"When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world." George Washington CarverWhat is Social Entrepreneurship?Statement of Faith You can find other "Market with Meaning" but you definitely want to see "Profit with Purpose". I personally "Believe in Kingdom Transformation" because I know there is only ONE "Life for Significant". --- 2010年8月20日 星期五,Social Venture Network <craigr@svn.org> 寫道﹕
寄件人: Social Venture Network <craigr@svn.org> 主題: August 2010 SVN Networker 收件人: incubator.hou@gmail.com 日期: 2010年8月20日,星期五,上午5:56
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| Dear Friends,Our 2010 Fall Invitational is attracting innovative entrepreneurs from across the country and around the globe, and we hope you'll be there to join us, October 21 - 24 in Long Branch, New Jersey. Recently confirmed speakers include Jonathan Rose, Nell Merlino, Jackie Savitz, Tom Horton and Natalia Allen, as well as our 2010 Innovation Award Winners: Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, Nikhil Arora & Alex Velez, Tevis Howard, Danny Kennedy, and Jessamyn Waldman. See www.svn.org/fall2010 for our full line-up of speakers and more information about the conference. We also hope to see you at upcoming SVN local gatherings in New York, Napa and San Francisco. Raphael Bemporad, Josh Mailman and Mirran Raphaely will be co-hosting the NY event at the BBMG office on September 14th; John Heymann will be hosting the Napa event at his home on September 26th; and Marc Lesser and Hanson Bridgett will be co-hosting the San Francisco event at the Hanson Bridgett office on September 30th. See below for details. I'm very happy to announce that Karl Carter, Jay Coen Gilbert, Joe Glorfield, Heather Hiles, MaryAnne Howland and Don Shaffer will be serving on SVN's Board of Directors for another two years. (Click here for a complete list of SVN's Board of Directors.) We recently returned from our annual board retreat, where we mapped out ways to become a more effective bridging organization and strengthen our culture of mutual support. With our 25th anniversary on the horizon, it's an exciting time to take stock of SVN's history and collaborate to expand our impact. Thank you for supporting SVN -- and for all you do to create a just and sustainable economy.
Deb Nelson Executive Director
| August 2010

| Members in Action
Josh Knauer Tapped for President's Science & Technology CouncilSVN member Josh Knauer, CEO of Rhiza Labs, has been appointed to a working group of President Obama's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. Josh will use his expertise in conservation issues and data management to help the Working Group on Biodiversity Preservation and Ecosystem Sustainability identify research priorities and best practices in data management. Josh is also leading an initiative to deliver recommendations for standardizing how open data can be defined, collected and published by federal agencies. Have any recommendations for Josh? Leave a comment on his blog with your thoughts. Download the full press release here. Lucid Snags $1 Million Department of Energy GrantLucid Energy Technologies, led by SVN member Tim Braun, has recently received a $1,000,000 dollar grant award from the U.S. Department of Energy to further develop and commercialize its innovative water turbine, the Northwest PowerPipe. The Northwest PowerPipe uses a novel spherical turbine to capture energy from water flowing through existing pipes. The funds from the DOE's Small Business Innovation Research Phase II grant program will help Lucid bring this innovation to the marketplace, potentially generating millions of kilowatt-hours of electricity from a previously untapped source of energy. Click here for the full press release. Chid Liberty Talks to CNN and PRI about Business in LiberiaSVN Member Chid Liberty was recently featured on CNN and Public Radio International in segments highlighting how Liberia, where Chid was born, is recovering from decades of civil war with innovative businesses offering good work. Chid, founder and CEO of Sustainable Global Sourcing, is manager of a t-shirt factory in Monrovia, Liberia. Profits from the factory are put into a fund and employees "decide where that money goes in terms of building schools, roads, health clinics in their communities," Chid explains. Click here to see the full stories. Rebuild Resources on CBS NewsRebuild Resources, led by SVN member Kevin Lynch, was recently profiled by WCCO TV, a CBS affiliate. The deeply personal piece tells Kevin's own story of combating addiction and how it led him to create Rebuild to help those with similar problems but fewer opportunities. "We view the job itself as the best training," Kevin explained to TV anchor Don Shelby at his St. Louis factory. The company offers recovering alcoholics and addicts a recovery-laden, Twelve-Step environment where addiction is seen with compassion, but not illusion. Rebuild Resources has graduated nearly 1,000 individuals. Click here to watch the news segment. Ed West and His Stealthy Electric MotorcycleSVN member Ed West graced the cover of the August issue of Sustainable Industries. The cover story focuses on the "Stealth Superstars" of the startup world, and Ed discusses the pros and cons of operating a startup in "stealth mode." Ed's company, Mission Motors, worked down low for years, developing and fine-tuning its flagship product - an all-electric motorcycle dubbed "the Mission One." The clandestine launch strategy paid off when Mission Motors drove its superbike onto the 2009 TED stage for its grand reveal. "It enabled us to attract customers and start to create an extraordinary brand presence," Ed tells Sustainable Industries. Click here to read the full article. Mike Lapham Tells NPR "Tax Me More"The infamous Bush-era tax cuts are due to expire this year. While Obama wants to extend some of those cuts, he does support letting them expire for individuals earning over $200,000. Critics claim that the super-rich are the engine of our economy and need to be taxed less, for the good of all, but others say that that is simply false. SVN member Mike Lapham took to the airwaves to speak with Robin Young of NPR's "Here & Now" to explain why we need to tax the rich more. Mike is director of United for a Fair Economy's Responsible Wealth project which has signed many high net worth individuals to its Fair Tax Pledge. Click here to listen to the interview. |
Network Updates Fall 2010 Invitational Registration is OPEN! Our Fall Invitational will bring together a vibrant community of social entrepreneurs to explore new ways to create a just economy, strengthen our collective impact, and share resources and experiences in leading sustainable enterprises to build the bridge from passion to action. We invite you to share your ideas and gain insights and support from fellow entrepreneurs. Refer a first-time attendee and you'll save $150 off your own registration. Click here to learn more and register. SVN Local Gatherings: New York City, Napa & San Francisco
- Brooklyn, New York - Tuesday, September 14th
- Napa, California - Sunday, September 26th
- San Francisco, California - Thursday, September 30th
Local Gatherings are a benefit of SVN membership and are generously supported by SVN sponsor RSF Social Finance. SVN Board ElectionsElections for SVN's Board of Directors have closed and we are proud to announce the following board members will be returning to serve for another two-year term: "SVN: Sparking Collaboration, Innovation and Growth" - Annual Stakeholder ReportSVN's annual stakeholder report highlights some recent member collaborations that have been catalyzed by SVN. From working with Vancouver's mayor to makeover a city to connecting South America artisans to U.S. consumers, our members are constantly innovating and creating new businesses. You may also view and download the stakeholder report on our website here. | Welcome New Members The following organizations have had members join SVN since last month's Networker. To learn more about applying for membership in SVN, please visit www.svn.org/membership. |
Hollyhock Social Venture Institute
September 15-19, 2010 Cortes Island, British Columbia Join business leaders and social entrepreneurs for an intensive, interactive inquiry into how to face the day-to-day challenges of running a socially conscious enterprise at the Social Venture Institute. The course will allow you to share innovative ideas, get direct feedback for current business challenges, and hear inspiring "True Confessions" from experienced leaders. Click here to learn more and register. Hanson Bridgett's Sustainable Business Leadership Forum: Power of Technology for Good
September 16, 2010 San Francisco, California
Social media is a proven, powerful tool for branding and marketing, employee engagement, innovation, customer loyalty and fundraising. We're just starting to see its potential to do much more. Come to Hanson Bridgett's Forum to hear experts from Yahoo!, Gap Inc. and the Haas School of Business discuss the challenges and opportunities associated with social media platforms, and engage with fellow attendees, including Hanson Bridgett attorneys, about how the legal landscape has evolved in response to these new mediums. Click here to learn more. SJF Summit on the New Green EconomySeptember 14-15, 2010 Durham, North Carolina Register now for SJF's second annual Summit on the New Green Economy: Accelerating Growth and Impact. The SJF Summit will be a dynamic gathering of entrepreneurs, investors, government and community leaders sharing inspiring successes & practical tools and exploring strategic partnerships to build the green economy with opportunities for all. The event will feature keynotes from Bruce Usher, former CEO of carbon trading firm EcoSecurities, and David Orr, distinguished professor at Oberlin College describing the innovative Oberlin green economy initiative, as well as many more. There will also be a Cleantech CEO panel and concurrent sessions on the latest in cleantech investing, emerging capital market innovations, green jobs and green economic development strategies, and carbon markets. Register now. Criterion Lab Structure Lab September 23, 2010 San F |
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