so it not only provides a much needed economic benefit for the region, but also highlights the story of the Palestinian people among British audiences. It has a number of stalls around the country on which it is possible to buy the produce it brings in. For more information, click here. If you're interested in joining ClearlySo, why not visit our website for more information? Members receive a range of fantastic benefits such as: - Access to new revenue streams
- Opportunity to raise profile to an audience of opinion formers, journalists, investors and the government
- Find the right staff with our jobs board
- Access information and resources
Monthly milestones: A social hotel
| There are all sorts of exciting things happening in the world of social enterprise. Here's our pick of the most interesting stories of the last two weeks.
- A UK first: a social enterprise hotel. A great new innovation planned for the Highlands.
- Is social enterprise about to take wing?
- Charity supporters favour ethical investments.
| Job hunting
| ClearlySo is recruiting! We're looking for a new experienced Web Manager to help take our web presence onto the next level. So, if you have experience of managing websites and are passionate about social enterprise, visit our jobs board to find out more. We have a range of vacancies on our jobs pages, so if you're looking for the next step in your career why not browse our listings to see what's on offer. |
Featured term on the glossary: Carbon offsetting
| The counter balancing of carbon emissions through the purchase of a carbon credit or offset from specialised intermediary companies who generate offsets by various means, such as planting trees or investing in renewable energy. Such intermediary companies have been a challenge to regulate as it is difficult to tell whether they are indeed offsetting effectively. 
That's all for now. Have a great month. In the mean time, do check up on www.clearlyso.com for all the latest developments in the world of social enterprise. Sincerely, Tom Cropper ClearlySo |
| | | | | ClearlySo | 25 Bickerton Road | London | N19 5JT | null |
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