......................................................... Red Ochre has moved offices! We are now based at CAN Mezzanine in Old Street. Please update your records and use the details below. Red Ochre CAN Mezzanine 49 - 51 East Road London N1 6AH Our new contact number is 020 7250 8305. ......................................................... Social Enterprise and Commissioners: a Partnership for the Future? - 17th September 2010 This FREE half day conference will be an opportunity for established social entrepreneurs and commissioners to meet face-to-face and better understand each other’s requirements, priorities and challenges. There will also be a strong focus on the recent changes in the commissioning landscape and how this affects both social enterprises and those who commission them. Social Entrepreneurs who have won contracts in the public and private sectors will be sharing their journeys and discussing what barriers they overcame to access the contracts. Commissioners from a range of sectors (NHS, Local Authority, Youth Services) will talk about their requirements, their experience of dealing with social enterprises and about how to become a fit for purpose supplier. Experienced facilitators will run break out sessions around specific topics, including how to access contracts opportunities and how to overcome the main challenges facing social enterprise. To book your place, please visit http://socialenterpriseandcommissioners.eventbrite.com. ......................................................... Uday Thakkar: Strategy needs to encompass change In this month’s Third Sector Magazine, Uday gives his view on how organisations can not only be aware of the changing environment in which they operate, but also predict changes and react quickly and appropriately to external forces. For the full article, please click here. ......................................................... Crowd-funding platform Buzzbank launches this month  Buzzbank is the first UK-based online platform to connect social ventures looking for start-up or growth capital with like-minded people keen to fund with small amounts of money, leveraging the crowd-funding techniques and the power of social networking. Red Ochre is delighted to be collaborating with Buzzbank to support the development of UK social ventures. Buzzbank backers support the ventures they like by pledging money and/or time and carrying the message through to their own social networks and communities. Curious? Visit buzzbank.org for more information ......................................................... SEnergy Video Robert Foster, co-Founder of Red Ochre was interviewed by the Center for Social Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy (CSEP) at the National University of Singapore. He shares his thoughts with other social enterprise practitioners on a range of topics including the value of networks. Click here to hear his melodic voice. ......................................................... Answer our survey and win a free consultation with Red Ochre!  To help us to improve our services and understand our impact – we have set up two surveys to find out what you think about Red Ochre. Have you ever commissioned our services, been a customer of ours or been a client through Ready to Grow or ACE? Please fill out this survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/redochrecustomersurvey Have you worked with us in other ways, been to an event or training we’ve run or are simply a person interested in Red Ochre? Please fill out this survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/redochrestakeholdersurvey The surveys can be answered anonymously but if you want to enter your contact details, we will enter you into the prize draw. Whether it is practical advice, guidance or just someone to talk over an idea - we will offer you a free one hour consultation at Red Ochre's offices with one of our senior consultants. Alternatively, you can get a free place on one of our training workshops, subject to availability. So do please fill in the survey, be honest and open and help us to be better. Thank you. ........................................................ UpRise: London United Against Racism 2010  Following the withdrawal of funding for Rise, London’s (and Europe’s biggest) anti-racism festival, three social enterprises are working on a campaign to take on the spirit and ideals of Rise and launched UpRise. UpRise will continue the legacy of Rise Festival and has already gained support from many high-profile organisations and individuals… but they are still looking for sponsors and supporters to make it happen! UpRise will take place on 3-10-10 at Finsbury Park. Visit uprise.org.uk for more details and to support the event. ........................................................ ACE star Makes her Mark Ethical fashion company Fair Enough Stuff, a participant in last years Red Ochre programme ACE social enterprise course, last week reached the final of the Enterprise UK 'Make Your Mark in the Markets' competition. The UK wide competition had a record number of applicants and offered the successful 90 shortlisted candidates the opportunity to trade at a market for up to 10 days and free membership of the National Market Traders Federation. Fair Enough Stuff, who sell a range of baby clothing, homewear and womens' clothes, all sourced ethically and sold online and at festivals and markets throughout London, traded for at the Old Spitalfields Market in London during July and secured a place in the final of the competition. Fourteen businesses went through to the final, seven start ups and seven established businesses. 'We are so please that Enterprise UK chose Fair Enough Stuff to be in the final of this competition,' said Hannah Ladkin, founder of Fair Enough Stuff. 'Since taking part in the ACE course last year Fair Enough Stuff has grown dramatically, we have a new website, new suppliers and have attended a number of festivals and fairs across London. This is just the beginning and having been given the opportunity from Enterprise UK to trade at Spitalfields we hope to increase the number of markets we attend and take our products to a wider audience. It's been great being part of this competition as out on the market stall you get a chance to talk directly to the people who are buying your products and the feedback helps us get a better understanding of what our customers want' Fair Enough Stuff products can be found online at www.fairenoughstuff.co.uk ......................................................... Upcoming workshop Funding & Finance for Social Enterprise Finance remains a major weakness for most potential and existing social enterprises. Understanding finance and financial management are necessary to demonstrate before attempting to raise funding. This workshop will review finance and financial management and how to use these skills to make funding applications and improve management decisions. The workshop will also look at the different sources of funding available to social entrepreneurs including grant-making trust, government and lottery funding, as well as bank funding, social lenders and other new methods of funding. This workshop has been specifically designed for the social enterprise sector and takes place on the 16th November, and the 7th December. To join the facilitator, Uday Thakkar, on any of the above dates please contact the call centre on 0845 6000 787 to book yourself a place. ......................................................... Red Ochre Profile Martin Cooper How do you think and feel about your social impact? Martin is an experienced researcher, evaluator, trainer and tea-maker. He has worked with a wide range of third sector organisations and projects on understanding and measuring effectiveness and impact; or as he sees it – getting to the heart of the matter. There are three main areas to Martin’s work – all tend to be around understanding and measuring the effectiveness and impact. · The first main area of work is evaluations, research or support for organisations who want to know what the impact of a project or their whole organisation is. · The second is working with individual social entrepreneurs or team members on the same thing. What is the truth of what they do and how can they improve it? · Then there are talks, conferences and thinking about this sort of stuff and how it ties in with the other work we do. Most recently, Martin has been working on writing a new social impact handbook for West Sussex County Council. Amongst other projects, whilst at Red Ochre he has also: · Worked on an evaluation of the Young Foundation initiative, Learning Launchpad. · Used a reflective workshop (Look Back Move Forward) to research and written case studies of ten community empowerment projects for East of England Development Agency (Inspire East). · Worked with the volunteering charity, Timebank on invigorating and improving their staff’s ability to understand and measure their impact – an area which is often tricky for many of us. Martin has trained many individuals and organisations in social impact and given talks at conferences, most recently at Charity Finance Live. He has written a number of booklets and articles. For Social Enterprise magazine on Truth as well as book two of the nef publication, Proving and Improving: a quality and impact toolkit for social enterprise, also managing its development into an interactive website. Outside of work, social businesses Martin is enjoying include trainers from Jinga, a new yoga festival and foundation that brings yoga to underserved communities and The Great British Beer Festival. fontfontfontfont |
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